Why abortion should NOT be done!

Why abortion should NOT be done!

Lately on GAG there have been a few questions about a sensitive issue which is abortion(which inspired me to write this take)...some people here are for it(i.e; its the woman's body so its her choice to keep the baby or not) and others are against it(its murder)so...WHAT IS ABORTION?

Abortion is the ending of pregnancy through the removal or forcing out from the womb of a fetus or embryo before it is able to survive on its own. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is often called a miscarriage. It can also be purposely caused in which case it is known as an induced abortion.

Some people are often confused about the difference between abortion and miscarriage..WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?

Why abortion should NOT be done!

Miscarriage(also known as spontaneous abortion) is the accidental expulsion of the fetus or termination of pregnancy, in which the fetus cannot survive on its own(It occurs without warning!!). It usually occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy. During this situation, the woman does not have ANY control over the event, which usually occurs because of accidents or when the woman is not capable of supporting a fetus due to some health conditions whereas an abortion is the termination of pregnancy either due to natural reasons or through human intervention. There are many reasons why this happens.Therapeutic abortion may be done when the pregnancy endangers both the mother and the fetus, in which case, saving the mother’s life is the priority. Some would view abortion as a situation where there is some form of manual manipulation that causes the expulsion of the fetus from the womb.Put in mind that miscarriage is NOT abortion!!!

What are the risks while a woman chooses to have an abortion?

Why abortion should NOT be done!

1. Cramping of the uterus or pelvic pain

2. Nausea or vomiting

3. Diarrhea

4. Warmth or chills

5. Headache

6. Dizziness

7. Fatigue

8. Inability to get pregnant due to infection or complication of an operation

9. Allergic reaction to the medicines

10. Hemorrhage (heavy bleeding) possibly requiring treatment with an operation, a blood transfusion, or both

11. Incomplete removal of the unborn child, placenta, or contents of the uterus, requiring an operation

12. Depression

13. Death

How is an abortion procedure performed?

A 9 week foetus:

Why abortion should NOT be done!

A 23 week foetus

Why abortion should NOT be done!

So my question is why do people want to have abortions? Having a baby is a gift from God.

Why abortion should NOT be done!
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What Girls & Guys Said

39 48
  • Would you want a child if you knew it was going to be seriously misformed/handicapped for the rest of it's life?

    There are good reasons why abortion should exist.

    • The child could get bullied for their abnormalities and kill them self. Dead either way in that case.

  • Every one has different strong opinions on this topic. It mainly has to do with Religion and what is and what is like Human Basic Rights. If a woman has a serious medical or health condition that the sweet little fetus inside she's carrying may could hurt her. I know a woman who got an abortion because the baby's fetus tore her uterus lining and her ovary got oversized and it ruptured and nearly killed her.. It really depends on one person to the next. If I were a rape victim I would give it up because I wouldn't want a reminder of that horrific experience. I would probably understand from that woman's POV, but I would go through with giving birth and give it up for adoption. Every human being deserves to live whether if they are fully developed or on the verge of actual live. I am only a young teenager, I am 16 I find this topic interesting and I am pretty non biased but very opinionated so here's my outlook on this.

    • thanks for your opinion... but why is your age 18? hmmmmm

  • These photos aren't acurate. The baby can't feel pain until 28 weeks in according to my research either. Murder is defined as the UNLAWFUL killing, and abortion is legal. Saying a baby is gift from the lord is not going to prove a point to atheists. It's not always a gift. Some people are slut shaming. Sex, in older days, was pretty much just to reproduce. But we're not like that anymore. We are much more developed than a lot of animals. We have sex for pleasure. We practice safe sex, but it doesn't always work. That's when you get pregnant. You're 17, you need to pay for college, you can't take care of a child. So you get an abortion. Keeping a baby at such a young age isn't good. The baby won't be with their mother much and the woman won't even make a good mother, as they are still young and their brain is still developing.
    Back to you saying its from God. The Jews believe it doesn't have a soul until a certain point in the pregnancy. A point past abortion. So it's kind of not living to begin with. And since Christians have the Old Testament, and this is found there, doesn't that mean it's the same for their religion? So there, the two monotheistic religions I can think of will not be looked down on by their gift giver.

  • You know, pregnancy and giving birth have many risks too.
    Actually nearly all of the things you listed can be linked to pregnancy and giving birth aswell. Including death.

    So you would be most safe if you never had sex and so could never get pregnant in the first place.

    • i totally agree with you!!! upvote!!

  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but there are many twists and turns to why and why not to get abortion. One of the many reasons I vouch for it though is that there are situations where it would be better that the child doesn't live. For example if a woman gets raped, every time she sees that kid's face, she'll be looking at the face of the guy who raped her and forced her to have a kid when she didn't want one. Another situation, what if someone got pregnant when they were barely getting by paycheck to paycheck. That kid would live a miserable life.

  • I wouldn't have unprotected sex but... MY body, MY choice! If people are forced to bring unwanted fetuses to term then there will be plenty killing of babies and toddlers. Horrible but true. No one is ever going to tell me what I can and can't do with MY body.

    • And so you shouldn't, and I agree with you. I've said it before, I'll say it again, "Against abortion? Then don't have one."

    • If I somehow ever get pregnant before I'm ready for a kid then I'll abort. I highly doubt that would happen tho.

    • Actually, it's not just "YOUR body"; the being growing inside of you is an entirely different body with a different genetic make-up. That entitlement where you claim another person's body as your own because it's inside of your body is disgustingly self-centered. If you're so concerned about your precious body then don't risk "ruining it" and keep dicks out of your vagina instead of making an innocent human pay for your mistakes.

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  • This is a sensitive issue.

    What about women who were raped?

    Also a ban on abortions would also increase the Casey Anthonies of the world.
    (Casey Anthony muttered her daughter because she was fed up with her)

    It would also increase the amount of children growing up unloved and increases their potential of becoming criminals.

    But the main point, why would you want someone who doesn't want a child to be forced to nourish and take care of it for 9 months just for that child to grow up in a shitty environment.

    Personally I don't think I hoingn after abortion is the solution as that's a hard decision for the woman.

    I think focusing on prevention is much better.
    Maybe building better quality condoms, or creating more spermicides so that unwanted pregnancies don't occur,

    • Or better sex education in schools, and access to birth control for low income women.

    • @Sara413 Is birth control very expensive?

    • When you're low income and using food stamps to pay for your food, the extra $20 a month is a big problem.

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  • But what about rape?

    • This video shares the viewpoint of rape victims. Many rape victims who had an abortion regret their decision because they feel that the abortion only intensified their emotional trauma. They personally state that abortion doesn't erase the rape and the memories they have from being sexually assaulted. It only adds a layer of additional guilt and immense pain to what they're going through. Shockingly, one rape victim said that delivering her baby ended up being a positive experience out of something so toxic and ugly. See for yourself...


    • But what about cases where she doesn't want to? Or when her health is at risk?

    • Personally, I still don't agree that a voiceless, innocent human being should have their future carelessly disposed of due to a father's sins. I don't think that's right or fair. Although I can empathize with her pain and trauma, I still don't think there is any justification for aborting a baby. Disposing of a human being with abortion due to health risks sounds crazy to me. Any woman who gets pregnant can have health risks... that just comes with the package of reproduction. One of my friends has two sons and she had to have C-sections with both of them due to health risks. Not trying to force you to feel how I feel or change your mind by the way. Just thought it would be interesting for you to hear how actual rape victims may feel/answering your questions. Not trying to bark at you.

  • "Put in mind that miscarriage is NOT abortion!!!"
    But according to the definition you have it is.

    Either way. Why force someone to have a child when they don't want it. Most people who get pregnant aren't quite ready. But if someone goes as far as aborting a child then they reaaaaally don't want a child. How would this person treat a child? How would they afford it if they're poor. Maybe worry about making all forms of BC free. That'll reduce your little moral dilemma. Lol

  • Why do people get abortions? Not everyone wants a child simple as that

    • great

  • I have said it before but if we add legal restrictions to what people can or can't do with there bodies where does it stop. this is a slippery slope not to mention there is a good reason that the government has been very careful how much they put there noses into this. also if abortion becomes illegal do people not realize that the women of babies that they feel should be aborted will find a way to end the pregnancy. suicide, self mutilation, purposeful ingestion of high amounts of chemicals to cause an adverse effect etc. I for one will always say just leave this shit alone it will literally never end well for anyone.

  • abortion when the baby is developed and has limbs and a beating heart is wrong and cruel. my mom had an abortion at a very early stage where the baby had not developed anything yet. it was just a ball of cells and thats something im okay with.

  • 1. Terminating a pregnancy is far far safer than delivering a baby.
    2. There is a huge difference between a 12-week fetus and a baby. Simply put, a 12-week fetus is a long way from sentience. In no way is a fetus a child.
    3. The people who are against abortion don't seem to have much interest in providing support to young mothers and their children, or in making birth control readily available to prevent unwanted pregnancies. They seem to be a lot more interested in punishing women for having sex without their permission.

  • Are you aware that if abortion would be illegal, a lot of women would go for "self-induced abortion" with e. g. a wire coat hanger? That is an extremely dangerous life-threating prodecure.

    However, I didn't like this article. Not because I am pro-choice, but because I can't stand one-sided articles that only focus on one side.


  • Why dont you look at the millions of unwanted children in the world wondering WHY the parents even bothered to have them? Who is the real devil now?

    • So abortion is actually a humanitarian act and taking away their life is actually doing them a favor?

    • I'm afraid no two options are humanitarian. If one choose to carry it to term and neglect it, it's just as cruel. But if the parents actually want to care for it, that's the ideal. unfortunately you need to expect everything.

  • Well people can be concerned about what other people do but who's going to pay for the raising of the child? they are hell expensive.

  • Right... How about this, increase all the pro life people tax by 30% and use it to pay for the children that are born without the aborttion? Watch how their opinion is going to change when they are responsible and have to take on the costs of raising unplanned kids of other people.

    A couple years back, the Jewish in Israel didn't like the idea of donating organs. Sure they would take organs if their lives are depended on it but they aren't signing up for donations because of their religious ideals. So the government passed a law to stop the freeloaders. People who are willing to donate organs are on top of the list to receive organs if they need it. Give to the ones who give. Thousands of people signed up for organ donations right after. They didn't care much about their religion when their lives are on the line.

  • I'm not cold faced with the whole process of it, and I expect abortion in general takes its toll on most people, but it should be legal and accessible. I think all should be done not to get there, with protection and the pill, but if the girl does get pregnant and she doesn't want the child, she should be able to end the pregnancy. The world is quickly heading into a serious problem of overpopulation, a lot of children are raised miserably, and a lot of women are too shackled by motherhood to be able to realize their full potential as a person. The fact of the matter is, a foetus isn't a child. The possibility of a child isn't a child. Yes it can have a powerful effect on our imaginations nonetheless, but it still isn't a person, and it isn't murder.

    I looked up the number of abortions yearly in the US and I admit it's kind of staggering how many people have it done. But I think that's more likely a symptom of deeper problems than the problem in itself, like poverty, lacking sexual education or education period, etc. A Guttmacher Institude study made in 2004 looked at the reasons why women were getting abortions: 73% couldn't afford a child, 48% would have been single mothers or were having relationship problems, 25% were because of health problems, among other reasons. Taking away the means for these women to live an OK life seems wrong to me. By the way 1.5% of those abortions were because of rape or incest, which would account for about 11,000 women in 2011; and that's only the women that had the means to end the pregnancy since it's unfortunately not available everywhere because of people like you. Also, concerning the health risks of abortion, there are serious risks to giving birth as well, and by US statistics the risk of maternal death by abortion is lower than childbirth through at least 21 weeks' gestation.

    • "a symptom of deeper problems than the problem in itself, like poverty, lacking sexual education or education period, etc" BAM!! What kills me is that most of the vocal anti-abortion crowd are the same ones who are anti-sex ed and anti-birth control. It's not about babies - it's about controlling women's bodies with outdated religious bullshit.

  • www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html

    Excellent take. See the attached article. 1.06 million, yes million abortions performed each year in the US alone. People always like to bring up the rape issue, but I doubt 1.06 million women are becoming pregnant due to rape each year. If women are going to "choose" an abortion they should have to "take" the side effects of that. Side effects that most people don't ever talk about.

    • thanks for your understanding Belle

    • And what exactly would you like us to do with that extra MILLION unwanted children once they are forced to be born? Know how many children are adopted in the US per year? 135,000. Of non-stepparent adoptions, about 59 percent are from the child welfare (or foster) system, 26 percent are from other countries, and 15 percent are voluntarily relinquished American babies. It is easier to adopt a child from another country than it is to adopt a voluntarily relinquished child born in America. Most of those children who are born that are not wanted are put in the foster system. Did you know that almost 80% of the prison population were in foster care at one time or another? Pretty bleak outlook for all these babies you apparently care about...

    • @sara413 my sister adopted a baby from foster care. The problem there is that they don't adopt the babies out even though there are people that would take them. The problem with foster care is they continue to give them back to the parents.

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  • I see from comments that most people are either ignorant, or unconcerned when it comes abortion. There is a whole lot of difference between a zygote in the early stages of pregnancy and a well-developed embryo, which is exactly same as a new born baby. A birth doesn't make much difference to an embryo which is about to be born -- because it's a full grown baby. So, aborting a developed embryo should be made illegal because that's a murder and the baby will go through a very gruesome death (probably the worst and painful death). But, same time, every woman has the option of aborting at an early stage of pregnancy -- when the embryo hasn't developed a nervous, circular, respiratory and other systems -- that's perfectly alright and should be legal. For those who think that "it's my body, I can do anything" -- yeah, you can do anything to YOUR body, not your child's body. A fetus is NOT part of the mother's body genetically, and will have a different blood. It's kind of like a parasite in a host's body. So, you have the complete right to take out the embryo, and let it grow outside in a medical facility. But, you don't have the right to kill it, simply because it's not a part of your body. Abortion is killing the embryo in the most gruesome way, not taking it out and letting it live outside.

    • thanks for your opinion am glad you understand!

    • Thank you too! :) At least some girls do have a heart, and do care about the sufferings of others.

    • you're welcomed !

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