Guys feel emotions through their eyes. When they see things, they feel thiings better.
I think the main problem here is not the visual satisfaction of your boyfriend, but your self-consciousness.
Please read the post below (my post to another girl who was self conscious about her body):
What I will give you is general advice about self-consciousness and sexuality, rather than an answer to your specific problem. I hope it still helps you.
First of all, it is perfectly normal to be shy about this. No one other than you has seen you without your clothes before. Your body is precious, and that is why you hid it from others' eyes. You never let go of your clothes, get rid of the pressure that the society has on you, and have never truly given yourself to another person, especially a male. It is perfectly normal to be embarassed about it. We all feel the same in our first time.
However, I want you to think of this imaginative scenario: Your door bell rings, and you open the door, finding your boyfriend at the doorstep, looking at you with a bouquet of flowers. So romantic isn't it? It makes you feel that sweet and tingling feeling that people call "love".
Did you notice that, in this scneario, you never concentrated on the flowers themselves? What if the flowers weren't looking good? What if their shapes or sizes were faulty or wrong? Would you notice? Even if you did, would you care? Or would you just be engulfed by the feelings your boyfriend makes you experience?
Your body is a flower. A flower that was taken good care of since you were born. A flower that blooms forth with it's beauty. When you share your feminine beauty with a male, what he will remember afterward wll not be the exact shapes and sizes of your body parts. It will be what he felt, and what you felt, and what it felt like to be with you, to have discovered your naked form behind all the disguises that you wear as clothes.
You are unique. No one has the exact same body with you. Therefore, each time you share this experience with your boyfriend, it will be almost as special as the first time. Do not ruin this experience by thinking that your body is not good enough. Focus on the fact that your boyfriend chose you for who you are, the way you are right now. Focus on the fact that no one in the world has the same characteristics and the same beauty that you possess.
Good luck, and I hope this helps you about your self-consciousness issue.
=)3 1 0 0Guys are turned on by visual sensation. That's why most guys watch p*rn while girls read smut books. Yeah, it's the same thing but in a different form.
If he wants to see all of you naked while having sex then that should clue you in that what you think is ugly he doesn't share the same opinion. Heck, all my female friends dislike some part of their body even though I repeatedly tell them that I do not share their dislike. Hopefully you will get comfortable letting him see those 'ugly' parts and it won't be an issue.0 1 0 0how are guys suposed to know they won't dislike it if they haven't even seen it? I keep it hidden for a reason, because I know it's ugly and I doubt I'm the only one who think's that.
Your labia is fine, cellulite and stretch marks don't bother me, bad skin can be cleared up (see a dermatologist if you really want that to go away), and small boobs means less back pain later in life.
you've never seen it, so you can't say it's fine. I think it's ugly. my skin isn't bad enough to see a dermatologiest anymore, I used to have acne when I was a teenager and sometimes I still get breakouts on my back and chest.
Most Helpful Girls
Well not being a guy I can only go by what my husband says but he says he is turned on by seeing me naked. It took me a while to get used to being totally nude around the house but if I am going to be his only outlet for his sexual desires then I want to do what pleases him and he says my nudity something he cherishes.
0 0 0 0Because seeing your partner nude is damn sexy. Even with those cute little flaws. That's why you sleep with them in the first place; because the flaws are okay and you can deal with them, and you find the person sexy despite the flaws.
0 1 0 0how are flaws cute? I would rather not show the ugly bits. He wouldn't like them anyway.
Flaws give you character :D What are your main flaws that bother you?
the thing I'm embarrassed about the most is my labia. But there are other things too.
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0 6What 'ugly parts' are you talking about?
0 0 0 0mostly my labia. But there are other things too. Like my butt not being as firm as I would like, having some stretch marks, cellulite, small boobs, some bad skin (ingrown hairs, pimples etc).
Probably because we don't think of your body that way and we wanna have sc so I think that means we wanna see you naked as well, if you ask any girl on here you would get most who say they don't really care that much about penis size, we are more insecure about ourselves than what people actually think of us
If my girl was like that I'd let her wear a t-shirt or do it in the dark, that makes it less fun but more easier for her to get used to it1 0 0 0I know we are more insecure about ourselfs, but that dosn't mean guys won't see the ugly things and get turned off. I'm better off to hide it.
I doubt your 'things' are that ugly and if he really likes you he can overlook that or not let it be a problem to him
yeah the way for him to overlook it would be to not look at it, so I'm doing him a favor by wanting to hide it.
Sorry...wanna c, wanna touch, wanna smell, want taste, wanna kiss, wanna lick, wanna nuzzle...most of us have to adapt...the human mind is marvelous in its ability to adapt...the rest are in the nuthouse or take valium...
0 0 0 0You want to see even if it's ugly? But why?
If, in fact, it really is ugly to will NOT be ugly to me...Have you ever heard that old saying..."one man's junk is another man's treasure"? Nothing about a female's reproductive organs are negative to me...I would kiss them and fondle them...I am not "into" females' periods but that does not bother me in the least...
Because guys are visual. Women are as well to a less extent, but just don't admit it.
0 1 0 0I actually like going under the sheets I think it makes sex hotter and not just because your covered up lol. Lights on or off either way is fine with me.
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