Why does he like my breasts?

I don't get it.I've always been ashamed by my breasts my whole life,while I am a D cup,I hate my big areolas and my breasts sag(not like an old lady lol,but they sag) and are certainly not perky.When I lost my virginity to him,I was hesitant to show them to him,cause he was experienced and I thought he'd be disgusted,but when we have sex,especially when I'm on top,he plays with them a lot.He especially likes to be sitting down(couch,chair against bed thingy,bedpost?) and me straight up and he licks them,sucks them,and grabs them a lot.Why? I find them absolutely disgusting?
+1 y
And I know they don't looks like other girls,compared to my best friend lol,who has the same size,mine aren't perky,the nipples don't point upward,why would he like them?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • If you don't like them I'll take your boobs just because they're D's. Guys like big boobs, end of story. They don't care if they sage because they bounce, they can t*tty f*ck them, mash their head between them, and play with them in ways that they can't with us girls that have smaller boobs. Guys will never be disgusted by a girl with big boobs, unless they're like ridiculously big (there was a girl on Maury once who had M cup boobs or something crazy like that, they were fake but it was just weird). In any case, you never have anything to worry about with big boobs, guys will like them for the simple fact that they're big boobs. It's only when you have small boobs that you have reason to worry because no matter what your guy will always look at bigger boobs and you'll always have that little thought in the back of your head that you're not completely satisfying him because you don't have big boobs. At least that's how I feel with guys, I'd be so much more comfortable around them if I had C or D's instead of A's and looked more like a woman and less like I just hit puberty last week.

    • Guys look at big boobs because they're obvious.They are more noticeable than smaller boobs even in clothing.Does that mean they dislike or find small breasts a turn off?No,guys like breasts in general,but bigger breasts are just more obvious.It has nothing to do with satisfaction.Small breasts are sexy,trust(i'm bi).Plenty of guys love small breasts because big breasts can sag(alot of guys don't like) and can have big areolas(a lot of,if not,all despise)

    • Guys look at big boobs and drool, they don't look at small boobs period. They say they want a girlfriend with small boobs because it cuts down dramatically on the number of guys that will check her out. There's nothing sexy about looking like you stopped developing at 14 and relying on Victoria's Secret to help you fill out your clothes

    • Uh,yea there is.Do you know how many guys drool over Keira Knightely(I think that's how you spell it).Look I'm bi,and I love small breasts,okay,so what,guys don't stare.Are you going to base your self esteem and confidence on guys who do not stare at your boobs.If you take your shirt off and walk around,guys will stare,promise.It cuts down on the number of guys that'll check her out,I have friends who have small breasts,and they get checked out every where they go

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  • Even if you don't like them you can certainly use them to your advantage. I'm a 30/32 J (european standard - an E at la senza/victoria secret) I usually use low cut shirts when I'm waitressing and I have to tell you that they certainly do help with tips at times. I don't care. I have them, they're a pain in my back, so I might as well get the most out of them :P don't be discouraged by them. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that there aren't hundreds (or thousands) of men who would love to play with them. Embrace the fact that you have something that people naturally love. And even if you're self-conscious about your nipples, don't worry about it. No one will ever know! Just think that your boobs are the best, let them imagine what they really look like. You don't have to do anything but lead them on and break their hearts ;) And your boyfriend doesn't seem to mind anyways, so even better :)

  • most guys just naturally like large breasts. I don't think anyone knows why. I'm in middle school and I'm a DD and I find the guys staring at them until they notice that I noticed that they were looking at them

Most Helpful Guy

  • You don't have to like you big boobies. Just take great pleasure that your boyfriend and other guys love your big boobies. Consider them as a great asset and be proud of them. Wear low cut tops a lot and notice what great privileges get awarded to you because the guy had a chance to look down your top.

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  • he just likes them. they're a boobs mean and ass men. I'm a D cup too and my guy doesn't really pay attention to them because he's a ass man. he's always touching my butt. Plus, every girl's body is different. You should learn to love your body.

  • He likes them because.. boobs are awesome! What's even more awesome is that they come in so many different shapes and sizes. Hooray for variety!

    Girls tend to be much harder on themselves about their appearance than guys are.

    You have large, natural breasts, and it's normal for them to not be extremely perky. It's called gravity. Your friend may have been blessed to have perky, large breasts, but she's probably in the minority. Everyone's boobs are different. And personally (as a girl who loves boobs!), I haven't seen all that many that I haven't liked (well.. maybe excluding old lady t*ts :D).

    Just relax and enjoy your guy enjoying your boobs. :D

  • We get to like whatever makes us happy.

  • guys just like boobies even if its small or big if its there they just like it..

  • He likes them, otherwise he wouldn't spend all that time with them...