Girls, Why do you prefer a circumcised male?
Is it the way it looks? Hygiene and cleanliness issues? If it is for hygiene and cleanliness then why don't women get their clitoral hood ( foreskin) cut off to get more cleaner?
1. it is healthy for you, do you know phimosis and paraphimosis (if not Google it)
2. when a guy is uncircumcised, moisture can get trapped between his penis and his foreskin, creating the ideal environment for bacteria to incubate. "Female sex partners of uncircumcised men are at increased risk of bacterial vaginosis along with any infections they have, including yeast infections, UTIs, and STDs (particularly HPV and HIV). Unless you have no care at all for your partner
3. Yes a circumcised penis is a more good looking than uncircumcised one plus bonus points for cleanest and healthiness
4. Fortunately our clitoris does have these problems because if they had we would have done everything to prevent it... do you know Female genital mutilations and why it is not allowed? If not Google it
I strongly prefer a circumcised penis and it is the only one that will get into my vagina (nothing personal✌) and I respect the opinions of those who differ from me
In point number 4 do you mean clitoris does not have such issues or has such issues?
Damn... You are so much against a uncircumcised penis..! What if you fall in love with a man who is uncut?
I mean Does not typing error lol He just have to cut it for both our sakes and am sure if he loves me and truly care for himself he will otherwise no no to my vagina
I personally don't prefer it. Natural is always better to me than a mutilated penis. If a man knows how to clean himself, hygiene and cleanliness shouldn't even be an issue.
And the clitoral hood has nothing to do with hygiene. It isn't that part that makes a vagina dirty. Completely different than the foreskin of a penis.
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Are you scouting women out to hit on based on your insecurities or something?
how do you get this? :o
@Goliathena 🙄🙄🙊🙊🙊 What!😷
I don't prefer that. I prefer when a man's parents didn't feel the need to butcher him at birth.
Circumcised looks better, cleaner and ready to eat 😍
It would look the same if foreskin is pulled back... Why cut it off?
I don't. I prefer my genitals UNmutilated on the whole.
Am talking about your man's genitals... How do you prefer them?
So was I... I prefer them unmutilated.
You said " I prefer my genitals"
It depends. Im not pro it and wouldn't do it to my kid.. but my boyfriend now is cut and i love how a open head feels. I've had sex with one guy who wasn't and I didn't enjoy how it felt. I think either looks great.. and I'm not worried about dirty dicks because I dont sleep with dirty men.
When the head is always open doesn't it gets dry and all due to rubbing against clothes all the time.. while uncut penis head when exposed is moist shiny and healthy looking
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