When I'm naked my boyfriend has a boner every time I am. . .what's the limit?

and also he'll come close behind to poke me. yet we're both saving our virginity till marriage...we're both really passionate. what is the limit on how 'passionate' you would be if you're both religious? I'm turned on by him being 'horny' or getting excited when he sees me like this when we're intimate...what would or should be the limit though?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • In my opinion if you love each other then you're good. Think that the bible was written thousand of years ago where people would marry little girls. Old dudes with little girls yes girls prob 13 and 14 year old girls with 45 year old men. So obviously by the time they entered that age where girls get horny they were already married. They would have kids immediately so probably never actually had a nice passionate fun sex life. Now that I've said that, if you already promised your love to each other and in your heart you are already married then what does it matter a piece of paper? but I also think that what your doing right now is not very different than having his shlong inside of you. So pretty much just do what you feel its okay and if you are afraid you're gonna take it too far and then trying to come with a technical excuse for it then don't even put yourself in situations that are gonna make both of you think with your hormones and not with your senses.

    • Thanks for best answer

  • just f*** him

    god is b*llsh*t believe me

    If there is a god, he would care about YOUR happiness and he wouldn't care about your f*cing virginity you know, there are way more important things like vigrinity

    it's more important to not marry too fast and marry someone you truly love, than f*cking someone before you het f*cking married. I mean, maybe you will never get married.

    God does not give a sh*t if you f*** or not, all he (would) care about is if you are a good, sweet, loving, caring, kind person. So focus on that instead of sex, and you seem like a sweet girl!

  • The limit is for you to decide, it's your religious beliefs, it's your choice to how you want to interpret them. I would say, as long as there is no intercourse, you can remain true to your religious beliefs. I believe you have to be passionate about your love with someone if you ever plan on getting married. It's okay to express your intimacy and explore hormones.

Most Helpful Guys

  • If you been together a long time and are in a committed solo relationship, it might be okay to run the bases through mutual oral sex (young love) but hold intercourse for your wedding night. Christian bible is very clear about fornication which is sexual intercourse but it is mute on "young love" and masturbation. What you do here is a matter between you your lover and G0d.

    • So.. oral is okay but vaginal intercourse isn't? mm Ok. How about anal sex? Did god say anything about anal? That should be OK, right? Well maybe not, since it's penetration... mm. Well then maybe blowjobs are out too, since that's penetration. My conclusion is, the be a good christian girl, you can let your boyfriend go down on you, but when you give him a "blowjob", make sure you don't put it in your mouth. just lick it.

  • i think you're kinda defeating the purpose when you do stuff like that if you're trying to stay pure until marriage. you mean like he's grinding his dong against you when you're naked together? not really sure what you mean when you say "intimate". it sounds kinda like you're doing JUST enough not to cross that line where you go all the way

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  • ummm...doesn't it defeat the purpose of abstinence if you're going to be naked in front of each other? that's like being on a strict diet and sitting in a room full of sugared goodies and not expecting to feel tempted.

    • I agree. But it depends on where their line is. If they're willing to relieve each other in other ways then it's no big deal. If it's strictly no touching at all then that's just mean.

  • Guys get erections without naked woman standing in front of them. You are guaranteed to have any healthy man including your boyfriends get an erection if you are naked. Are you engaged yet? Seems like you are playing with fire but I'm guessing you are both curious. If you expect to wait until marriage stopping walking around naked in front of him.

  • i think only you can till how far you should go

  • Whatever you feel is right for the both of you. But doesn't it defeat the purpose of staying pure/abstinent if you are doing everything but having sex.

  • If you are not going to have any sex and you don't want to provoke him stop getting naked in front of him.