Why the LGBT+ Community Has Been Taken Out of Control

Why the LGBT+ community has been taken out of control

Let me start this by saying I'm not particularly against anything within the LGBT+ community. I just simply don't agree with the way the campaign is going.

1. Stop ramming it down our throats every 2 seconds...

Seriously, like... We don't care. It's not my place to congratulate you or judge you. So why keep telling me? I see all these commercials on how we can "support" the LGBT+ community. As if they need supporting. They aren't homeless, they don't need my money.

Why the LGBT+ Community Has Been Taken Out of Control

2. Why act like a boy/girl if you aren't one biologically?

And why do you NEED me to believe that you are the gender you say you are? A boy isn't a girl just because he says he is. He's still a boy. You don't just become another gender because you say you are. It's science. If you wanna go ahead and think you're a girl, go ahead, but don't expect me to think the same.

Why the LGBT+ Community Has Been Taken Out of Control

3. Sensitivity, sensitivity, sensitivity...

Seriously, that's all I see and hear. When did freedom of speech become only usable when CERTAIN people want to use it? Just like the black community, it's the exact same in the LGBT+. If you're allowed to state your opinion in that you support LGBT+, why am I not allowed to state mine?


Why the LGBT+ Community Has Been Taken Out of Control

4. The bathroom situation...

Why don't we just have another bathroom made? I know, it's ridiculous, but that's what it's come to. So why not just do it. It's pretty damn awkward with a "boy" in the boys bathroom, who isn't actually PHYSICALLY a boy.

Why the LGBT+ Community Has Been Taken Out of Control

Seriously people, it's getting ridiculous.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Yes, I feel your pain. First of all, I'm totally okay with gays, pans etc but they are taking it too far. Since it's June, aka pride month. All of the tweets, I mean all. of. the. damn. tweets. are about the LGBT+ community. Also, everyone's username, profile picture or bio looks a little bit something like this: *gayflag gayflag gayflag* I'm_Gay
    Seriously, it's okay to be in the LGBT+, but please stop spamming. A tweet or post every so now and then is completely okay, but not when your whole timeline is full of it and there's no more originality.
    Again, I'm okay with it if you're in the community. I respect who you are, but you don't have to punch everyone in the face with a boxing glove called sexuality.
    Again 2.0 it's okay to be in the LGBT+ please don't hate me for my opinion.

    • Thank you for selecting me as one of the most helpful opinions

    • I agree with you 100%. For instance, I'm not against gays at all, I just simply don't give a damn who's gay lol.

  • I was fine with this LGBT+ community since it started getting so possesive and preasuring.
    They have this stupid idea that "everyone underneath is secretly gay".
    And it's fine for them to say that they find disgusting straight couples being together,, but for us it's terrible to say we fine gay couples gross.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Thanks for sharing your Take with GirlsAskGuys Community. India Support LGBTQAI+ Community. Check out my Take.

    India Supports the LQBTQAI Community ↗

    Supporting the LGBTQAI Community in the Workplace ↗

    Discrimination against an individual on the basis of sexual orientation is deeply offensive to the dignity and self-worth of the individual.

    Supreme Court of India had declared freedom of sexual orientation a fundamental right. No one should be discriminated.

    Why the LGBT+ Community Has Been Taken Out of Control
  • Can’t stand that community

    • Thanks

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3 7
  • Be who you are and I believe you have the right to be who you are without discrimination and youI should be respected for who you areare but don't use it for attention, you're not special and don't shove it in everyone's faces. If you walk with a banner around your neck reading I am trans, that is how your gonna be treated.

    • I agree with you 100. I'm not against anything within the community. I just simply don't wanna hear about it 24/7.

  • 1.) As far as I know I haven't rammed anything down your throat XD
    That said, you'd need to give more information. I, for one, don't see that many lgbt ads. I will go a step further though, so that you can't say I am dodging anything. You may think it's ok, and you may think that gays are deserving of equal rights. IF that's the case, more power to you man, but that is not the case for other people. In fact with the current regime change we are seeing new legislation/ attacks on legislation to remove rights or justify discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Particularly the Texas state supreme court is seeing a case to deny spousal rights to gay couples, and the current administration is siding on allowing people being allowed to be fired for their sexual orientation Zarda v Altitude Express. Those are the two that first come to mind. "Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I can't believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin." - School Board Member in Arkansas. It's important to let children know that this is not how we feel about them. Not to mention that the abuse of lgbt people globally is still in full swing. The Chechen government is rounding up, torturing, and murdering gays in the night. Just a few years ago Uganda passed the "kill the gays bill" which made homosexuality punishable by death. That's not to mention the other dozen or so countries that allow it.
    2.) You have a fundamental misunderstanding about transGENDERism. Gender is not synonymous with your sex chromosomes. Gender is the social norms associated with a particular sex. Things that have nothing to do with what genitals you have. How you perceive the world, how you want the world to perceive you, how you want to dress, how you talk, etc. Transgender people are just asking that you treat them with respect, and not make things more difficult for them, especially when their teen suicide rates are astronomical.
    3.) You receiving backlash for your opinions is freedom of speech. The first amendment only protects you from the government, not others.
    4.) They want to be treated equally. You may know the phrase "Separate but equal is never truly equal." Brown v Board of Education.

    Congrats if you made it this far. I look forward to your response.

    • I'm just gonna respond to each number that you wrote. 1. I am once again gonna bring up freedom of speech, because it seems like every time one person says something negative about the LGBT+ community, it turns into an entire campaign that spirals out of control and ultimately starts another political war. We all have our own opinions, that's understood. If homosexual people want to speak out and say "respect me" that's bullshit. No one has to respect anyone. Respect is earned, not given freely. 2. If gender is just the "social norms" then that really doesn't make any sense. Gender is a science-based word (typically, male and female). When you say gender is the social norms associated with a particular sex, that's illustrating that gender and sex is the same thing, which is false. Sex is typically associated with sexual preference (homosexual, straight). If a transgender person commits suicide, who's to say that's not because they have something mentally wrong with them?

    • Who's to say that they didn't have something else in their life to begin with? We don't know. We all have our own opinions, therefore you can't tell people to change their opinion/viewpoint on transgenders just to make them feel good. 3. Understood, but I don't see any backlash for liberals when they speak out on stuff. Only when we conservatives do. 4. Socially equal doesn't matter. It didn't matter when America was designed, and it doesn't matter now. Everyone has equal rights, social rights doesn't exist. Thanks for actually having a conversation, most people on this topic just start cussing at me or such and such.

    • Ah, fun. You're a quick responder. I appreciate that. I'm confused at the ways in which you responded, but we can start here. Hopefully we'll have a productive conversation. 1.) You understand that freedom of speech is a two way road right? If you have the right to say that members of the lgbt community are wrong, freaks, etc then others can say that you are a bigot, dickhead etc. Again, social repercussions for your speech are not covered by freedom of speech. 2.) You're just wrong here. Google the definitions of gender. "noun either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior:" "NOUN Either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female." Etc etc.

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  • Be what you want. Do who you are but do so quietly.

  • Here here! So un-PC. :)

    • Sorry, but there's really no other way to state my opinion lol

    • Well, I happen to agree. I don't know why all of a sudden the whole f'ing country is preoccupied with the fringe element - the 1-3% of the population. Why is it that the way out on the edge of everything carries any weight at all? And frankly I don't really care about all their weirdness, whatever they want to do is fine, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. We just don't need all the gory details. :)

    • Exactly

  • I agree with you 100%... I don't support anything in the LGBT+ community. Pretty smart for a 15 year old lol. Don't let these liberals tell you otherwise.