The chart above categorizes contraceptives by effectiveness and effectiveness length. As you can see, sterilization works "really, really well" forever. This means you never have to worry about pregnancies ever again. STDs, on the other hand, are kind of difficult to control, because some people don't wear a condom during sex, and when they do, they use it incorrectly. That said, I believe that anybody with the means should sterilize themselves and be part of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. Humans are an invasive species that has taken too much space of the world and outcompetes with other species for precious resources. Throughout the history of modern human existence, so many species have gone extinct or are now becoming extinct. To prevent further destruction to the planet Earth, humans must remove themselves from the planet willfully or just succumb to deadly natural disasters and man-made catastrophes.
Sterilization is kind of tricky to obtain. One way to become sterilized is to poison yourself and destroy your reproductive organs, but that is a dangerous idea. Another way is to have sex with random partners in a careless manner and catch chlamydia, but that is also a dangerous idea. And you can't really tell if you have chlamydia, because many people with chlamydia are asymptomatic. Sure, you may try to get tested for chlamydia, but if your lab result is positive, then you may be given medication to get rid of it, which undoes your intention of sterilizing yourself. Another way is to do a sterilization medical procedure, assuming that you have health insurance or can pay for the medical bill.

So, the safest and cheapest way to become "sterile" is to be sexually abstinent lifelong. Being sexually abstinent is like being an unfixed cat/dog. Your sex hormones are going to influence your body and induce mating-related behaviors. Fortunately, as a human and not cat/dog, you have free will, and your conscience will put those undesirable sexual feelings under control. The only problem with sexual abstinence is that you still have the ability to conceive a child or fertilize someone, assuming that you are of reproductive age and physically healthy. Celibacy only works as a sterilization method, if it is lifelong. In addition, if you break your celibacy and engage in intercourse AFTER your reproductive years, then that method may work too.
If anybody wants to make the world a better place by not conceiving or bringing any more children into this world, and has the means to do so, then sterilization is the best way to remove oneself from the gene pool. The person may try to look into adoption agencies and help raise the children that already exist in the world. If a person has the desire but cannot go through a medical procedure to sterilize, then he/she may choose permanent celibacy and use free will as a sterilization method. Like I said, it's like being an unfixed dog/cat. So, if you are a person with a high sex drive, then you may have to consult with your doctor to moderate the high sex drive.
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