Why dont I feel pleasure from anything sexual?

I've tried masturbating and I never feel anything at all. I recently lost my virginity and didn't really feel anything from that either. Is there something wrong with me?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Maybe you just need a kink. Try getting kinky. i tried out multiple kinks, when i started getting bored of it. I tried out dresses, adult breast feeding, cuckolding, pony play, mummification, diapers etc. Just find one that works for you.

    • Hmmm. Alrighty, ill try some things out. Im just afraid im never going to be able to feel any pleasure from anything sexual.

    • @babyromantica try taking a break. I did no fap for a year and my sex drive went out of control. So try not to play with yourself too much.

    • I dont do it very often because i dont feel anything.

  • Numerous possibilities, including depression, past sexual interaction that was very uncomfortable, rape, sexual abuse, etc.

    • Thank you. The only thing that might fit is depression.

    • babyromantica: Depression is even more likely, if you are having difficulty enjoying the pleasures in life in general. But sexual climax, takes a particularly high ability to feel, so sometimes, that is the main things noticed, as not getting pleasure out of, when depression is present.

    • Thank you very much.

Most Helpful Girl

  • asexual. You're fine, and also nothing to be ashamed of.

    • Are you sure thats it?

    • im still kinda confused.

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  • Yeah well join the club you know basically you know what that is it's not having the right partner or ever being with the right partner and you could watch too much for and who knows I mean I had to cut back on that that wears the out man

  • you may be asexual. do you feel arousal but then just no pleasure? if thats the case a vibrater may help

    • Ill try it. Thanks. And pretty much. I get turned on for a little while then its gone if i try to masturbate or have sex

  • First time is not necessarily fun. It gets better with the right partner. Give yourself time.

  • There's nothing wrong with you, necessarily, you just haven't found the right stimulus to turn you on, yet.

    Keep looking!

  • no, you need to eat food that makes you horny. sometime our body just loses some sexual energy from stress. garlic for example, when i eat them, my week is just so sexy and hot. even when im masturbating, lasts very long.