Ahhh yes. It's my favorite topic of all times: SEX!
And that's no wonder because I'm a young virgin man with supercharged hormones and super high sex drive and all my mind is occupied with sex!

Image drawn by me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Whether it is having real sexual intercourse or masturbating, I will refer to having sex as either.
Having sex - as we noticed - feels amazing, it feels right, it feels natural, it feels fantastic, sometimes it's twisting and just undeniable.
And it's all with a good reason! Science and studies show real health benefits from having sex and that also includes psychological effects, physiological effects, physical effects and sometimes morals.
First of all, a good source provides Wikipedia as it also publishes confirmed scientific evidence

So let's count the health benefits of having SEX
Increases immune system (and increasing antibodies)
Yay! Lesser sick days
Lowers blood pressure
I confirm, that this works like a miracle.
(For men) reduced risk of prostate cancer
Girls and women are doing us men a much bigger favor than they may realize ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oxytocin hormones are increased (The "love" hormone)
It helps establishing trust and bondage between both partners. Now I know why they say love is like a drug when you actually feel it. Oxytocin provides us with a feeling of loving.
Fun fact: Sex DOES release organic drugs (like Endorphin and Dopamine) in the central nervous system!
It keeps you looking young(er)
I don't want to become expired fast (No offense dear older readers). Youth is a true gift and it's draining over time out.

Counts as Exercise
Now that's my favorite sport! Sexercise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Normally I do not like doing sports but if I can start Sexercising with someone, then it would be the beginning of my new hobby.
Essentially sports is about making your heart pump. Sex - depending on the act - can achieve the same but not with the same results as working out. If sex could be performed multiple times a day, could it replace working out? Theoretically yes.
You also increase your stamina!
Lowers Heart Attack Risk and improves heart health
♥ You reduce the risk of heart diseases by as much as half ♥

Improves Sleep
Difficulty sleeping? Or planning to take a rest? Try sex if you don't have valerian (or combine it). Results aren't guaranteed however.
It's easier and more potential with a partner however or your favorite "object" if you have such one.
Kills Stress and relaxes you
The answer to all of your problems is all in your head and the remedy for it is a good session of fvckyng but you may not realize it.
And once you got laid, it will fix you up right... for the time being if that is that severe.
That's why we say "(s)he needs to be fvcked good.". Hey, it's at least helpful by pointing out the issue ;)
Boosts your libido
The more often you have sex, the more often you are likely to want it in the future.

Combats depression
If you are depressed, sex may lift it for you. If your depression is severe, it may lift your depressions only temporary.
But hey, it's still better than nothing.
Boosts your brainpower
I can confirm this kind of. There are other outside factors to boost your brainpower, which helps you build intelligence such as sleeping, diet and level of interest.

Improves overall physical fitness
Sexercise can benefit your body in physical ways alongside with what is happening during and after climax.
Another thing, that is left unsaid is, that sex is beneficial for your skin! It helps maintaining your skin healthy and for women the skin maintains or becomes more soft ♥
Relieves pain
You can at least try it. It wouldn't hurt ;) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hahahaha

That's true. If you were like overthinking something and then get a sex so good, that it feels like your mind and genitals are experiencing fireworks, your memories are wiped clean and all you see are stars at night (well, in the mind that is).
Your memory will improve
That means it's also beneficial to learning stuff and raising your intelligence.

Ladies benefit from having sex too! It's wonderful how sex is a teamwork related activity, that benefits both participants in their own ways ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Obviously if you have a good health, you live longer. This goes without saying when sex benefits our health.
Sex makes you happier and is fun
It boosts your mood indeed.
Remember to wear protection!
So there we have it. Sex is a fantastic thing to do. Remember that it's not all about drilling or getting drilled and it's fine afterwards! Make sure you have a corresponding partner and practice with protection or do it by yourself alone.
I ♥ Sex

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