Why There's Nothing Wrong With a Man Hitting a Woman

Let me just start off by saying, it's not okay for anyone to lay hands on anyone! Point blank period.

Nothing Wrong With A Man Hitting A Woman! Here's why...

But hey ladies, you deserve to get hit when you hit a guy. When you put your hands on a man, you open the door for him to hit you back.

A well known fact, guys are naturally stronger than girls. With that info, do you really wanna punch your boyfriend because he made you mad and you think it won't hurt him? Well just because he's a dude, doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings...or feeling in his body for that matter. Dudes are still flesh and bone just like us. Realize that.

Why There's Nothing Wrong With a Man Hitting a Woman

Think before you act. If you don't think about your actions before you act on them, how can you expect him to think about his actions before he act on them. It's possible for you both to be in the heat of passion. You could be pissed, furious, just plain angry and blinded by fury so you hit him. You feeling the way you feel is no excuse. Be honest, you don't know exactly how he'll react. For all you know, that one slap could send him over the edge. He may be calm about it and just call the cops or he could slap you back. BUT YOU DON'T KNOW! So after you hit him, you best hope he just call the cops because you just assaulted him.

'Real men don't hit women.' Well guess what...REAL WOMEN DON'T HIT MEN. 'Nuff said about that.

Why There's Nothing Wrong With a Man Hitting a Woman

Basically what I'm saying is, don't hit on people who you know could kick your behind. In fact, just EVERYONE, KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELVES. Avoid the nasty confrontation. Whether you're just playing around or dead serious. Think before you act because you don't know how someone will respond.

Why There's Nothing Wrong With a Man Hitting a Woman


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23 43
  • If you're strong enough to throw a punch, you're strong enough to take a punch.

  • Yep. So true. 100% agree.

    I also like how no one mentioned that cake emoji.

  • I don't advocate domestic abuse.

    But there was one time in elementary school that a white girl used a racist slur towards me and I cleaned her clock with a right cross.

    I got in detention for that, but I was so fucking pissed.

  • Equal rights, indeed!

    Tho the prefered alternative for me is indeed no hitting at all :)

  • great article. this is nice to see that people are also considerate about male emotions.

  • I agree.

  • Equal rights, equal fights. Don't touch me and I won't touch you.

    • Oh, I can't touch you? Bummer 🙁

    • @teawrecks you can't reach me anyway, you have "teawrecks" arms😂

    • Ohhhh now we're bringing the short jokes to arm lengths 😒 That's a new one brb deleting again and making a new username

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  • "Dont write a check your ass can't cash." And don't be a little bitch and call the cops when you try to be tough and get out in your place. That goes for all men and women

  • That's only true if his life is in danger. Nobody should hit anybody unless it's a life or death situation.

  • Yeah that's non sense to me, if your little 4 yr old slapped you in the face would you hit him back? NO , a man never hits a woman but pushes her ( IF NEEDED ) that's how I was raised and that's my culture and I won't change it

    • That's completely different. If a child hits you, you put them in time out. As for a grown ass woman hitting a grown man, well now... that's a different story.

    • Apples and oranges, Omar. In fact, what you said is somewhat sexist as you're comparing women to 4 year-olds. C'mon.

    • @BigPunny don't you people understand example? Or it's different in english? Ugh I don't know but it's an example not a comparison people

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  • This is the best explanation of this I've ever read. Well done.

  • I'd still never hit a woman, but I got two sisters and good female friends to back me in case any female feels the need to hit me.

    • Omg that's some real life stuff right there. I have brothers and I've had to check a lot of girls mistreating my them. Sisters. They're a nice weapon.

    • Yes and I'd do the same for them in a heartbeat.

  • What the heck with gender? If the heat is on from both sides you never know what's gonna happen. But in most cases males usually don't hit females unless heat is way too much or simply the male is degenerate alcoholic.
    Males fight physically, while females use mouth, its nature and u dont wanna mess with it.
    by the way i have two sisters and girls fight way meaner than boys, truth has been spoken.
    I do not advise any fighting or slut shaming, pls be human and stop ufcking arnd. Nice take

  • Personally I wouldn't hit a girl, even if she hits me first, I am already worried when I hit a guy bc I don't want to cause serious damage (like breaking bones or internal damage in the viscera, brain damage, paralysis etc.) and the risk increases more when it's a girl but mainly it doesn't feel right to hit a girl, girls are to love, to fight for, but not to hit them.

    • Another part of my take was that, a guy could act without thinking (heat of passion) and hit the girl back. So it could be an unconscious/involuntary act. But either way, she caused it. She brought the act out. But I get ya.

  • Uhhhhh...

  • if a man is a gentleman he won't hit any woman, even IF she is hitting him. He will either hold her arms to stop her from hitting him or he will walk away. A man should NEVER hit a woman. Fuck this society and its standards.

    • That's fucking stupid. If I hit a guy, I damn well expect him to hit me back

    • Chromosomes should not determine what I get away with.

    • This is no longer the 1950's. This is 2016. Women deserve equal rights... and lefts.

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  • I don't believe in the eye for an eye concept personally. And yes, I've been punched in the face on more than one occasion. Deescalation is always a better choice.

    Also, I am disgusted by how many people on GAG are just dying for someone to hit them so they have "permission" to beat them into submission.

  • That's "an eye for an eye" type thing and that's bs, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Kids also know adults are stronger than them, but if one hits me I won't hit them back... restrain them maybe, but that's about it.
    Self defence is very different to hitting back in a tit for tat type scenario. Very different.
    I wouldn't want a woman hitting my brothers, but I'd hope they understand the difference between self defence and just hitting back if it ever did happen.

    • It's not an eye for an eye thing. It's a you don't know how someone would respond thing. It's a think before you act thing.

    • That doesn't make it "ok for men to hit women" just because you don't know how they'll react. Some kid just got murdered the other day because he picked up money some drunk dude dropped... because he didn't know how he'd react. It was all over the news. He didn't know how the man would react, so that makes it ok. As I said, self defense is one thing, hitting back just because is another. One is far, very far, from ok.

    • That's completely different. Its a grown ass woman versus a grown ass man. It's ok because she shouldn't be putting her hands on a guy anyway.

  • not even gonna read... if you hit a woman you're a fag, end of story.

    you only hit back if she is bigger or armed while you're not.

    • don't be a cunt.

    • Or if she deserves a bitch slap, I guess

  • Women always say they want equality. So... here you go. If you hit a man, expect to get hit by a man. However... feminism will try to put everything in the woman's favor if you fight back.

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