No. Some animals work kind of like that but not people. Men ejaculate many sperm each time they orgasm, but women do not drop eggs when they orgasm. A woman's egg dropping happens once a month on a monthly cycle, regardless of having an orgasm or not having an orgasm. Also it drops into her uterus from her ovaries, not from her uterus. The cycle goes from the end of her period to the beginning of her next period. A cycle is usually 28-32 days but it is different for each woman and some are longer or shorter.
0 0 0 0LOL. Total facepalm at this question.
1) Women 'release' eggs from ovaries, not the uterus.
2) There is no relation between female orgasm, be it from intercourse, or masturbation, and fertility.
3) One egg is released from the ovaries during ovulation, so once a month.1 0 0 0there's a slight relation to fertility. the cervix opens much wider at the point of orgasm. so a woman who orgasms during sex has a better chance of getting pregnant since a higher amount of sperm makes it through.
@thewanderingme perhaps but no relation to our own fertility, like guys releasing more sperm via ejaculation. Eggs don't 'drop' through the cervix or anything.
I was only commenting on your second point. while it doesn't change a woman's fertility it definitely increases the odds of pregnant quite a bit
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(12)First off eggs come from your ovaries. The process is called ovulation. Most women ovulate 7-10 days after their period. The egg then makes it way down the Fallopian tubes and into the uterus. When you masturbate or orgasm it doesn't really effect the egg. When they say it's a cycle it truly is. Unlike men who produce sperm all the time we're born with all the eggs we'll ever need
1 0 0 0Someone hasn't taken health class yet...
Her egg also known as ovary is dropped during her period also known as menstrul cycle. It's the female body's way of cleaning it self and by the end of it a new egg will have replaced the old one and then repeat.1 0 0 0Thanks for answering. I took health class and I had a guy teacher and he didn't really go into any of that stuff. So I figure if I'm not going to learn something from a teacher that won't teacher then I can ask questions here. You guys seem to be better than him at answering my questions.
Wow... Like I don't want to get him fired or anything but honestly he can't deprive you guys of that knowledge just because he feels uneasy. He needs a different field or you guys need a female teacher. You should tell your parents about this or your principle because without knowing things like teens go through changes and wonder what's wrong with them and start to have unprotected sex.
Then I got a different teacher and he was talking about everything but I had some questions and I didn't want to ask him. So I came on here.
An orgasm is just a bunch of uncontrollable muscle spasms and a release of hormones in your brain.
0 0 0 0No. Her cycle has nothing to do with her orgasms. A woman ovulates and drops her egg on a typically fixed cycle, there's fluctuation for every woman on the length of her cycle, that is not tied to sexual activity.
0 0 0 0To answer both questions yes and no.
0 0 0 0ooooh, hun, she's under 18 so she has an excuse. you really should research some sex ed.
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