Why It Is Important To Stand With Planned Parenthood

Why It Is Important To Stand With Planned Parenthood

Over the last few days the hashtag #IStandWithPP has taken over social media sites like Twitter. The hashtag is a response to a movement to defund Planned Parenthood who receives some federal funding.

Defunding Planned Parenthood would be a huge mistake and would affect many young women across the country. A common misconception is that Planned Parenthood solely exists to perform abortions. Sure, Planned Parenthood does help women who, for whatever reason, decide to have an abortion, but they help women (and men) in countless other ways.

Planned Parenthood also provides treatments for STD's, help with cancer realted issues, contraceptive services, PAP screens, and maybe most importantly education on sexual and reproductive health care.

To remove funding for Planned Parenthood would be a huge oversight and nothing more than mistake. It is important that women have a safe place to go when they feel they need help and there is no other place to turn.

Several people have shown their support and the reasons they stand with Planned Parenthood recently.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • I'm sorry but there are plenty of other health care providers that deserve the funding. Planned Parenthood is no better than any other women's health care provider. Therefore, I will stick to a real hospital with people who genuinely care about my health.
    Planned Parenthood is known as the "Abortion Clinic". I was told, when I was younger, that Planned Parenthood was a Women's Health clinic. So, I booked an appointment and went in in hopes to get Birth Control. As soon as I walked in I was automatically asked if I wanted to get an abortion. When I said no, I was questioned about why I had come to them in the first place if I wasn't seeking to get an abortion. When I mentioned birth control, they told me to go to the hospital down the street and speak to an OBGYN. Never again in my life will I go to Planned Parenthood. Given my experience with these people, you will never be able to convince me that this place isn't strictly a Abortion Clinic. I will stand behind anyone trying to defund them.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Reading the male responses to this take, it's clear that a lot of people understand nothing about what Planned Parenthood does -- or anything about women's health, for that matter. Really disappointing.


    • Shocking huh.

    • Yeah shocking. *rolls eyes*. Good answer man thank you

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What Girls & Guys Said

15 37
  • Regardless how anyone feels towards Planned Parenthood, can we all stop mindlessly pretending like they're on the verge of bankruptcy and closing their doors anytime soon?


    There are plenty of other organizations fighting for other noble causes that don't receive nearly as much funding... from anyone, let alone the government or billionaires.

    So, where exactly is this sense of hyper-zealous "urgency" regarding Planned Parenthood coming from?

  • Why are some people so desperate to murder babies? Fetus is just the latin term for baby. Fetus means baby. Planned Parenthood even admitted just yesterday in a congressional hearing that they don't do mammograms and that women's health would not be affected if they lost funding because of how many other clinics are out there.

    Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a corrupt Democrat doner group that takes tax payer money, donates some to Democrat candidates, keep some for its executives, and on the side they target and murder babies of minority races.


    • It's easy for you to say, you can just leave if you dont want the baby. Us women have to actually grow a being inside us and take care of it. #myuterusmychoices Its not murder it's common sense. If one doesn't want a baby, they have a valid reason. The child won't have a good life if the parents didn't want him/her in the first place.

  • Saw this today, what a surprise!


  • Seriously though when my friend found a lump in her breast and could not afford a cancer screening anywhere else we were glad to have Planned Parenthood. We didn't want anyone else to know until there was a result, and they were very kind and discreet. It ended up being benign but she still had to get surgery to have it removed. Without Planned Parenthood we still wouldn't be able to afford a screening and we would still be terrified not knowing what it was.

  • There was actually a group on my college campus today with a hundred mini pink crosses and signs with captions like "Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts"

    I think those responsible SHOULD be punished to the full extent for corruption and deception. However, planned parenthood does a necessary service to society.

    Everyone who hates the idea of abortions or giving aid to those lazy welfare queens, should understand that unsafe abortions, drop out rates, and child neglect will probably rise if women are denied access to affordable birth control and abortion clinics.

    As someone who has received birth control from planned parenthood, if I was unable to get this effective affordable treatment and accidentally got pregnant, abortion would be a serious consideration.
    I'm already in debt to the government for my college education, and I don't see dropping out as an option.
    Making it harder to get birth control, a vastly larger service of PP than abortions, will negatively affect women and children. People get abortions because they can't take care of children, why make it worse on both parties and force a child on someone who doesn't want it or a risky abortion?

    Punish those responsible not the women and potential children.

    And for everyone crying bloody murder over their alleged tax dollars being used to abort fetuses, it is 100% against the law to use federal money to fund abortions.
    If PP did do that, then punish whoever did, but know that regulations are in place that Forbid this and this probably isn't the case.