Why do guys draw penises everywhere?

often places I have visited have penises drawn in bathrooms, drawn and carved on tables, etc. what is up with that?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • The more a society is open and free also in sexuality, the less guys have interests to draw penises on wall and so on. Prudery support such things. A (very) small education is also an "assistant" for such nonsense.

  • It's hilarious, in a way that girls don't get.

    Girls frequently don't get "guy" humour.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Because they love them, they’re always thinking about them, and they wish they could suck them.

  • immature lol

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 4
  • they think its funny

  • I think they're trying to draw their idea dick that they wish they could have. Some draw them really big, but I'm sure it's because they wish they had one of that size.

  • Stfu it’s my life!

    Why do guys draw penises everywhere?
  • i think the main reason of their frustration. Guys do as well..lol

  • Do you ever read the door before entering public restrooms?

    • that's what I was wondering...

    • I'm not sure if you were trying to imply that I am entering the wrong bathroom with this question. if so here is my answer. I am in the military. many of the bathrooms in iraq are port o potties. the restrooms that say female, that I use never have any drawings on them. I work with all men , and they tell me about their restrooms that have penises drawn on them. also there are penises drawn on tables at the place we do our laundry, and other places too. you didn't really answer my question.

    • That makes so much more sense now. To answer your question, guys draw penises everywhere because it's crude and inappropriate. They're also easy to draw; even the world's least artistic person can tag something with a d*** in 5 seconds or less. Summary: extremely high crudeness to difficulty ratio. Also, why not enjoy immature humor if you can?

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