Why Porn is Totally Screwing With the Heads of Men

Why Porn is Totally Screwing With the Heads of Men

Sadly, watching porn these days is about as common as going to the movies for young men. It's not only tolerated, it's expected and even encouraged by certain "experts" and other members of the community. But as many women will say, including those who have direct experience in such matters, porn is really, really messing with the heads of guys.

If you think porn is harmless, perhaps you should read this article. It's pretty explicit so if you're easily offended (or even squeamish), maybe it's a pass for you. But it's essential for most guys between the ages of 15 and 25, I think, and I'll guarantee that just about every woman will appreciate it. This isn't so much about giving men unrealistic expectations about themselves (the consequences being low self-esteem and anxiety about their sexual performance), but about completely false depictions of women.

Porn is highly stylized and directed; in other words, it's basically artificial. The higher level the pornstar(s), the more likely it is to be absurdly glossy, to the point of being so sheer it's comical. On top of which, there's that extreme focus on the women, and what they're supposedly enjoying. As an example, there's a mini story in that article from pornstar Jenna Jameson and frankly, it isn't pretty, and men should pay attention. Not that most men could actually do what that guy did (and I'm guessing that despite the story, many men want to), but Jenna's reaction to it should prove enlightening.

Why Porn is Totally Screwing With the Heads of Men

Right here on GaG, there's that Mia Rose interview, and she flat-out says people shouldn't watch porn, especially when they're younger. It screws up women and men, which results in legions of people who are so sexually dysfunctional that sex therapists and analysts are just getting richer. Porn has managed to eradicate the one element of sex that is most important: the human connection. It's all about being as close as possible to your partner, loving them and reading their reactions, knowing what they like and don't like, and experiencing pleasure together in the most intimate possible way. Porn is somehow the antithesis of that precept.

In general, the more people spend time removed from reality (i.e., sitting in front of a screen as opposed to real interaction), the more difficult it is for them to function in reality. So, when they're forced into the bright sunshine, they're hindered by whatever their brain has digested and processed and many times, that information is not only false, but dangerous. While claims of rape are of course at an all-time high, perhaps one of the reasons is because some porn depicts women who appear to enjoy pain or inordinately rough sex. It isn't hard to find porn where the woman starts by trying to resist the man but in the end, he basically just takes her and she loves it. Expecting that to happen in real life can - and should - lead to a rape accusation.

Why Porn is Totally Screwing With the Heads of Men

There are just so many reasons why an overindulgence in porn can be damaging to both men and women. But as the above article shows, porn is almost entirely about carnal desire and is incapable of showing how the mind is critical when it comes to sex, and why this act is supposed to be the epitome of closeness for two human beings. Sex is the ultimate perversion of that act, as it removes everything that's great and magical about lovemaking and focuses exclusively on that which is most disgusting. And in the process, humanity disappears and all we're left with is an illusion...but beneath that illusion is just a couple of grunting pigs in a sty.

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What Girls & Guys Said

14 44
  • I 100% agree

  • Thank you for making this mytake!

  • What about women who watch porn?

  • Porn stars are disgusting with no morals.

    • There would be no porn stars if there was no demand for pornography. The people who want to watch porn have questionable morals as well.

  • Porn is good.

  • so true that guys are looking for pain reactions because that's what they think pleasure looks like. I've been groaning in pain before and they start going faster and I'm like no, that hurts. Most guys don't understand how truly painful sex can be for women if they don't receive enough foreplay. Unfortunately I've had a lot of experience with this. Tip for guys: if you think you've done enough and she's ready, repeat. No girl can honestly complain of too much foreplay, and if she is, she's probably begging you to get inside her at which point you know she's actually ready. Pretty much every girl likes to be teased- I'd rather be begging for sex than having the guy rush because he thinks I'm ready and then just being in pain.

  • So you are against professional pornography or all pornography? Because "homemade" porn has none of the elements you're referring to. Actually low budget studios don't either.

  • Joke's on you, I don't watch any porn where the male does anything so I can't possibly be learning any bad moves lel.

  • Never liked porn. However rare you find that to be, lul.

  • The thought of porn has always disgusted me

    • Guys in my class watch it in class. It's really gross.

    • @hozza Do they jack each other off? Wth...

    • @Jamesol1 probably

  • I completely agree with every you have said. I despise porn i have a large labia with small breasts and porn has made me so insecure about myself. If my partner even watches it i will leave him no doubt about that. I was in a 4 year relationship previously and he always watched porn behind my back and i promised myself i will never let another man do that to me again. If that means bein lonely the rest of my life then so be it, my confidence is worth more.

    • I'm so sorry you have had to go through this and endure the type of body shaming that goes on. Porn makes it so that women feel they have to attain a standard for their body in order to keep their man happy that she looks like they do in the porn. Big labia, small labia, thick pubic hair, and thin pubic hair should not matter. What matters is that its all beautiful in its natural form. Seeing porn inspires labia surgery, shaving/waxing pubic hair, and all the other aweful fads of today. I'm sure you are very beautiful down there as you were made. Any man with a good head on his shoulders and not drugged out on porn to compair you with will realize your beauty and will specifically request you as you are. Not doctored up. Keep your head up and do not give in.

    • You just really have to communicelate in bed if you don't have time tell him when and more communication

  • hmm. good points. i would not remove porn though, but would require people to have a certain level of maturity before watching it.

  • I think porn is good because every guy can't get a date or have the money to make up for lack of looks and its not always something to do with confidence, personality its often initial attraction but no one wants o admit that because it would mean that looks and/or money matter a lot if not more than confidence and personality, confidence and personality matters if a guy has the looks and/or money you know it, I know it, women know it. If women aren't initially attracted to a guy even if he has made strives to improve himself (You know because we all know its always the guy's fault all the time every time if he can't get a date ) what's he to do, get blue balls?

    • There's a over 2 billion people in this world... there's plenty of choices for both sexes.

    • @Vertical807 Actually Anonymous is right about that but it's still not good. I've watched it sometimes and i fellt dirty. I can't get a date either but it's still my fault while every badboy or richn**ga do not even get dates but crotches at their face. But i still don't want to do it and feel dirty if i do it. 2 billion people. At first it's almost 7 billion people but still that you don't know 2 billion people to date or see 2 billion women you like and date.

  • I am a teen... we teens have hormones rising :which certainly makes our knights rise too... its better to jack off at some porn than have wet dreams (which again are not real).

    • porn isn't real interaction either...

    • @SmokemJay exactly... that was thing i just conveyed

  • I agree. I wish porn was gone. It's an addiction. It's an addiction I can't shake.

    • Hang in there. You are not a bad person. I know its frustrating. Remember that as in every addiction, something can replace it. As a new construct in the brain is created, another one (porn) can lose its grip as you develop and enhance the new habit. New habits (constructs) require constant repetition, using as many of the senses as possible. As you do this and put less emphasis on the old, it will become easier. It requires good nutrition too. New raw materials that the brain needs to creat good new habits have to come from somewhere. Essential fatty acids are what the brain needs. You can do it. Your "real" sex life will be enhanced as you start to see reality and recognize natural behaviors and natural affection again.

  • Women should be more like the women in porn. Hairless with bleached buttholes.

    • Your example is the point exactly! Why would anyone with a healthy mind find any of that standard found in porn attractive? Porn has created this unnatural fake illusion of how a woman's body should appear. Its degrading to them. I'm sorry but pubic hair on a woman is one of the top 3 natural signals to us guys that she is even mature enough for sex. How is it that someone looking 10 is more visually stimulating than someone who is fully and naturally developed at 18? I'll take the full V bush on a woman any day, hands down!

    • @James1986 Nobody wants to lick a brillo pad and brown buttholes are gross. It's easy to get your butthole bleached and get waxed.

    • And the very fact that you refer to one of the most beautiful areas on a woman in its natural form as a "brillo pad" speaks very clearly your level of maturity in the matter. The "butthole" has no real finction when it comes to sex. Licking and penetrating it is not something I ever care to do so it is of no concern as to the color. You truly have a warped sense as how to properly and respectfully view and refer to the female body. You are perfectly making the case as to why porn is so toxic.

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