Whose pubic hair is harder to shave: Girls OR Guys?

With girls and guys, getting the top can be easy, but then girls can cut their inner lis easily and have to watch out for their clitorises. Guys have to watch out for their balls.
Guys have it easier shaving
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Girls have it easier shaving
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Girl Guy
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Girls have it easier, because for 1. Its not as thick as guys are it takes me a good 15/20 minutes to trim my downstairs 15 for a trim and 20 if like I just want it bald because why not.

  • Girls because of the inner like you said. I just take hair clippers to my dick to trim it all away, it's easy.

    • thanks for MHO!

Most Helpful Girls

  • To actually shave completely and not just trim I have to contort my body to see everything and even then I miss a spot

  • I literally need a mirror to shave mine and get every hair. Guys can just look down and do it.

    • I just don't even shave what's below front view. I tried it once and cut myself down there and was like Nope not anymore.

  • You will know real pain when you wax your vagina. REAL PAIN.

    But oh-so worth it.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 11
  • I have nothing to compare it to, but I imagine it's harder for a guy to shave his pubic area. More things to move around.

    • It's pretty easy for a girl to cut her clit though and it's hard getting around the vaginal lips.

    • Yes, but balls and penis.

    • The penis is long though, so you can just hold it up. With the clit being small and vaginal lips being close, you can' just lip them and move them out of the way.

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  • gals... coz guys might cut off their balls o_O

  • we got balls to work around.

    • We've got the clit and we have to work with the vaginal lips and hard reach places.

    • MADNESS!

  • Well when you have to work at a microscopic rate so you don't hurt your balls, it gets complicated haha

  • I would say guys since the balls & penis tend to get in way
    a girl she is flat just got a mound to watch but that's about it :P

    • lmao no. it' not just flat for us. Did you forget about our labia, clitoris and the things between our legs?

    • Wow oh forgot them things :p :p :P