A woman's first lover, is carved in her mind mentally, emotionally, hormonally even genetically science shows.

Sperm may alter gene expression in females - affecting factors such as a woman's hormones!!! Scientists have dubbed the phenomenon seminal signalling - and say it is widespread in animal world
Women's first experience excretes large amounts of oxytocin in a similar fashion in which their bonding with their new born child is created. So they are much more likely to be emotionally attached to their first man.

Researchers have identified a protein present in all mammalian semen that directly affects the female brain and stimulates ovulation. It's called nerve growth factor (NGF if you're nasty) and it's typically found in nerve cells, where it regulates nerve maintenance. By day. By night NGF loses the glasses and takes its ponytail down and it's a whole other story:
NGF in the semen acts as a hormonal signal, working through the hypothalamus of the female brain and the pituitary gland. This triggers the release of other hormones that signal the ovaries to release an egg or eggs.

Even the ovaries are affected by the first man's sperm and the are "tainted" so to speak for life, thus an unbelievable process called Telegony is possible. You marry a second husband, but your kid with him can resemble your ex!!!
It really astounded scientists when they even found male sperm protein residues in the female brain. Like 64% had that in adequate quantities. Reports indicate a chance that it can even control to a degree female behavior. Like we are turning into a weird form of female sperm zombies.
No wonder many women are caught texting or contemplating on their exes. And if you believe in the spiritual realm too, there are spiritual bondings as well.

When God says marry as virgins and stay together, He knows what He is talking about, cause He made us in the first place. So yeah, even scientifically slut shaming has a basis.
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