Why Everyone Should Be Sterilized

Why Everyone Should Be Sterilized

The chart above categorizes contraceptives by effectiveness and effectiveness length. As you can see, sterilization works "really, really well" forever. This means you never have to worry about pregnancies ever again. STDs, on the other hand, are kind of difficult to control, because some people don't wear a condom during sex, and when they do, they use it incorrectly. That said, I believe that anybody with the means should sterilize themselves and be part of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. Humans are an invasive species that has taken too much space of the world and outcompetes with other species for precious resources. Throughout the history of modern human existence, so many species have gone extinct or are now becoming extinct. To prevent further destruction to the planet Earth, humans must remove themselves from the planet willfully or just succumb to deadly natural disasters and man-made catastrophes.

Sterilization is kind of tricky to obtain. One way to become sterilized is to poison yourself and destroy your reproductive organs, but that is a dangerous idea. Another way is to have sex with random partners in a careless manner and catch chlamydia, but that is also a dangerous idea. And you can't really tell if you have chlamydia, because many people with chlamydia are asymptomatic. Sure, you may try to get tested for chlamydia, but if your lab result is positive, then you may be given medication to get rid of it, which undoes your intention of sterilizing yourself. Another way is to do a sterilization medical procedure, assuming that you have health insurance or can pay for the medical bill.

Why Everyone Should Be Sterilized

So, the safest and cheapest way to become "sterile" is to be sexually abstinent lifelong. Being sexually abstinent is like being an unfixed cat/dog. Your sex hormones are going to influence your body and induce mating-related behaviors. Fortunately, as a human and not cat/dog, you have free will, and your conscience will put those undesirable sexual feelings under control. The only problem with sexual abstinence is that you still have the ability to conceive a child or fertilize someone, assuming that you are of reproductive age and physically healthy. Celibacy only works as a sterilization method, if it is lifelong. In addition, if you break your celibacy and engage in intercourse AFTER your reproductive years, then that method may work too.

If anybody wants to make the world a better place by not conceiving or bringing any more children into this world, and has the means to do so, then sterilization is the best way to remove oneself from the gene pool. The person may try to look into adoption agencies and help raise the children that already exist in the world. If a person has the desire but cannot go through a medical procedure to sterilize, then he/she may choose permanent celibacy and use free will as a sterilization method. Like I said, it's like being an unfixed dog/cat. So, if you are a person with a high sex drive, then you may have to consult with your doctor to moderate the high sex drive.

1 1

Most Helpful Guy

  • There is another option that's extremely safe and is far more accepted by a vast population of Men, that I see no reference to here. This method is permanent, or can be reversed, at any time. A Vasectomy is inexpensive, painless, quick, and so effective as a Birth Control choice for Men, it's difficult to rationalize why you would have omitted it. You further compound this disingenuousness by advocating grossly unacceptable alternatives, with the blatantly misleading determinations "the safest" and "the cheapest" presented as facts, but are not only opinions, they are also the most irresponsible, discouraging and asine statements I've ever encountered at GAG.
    One could suspect you had some insidious agenda, but for you to think you would actually get away with this waste of our time as being credible?
    The magnitude of your insult to my intelligence... offends me.
    Trigger on me and you go down.
    I CAN deliberate a case to have this stricken. I have the time and the will to.
    If you don't recognize how explicitly that can be be accomplished, GOOD.
    For what it will cost you, I'll consider it inequitable exchange of time.

    • A vasectomy *is* sterilization.

    • No. It is not. "Sterilization" implies PERMANENCE *and*that it is done so in a manner that influences, harms or diminishes (other than reproductive capacity) some other Physiological attribute. Which you may note is well represented by every example you purged. The word "sterilization" has a negative connotation to it because of the Historical precedence in how these "side effects" have manifested. It's the worst possible Branding to assign to a movement, that despite your horrific and repulsing portrayal of, still embodies a profound Philosophy that I've embraced my entire life. I suggest you actually study your impassions, before excreting them with a self assumed authority that so far, I still see no evidence of. Start with understanding Human Nature. It will always be smarter than you. Next, find an admittedly outdated, yet extremely influential-(short lived because of the turmoil of the era) 1970's documentary called "Future Shock", narrated by Orson Welles. You are welcome.

    • WTF?

      That's where you are wrong then.

      Link: www.webmd.com/.../birth-control-sterilization#1
      Link: www.plannedparenthood.org/.../sterilization-women

      Those methods are meant to be permanent. It is possible to reverse, but that is very difficult as the fallopian tube or vas deferens is severed.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Oh look! some species are going extinct! Let's join them!

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1 9
  • This would make things VERY VERY INTERESTING! From my perspective, BUT ONLY after massive developments with Artificial Intelligence and when the Singularity has become a reality and had been reached. When AI and human mind intelligence and consciousness can finally be merged and upgraded together as one. At that point Transhumanism will also become a reality and possibility and us humans as a species will only then no longer solely rely on the terrible and shitty genetics system, no longer solely rely on a natural reproduction system, especially if it's possible to become extremely immune to death and all diseases, and perhaps ultimately transcend and reach immortality. It would only then render sexual reproduction obsolete and redundant for our species. We simply no longer need to bring more people here into this world if that ever became a reality. A world without any more pain, suffering, etc. Unlike how we had fucked things up so bad with pollution etc., which is going to cause even greater miseries and suffering for future generations of people. And that will continue for as long as we have not reach and make that Singularity become a reality and massively develop A. I. that is so advance that would help restore the balance that our species had broken by bringing way too many people into existence here in this world.

    @Unit1? @Serious?

    • Vasectomy and tying tubes (i do not know it's medical term) are the way to go. Or vasalgel for new comers wanting to experience a trial version of vasectomy 😎

    • @JudgmentDay "This would make things VERY VERY INTERESTING! From my perspective, BUT ONLY after massive developments with Artificial Intelligence and when the Singularity has become a reality and had been reached. When AI and human mind intelligence and consciousness can finally be merged and upgraded together as one." Yes, that is right it will make things interesting but what you have mentioned is a distant dream, to achieve a flawless AI combined with superior and absolute control over that invention is a big challenge, I am not sure if such a dream can ever become a reality. In my personal opinion, I think AI should never become a reality. cont...

    • @JudgmentDay "At that point Transhumanism will also become a reality and possibility and us humans as a species will only then no longer solely rely on the terrible and shitty genetics system, no longer solely rely on a natural reproduction system, especially if it's possible to become extremely immune to death and all diseases, and perhaps ultimately transcend and reach immortality." Why do you say that the current genetic system/reproduction system that humans rely on is all messed up and shitty? what you are saying could be true or false, I don't know but I don't have an opinion, it's like I don't care as such. About the second part of your para, yes it is definitely possible to become highly immune, impervious to any type of disease (s) through stem cells or other future inventions in the area of medicine and in that manner it is possible to extend one's life and delay death as long as possible. cont...

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  • Well, that's... cheery.

  • Nice eugenics you got there.

  • Vasectomy and "tying tubes" are the way to go. Humans are a disease to this planet. We got to be our worst under the influence and the dominance of the governments and capitalism.

    The damage is increasing. Humans are the root cause of it all.
    I remember hearing this in class when i was going to middle school.

  • Great post! Just another great reason to sterilize pink anons.