Why Rich People Should Pay For Poor People's Birth Control

For starters, humans don't NEED birth control or healthcare. Throughout history, prehistory, and even in modern times, humans just reproduce as many offspring as possible. Nature doesn't care about one's own personal happiness level. Nature will just select for the individuals with the highest reproductive fitness. Whoever is able to breed the most number of healthy, viable, fertile offspring will have their genes carried on for generations. This fact works very well throughout history and is complemented by morality (that it is wrong to abort or prevent a pregnancy).

Why Rich People Should Pay For Poor People's Birth Control

However, in modern times, humans face a new problem. Humans have become so successful at breeding and eliminating causes of death that infant mortality and maternity mortality at childbirth decline, and that the life expectancy increases. With more people breeding and less people exiting the world, the world will become exponentially more populous, and soon, humanity will eventually run out of resources and space to live in.

Now, you may think, "Humans should stop engaging in sexual intercourse. No sex means no babies." While that is the most apt, rational response to this overpopulation crisis, that is not practical. And it is not practical, because too many humans are not rational. When you have irrational, stupid humans, someone will always do something stupid. Sometimes, this stupidity leads other humans to make protective guidelines for other humans. Other times, this stupidity makes babies. Combined with a nurturing and safe environment, these stupid babies grow up to become stupid adults, and the cycle repeats itself. Nature doesn't for rational intelligence. It just selects for who will breed the most offspring. If stupid people breed the most, then the future will be full of stupid people.

So, what does this mean for people who are both rich and smart? It means that they should control these stupid people. To control the population of these people, these stupid people should be given birth control. Humans already give birth control to deer and other mammals. So, giving birth control to humans is a non-violent way to prevent human overpopulation. It is possible to just legalize homicide, war, torture, genocide, forced sterilization, and the like on 99% of the global human population, but doing that would be extremely difficult, as most people in the 99% do not want to be selected out of the gene pool. They all want to be in the 1% of breeding individuals. So, what do humans do? The smart ones use their superior intellect to make birth control for the dumb ones. Making birth control costs money, so the rich ones should work with the smart ones to provide funding, legislation, and social pressures to prevent the dumb ones from making babies.

Because the purpose of birth control is contrary to one's evolutionary biology, some humans, persuaded by traditional moral beliefs, may be offended that they and their fellow humans are given birth control. Also, the human psychology must be taken into account. If the humans are made to feel inferior (that they are too stupid/irrational and thus make stupid decisions like having sex without the financial resources to take care of a child), then they will experience reactance and do the opposite of what they should do. They may even make babies just to spite everyone else. That's why creating the right language is important to offer birth control to stupid people who fuck too much.

If humans want to decrease the population, then the number of deaths must be greater than the number of births.

If rich, smart, and powerful people still refuse to finance birth control (including contraception and abortion services) for the poor, then they should not blame the poor for failing to rear the child properly. Poor people do not have the resources to give every child the same lifestyle and standard of living as rich people. Therefore, poor people should be free to let the child die. Let Nature take away the child's life. Infant mortality among the poor will increase, but that is to be expected and should be treated as a positive thing to thin out the number of people entering the world. Clean water access should not be delivered to the poor either, because clean water raises personal hygiene and public sanitation, thereby decreasing infant mortality rate among the poor. If humans want to decrease the population, then the number of deaths must be greater than the number of births.

Therefore, the poor, which constitutes the majority of the human population, should have two options. One, they should let their offspring (at least just the weaker ones) die and deserve no blame for letting them die. Two, they should be given birth control and be made to think that they have some control over their lives, even though it's actually the rich and powerful people who control the lives of the poor people by providing and enforcing the use of birth control.

My personal opinion is that national governments should all favor the latter option over the first option. The first option, while achieves the same goal, causes too much suffering in the world. Nobody wants to see their children die. Even if their children are weak, defected, stupid, or sick, parents generally don't want to see their children die. Parents always think that their weak/defected/stupid/sick children are going to live and thrive despite being the runt of the litter. There should not be a debate about whether or not people should be offered free access to condoms. Offering birth control for the poor (such as free biodegradeable condoms) is the only way for rich people to control the sex lives of poor and stupid people.

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18 56
  • Nopes. Let stupid people have kids. If their kids starve to death its their problem. The ones that make it deserve to live. Nature. I say let them have kids but no additional health care or help from the state. Im not gonna pay the pills so little Tom fucks his cousin.

    • What a loathsome little shit you are, I hope you catch necrotiseing fascietus and have to have both arms and both legs amputated, see how you feel about welfare when you yourself are too I'll to work.

    • @Bezbozhnikustanka oooob how cuuuute. :*

  • You really took that movie to heart and I've seen that movie a couple of times and it is funny but I think the real problem is people should not have kids if they cannot financially support them is the real issue

  • *Reads the first sentence* ''For starters, humans don't NEED birth control or healthcare''. Absolutely disagree but y'know it's your opinion... Also feel free to refuse healthcare and happily live out the problems plaguing many third world countries which is LACK OF HEALTHCARE AND CONTRACEPTIVES.

    • shit sorry I should have read more. I thought you're against healthcare and contraceptives

    • Yes, you should also read the title. "Why Rich People Should Pay For Poor People's Birth Control." The myTake is actually pro-contraceptive. ;)

  • No, "poor people" should be tought why they should control themselves. Education is much more powerful than control.

    • this is the obvious truth. Education is where everything starts

    • Look at all the winning people out there just pissed off at the rich. Even tho all of us have the same opportunity to make something out of yourself in this country , actually the whole world. I agree with your opinion. I wasn't born with a silver spoon up my ass , but after working hard to make my dream come true , it happened. Now everybody poor wants all my silver spoons... lmao

  • Birth control is immoral, so I will never pay for it.

  • Didn't read but such a ridiculous premise doesn't deserve intellectual consideration or my time.

  • No they shouldn't. Our government and society has too
    GODDAMN entitlement giveaways. Stupid (retarded) and the like should
    be sterilized. Otherwise they will be an enormous burden on an already
    over utilized heath care system. Thereby rendering it more ineffective.

  • I disagree strongly. There's no overpopulation problem for one, rather a maldistribution of resources problem. Two, birth control isn't a right, it's a privilege. Three, if you're a true supporter of natural selection, let nature take it's course, don't interfere with it.

  • nobody has any obligation to make up for others lack of responsibilities so disagree.

  • Birth control isn't a right. You don't want kids and have no birth control? Easy, don't have sex.

  • Just keep your legs closed

    • Keep your dick covered.

  • So you're saying the rich should provide birth control for the poor to secure their own positions

  • Get a job if you want birth control.

    • I'm in tears hahah, made my morning lol (Y)

  • Hell no. I'm not rich but I make good money. I'm not paying for some poor fuckers birth control. They have no self control and no financial means to bring another kid into the world.

    Reap what you fucking sow. If you are poor and can't self control your hormones, then you assume all financial and parental responsibilities for being so fucking stupid. Nobody is going to pay for your stupid shit.

    I feel bad for kids who are born into these poor fuckers because they are neglected, hungry, and dont know any different way to live. These kids deserve better than that. It's not the kids fault their parents are uneducated trash.

    • Why don't u see paying for societal birth control as "preventing potential criminal and welfare kings/queens from being created"? Think in a preventative way.

    • @Prof_Don I'm not paying for people who can't control themselves. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.

  • Fuck no... You pay for what you want.

  • This will just motivate them to work less. I'm not going to pay for someones birth control with money I earned, because people are irrational. If you want to have kids at a young age go ahead, but be aware that you'll have to work really hard just to be stable. There's a reason why I'm not in a relationship. It's because I'd rather focus on getting a degree.

  • For the same reason people who don't own a car see their taxes being used for roads and bridges.

  • What you're suggesting is akin to eugenics. That's the same thing that Hitler did during WWII, that's not just disgusting, that's horrifying. I neither want to pay for welfare or a pill. Cheapest of all is abstinence and self-control. Use it I've done it all of my adult life, and have not gotten a chica pregnant yet. Disgusting.

  • The problem is a lot deeper than that. A lot of these poor, uneducated people in the hood won't even use birth control. For them, the standard thinking is you get pregnant, and you go on welfare. The more babies you make, the bigger the welfare check is. What's the welfare money used for? Junk food, drugs, and TV. If you try cutting that welfare shit, there will be riots in every city.

    There's also a race factor in this. Most of the teenage girls who take birth control or have abortions are white. Blacks and Hispanics? They usually make lots of babies (do they even know who the baby daddy is?) and just pop them out. That's where these gangs come from.

  • Agreed! The rich get the tax break and we're back to back alley abortions👍

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