I'm not sure if you are bothered by guys likeing anal, or by the fact that guys don't like you doing anal on them. Personally, I think we like anal for a few different reasons.
1. It is the forbidden zone. We are supposed to want to go there, so of course we want to.
2. Once we do get there.it feels incredible. It is so tight and snug, it just cradles that intimate part of us in a way that nothing else does. A woman can really tease a guy when he is back there.
3. It is variety and naughty. Straight sex can get boring, so sometimes you want to have your girl play that nasty girl with no limitations. Being able to pull her hair, slap her butt, and call her a filthy whore. You want that wild side. Anal sex seems to bring that out in both people.
I love anal sex. It drives me wild. But to be honest, I love the thought of a woman teasing my backside too. But most women aren't as eager as you seem to be. Fingering is usually pushing it, but if you ask a woman to put her tongue back there, you might just end up sleeping on the couch.1 2 1 0I didn't know guys liked anal that much. I most certainly don't! Personally, I can't see anyone being interested in that other than guys that aren't any good at the normal sexual things that normal couples like nor can get aroused at normal things. I'd say that's pretty sick. I mean, let's face it, a person takes a crap there plus most girls complain about the pain when a guy tries to go there. So why start acting all excited like it's such a sexual fun thing to do? Did you say, "lick it?" Talk about guys being desperate. So you're right. What's up with that?
2 0 0 0I never let anyone do that to me...never!! that's getting pretty desperate and if a guy wanted to do that with me I'd dump him!.
@cuteflirtygirl You guys wouldn't believe what comes ouf of the front of a girl too! It's all gross! But we shower, clean up and use maturity to look past it, and it feels amazing, with no risk of pregnancy. It's not desperate, except for a guy being desperate to show he can love me in my most intimate place without being forceful, and that he's made me trust him enough in our relationship to let him in there in the first place at all. Only the best guys get in there!
Most Helpful Girl
cuz guys were taught that anal on guys = they're gay and they're terrified of being labelled in this homophobic society. this seems to chill out a bit once they get into their late 20s and start realizing their own identities instead of worrying what other people think.
Gay and straight are labels, who cares, do and love whoever you want without hurting others, and stop worrying about it. You might miss out on life in the meantime!0 1 0 0Can you really call them labels if there's *scientific terminology* based on them?
@Skadouchebag anal doesn't make you gay. being in a relationship with the same sex might make you gay, unless you also frequently date the other sex, then you're bi. And once everyone else has decided what to call you, you have a label on you. And then what? You dont get good seating at restaurants? Who cares?
well yes, anal in fact does not make you gay. I was referring to the very existence of the homo/hetero/bi/a sexuality chart. *that* is a scientific fact. it's actually very similar to the blood type diagram when you think about it.
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0 1Because it's thighter; not to mention all the sexy moans/screams that goes along with it !
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