Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

Every time I bring up this issue someone says:

"There is no male pill because men won't buy or use it."

The reason men aren't buying the male pill is because there isn't one. Period.

There isn't one because big pharmaceutic companies have considered it unprofitable, not withstanding some 'feminist' resistance to the notion.

Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

A Brazilian physician, Dr. Coutinho, explained this very well:

Males have as much need and desire to have power over their reproduction as women.

Don't we all males agree on that?

Paternity fraud, also known as child identity fraud is a type of fraud that occurs when, in a non-paternity event, a mother names a man to be the biological father of a child, when she knows or suspects that he is not the biological father.

Idris Elba, who after DNA testing learned he was not the father of his son. Elba describes the experience;

“You know, the truth is—like, even admitting it, I’ll probably get laughed at for the rest of my life. But it is just tragic, and it happened.”

Research indicated that one in 50 British fathers is raising a child which he thinks is his own but actually is the biological child of another man, and whose birth reflects the high incidence of female infidelity, between 5 and 27% in women under 30.

In the UK, paternity fraud, like adultery, is not a criminal offence!!! Imagine that.

Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

In USA, in studies that solely looked at couples who obtained paternity testing because paternity was being disputed, there are higher levels; an incidence 33%. Meaning there could be more than 50% of cases in which paternity was never questioned and fathers aren't raising their own children.

Punishment for these women? A slap in the wrist, while men are bound to pay child support and be responsible for children that belong to another man. And this is why is important for men to have control over their reproduction in a safe manner.

I can name many cases of men paying the consequences of women lying to them into raising another man's child. In Australia, Canada, Switzerland, UK of course / (2), South Korea, etc.

Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

The real reason feminists uproar and opposition to a male birth control pill is clearly evident as Dr. Coutinho points out - MEN WILL FINALLY HAVE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS - MEN WILL BE ABLE TO CHOOSE PARENTHOOD.

Once the male pill is available and starts to become widely used women will no longer control the world and feminism will be flushed away like yesterdays wad of shitbegone toilet paper, and that absolutely scares the shit out of the man haters.
No children mean no pawns in the game of ruling over and destroying men's lives, for these types of women.

It means:

- No paternity suits.

- No child support.

- No loosing his kids.

- No supervised visitation.

- No being tricked and trapped into fatherhood.

- No more turning his kids against him.

- No more baby boys being born to be treated wrongly.

Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

I'm sure many men would find that enormously appealing. Feminists would no longer have the male gender in a strangle hold. When the birth rates plummet and there are not enough up and coming young men to be the world's beasts of burden feminism will truly disappear like a fart in a tornado, and that is what feminists find so terrifying about the male pill.

Personally I can hardly wait.

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20 32
  • You had me until the end.

    My boyfriend wants a male bc pill because neither of us want to pass on our genes (ADHD, 20/200 vision, etc.) and us both being on bc would reduce that risk

    • so you are one of those people who actually believe that ADHD is some defective gene? do you also take meds for it? lol

    • @applesandoranges22 I have ADHD and I am very successful. I suspect that people with ADHD have higher intelligence and capabilities on average. The trick is to learn the control it with diet, exercise, meds, earplugs, and coming up with ways to minimize the distraction. Look at what Stephen hawking has accomplished with his disability. Everyone is flawed

    • @SuccessfulHornDog you dont know how excited I am to meet a like minded person! i have ADD, and I do agree that its kind of hard to be in tune with the normal pace but that does not somehow mean we are stupid or have some ''disorder'' its sad that there are people out there that feel like adhd is a reason not to have kids.

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  • Yesss!

  • You name forced paternity as a reason - but you then ignore the reasons for what lead to it. Aka (potential) fathers having literally no rights over their children. If it would just made legal for everyone to get a DNA test with their possible child and such then this issue would be reduced a ton.

  • Anyone who would trust big pharma to produce a male contraceptive that was safe and did not cause permanent damage to the male reproductive system would be a naive fool.
    Big pharma routinely produces products that kill and disable and they do not give a damn.
    That was why the so-called Pfizer Court was established in the USA. It made the drug companies immune to damages suites by parents of children who had been damaged (or killed) by vaccines.
    HPV vaccines have killed and/or destroyed the nervous systems, brains and reproductive systems of thousands of young females.
    Internet searches, especially on YouTube, will find a wealth of material about the harm done by vaccines. The vision of autistic children and once healthy young women turned into drooling vegetables, or spastics, is heartbreaking.
    The contraceptive pill is a known killer, mainly in the form of blood clots. These products are not withdrawn once evidence of the harm done comes to light.
    Vaccines are loaded up with mercury, formaldehyde, aspartame, simian virus 40 (a potent carcinogen) and a shopping list of other things that cause cancer or damage the brain and nervous system.
    Bayer knowingly shipped blood products that contained HIV. Profit was more important than Bayer murdering thousands of sick people by giving them AIDS.
    So, I say that only a naive fool would trust big pharma to produce a male contraceptive that was safe.
    One needs only to look at the history of big pharma's conduct and products to predict its future behaviour.
    Here are some of the victims of Gardasil:

  • If guys use condoms, women have the same effect. And condoms protect from STDs, BC pills don't.
    Why are condoms better than BC? Look at the findings:
    *- at least one in 4 teenage American girls has a sexually transmitted disease:
    *-Half of urban teen girls acquire STIs within two years of first sexual activity:
    Half of American men has an STD!: www.upi.com/.../

    THAT IS the reason why BC pills (for men or women) and IUDs are ONLY acceptable for monogamous couples. Paternity fraud is NOT a problem in monogamous relationships. (Or they aren't monogamous.
    But that guy is Brazilian. How strong is marital fidelity in Brazil?

    I understand that feminists don't want to risk STDs because the guy drops condoms in favor of the male BC. Just look at the stats I linked to.

    • @the_bright_one The data I know concerning paternity fraud are : *-IF there's already a 'reason' to question paternity: ca 30% *-IF there's no reason to doubt paternity: ca 3% That's VERY far from your claim: "Meaning there could be more than 50% of cases in which paternity was never questioned and fathers aren't raising their own children."

    • Men just don't press to get the male pill because the ones that have been tested until now have a lot of side effects.

  • I do not support the pills.

  • Having read about effect of the current male contraception pill and knowing how the female version has some serious side effects I'm just going to say no thanks.

    • Exactly. The first pill packet I took had me riddled with intense nausea, migraines and I had VERY scary and depressing thoughts on it (like suicide) and I had a lot of emotional breakdowns. I switched to a different brand and it was MUCH better. Also, there was a male birth control pill, it was actually causing side effects close to what a woman gets on her period, except for the bleeding. It was taken off the market I think.

    • @helloitsmethere the male pill I heard had a lot of suicides

    • @helloitsmethere the male pill was taken off because men were getting infertile.

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  • The pill doesn't exist because the science isn't here yet.

  • It's all about power and control. IF we were a PARTARCHY we would have the pill because it would give the power of conception to men and not women. It just pokes a huge whole in the feminist BS.

    I have a MyTake up on just this topic asking what effect a male birth control pill would have on dating and sexual relationships. They have a 100% effective birth control with no side effects for men. It's called vasalgel.

  • The male (AND female) pill is called "NO"!!!

    • Thank you brother.

  • Agreed. I'd rather not leave that choice in the hands of a woman concerning whether or not I become a father. I choose, nobody else.

    • what's wrong with deciding together?

    • @Carefuloutthere I don't want to be a father. As it stands, there are a ton of ways for a woman to force that decision on me even if I say no. So that only leaves the one option: don't get a woman pregnant in the first place.

    • In other words: TRUST NO ONE! This is an invaluable life hack rule to live by.

  • The moment a pill like that passes the danger tests, im on it. Probably for the rest of my life!

  • I would use this Ina second. I have had a few scares from girl friends telling me they were pregnant after we broke up so that they could get back in my life. The thought that some women deceive their partners and intentionally get pregnant is abhorrent to me. Clearly any woman that would do this is not fit to be a mother. Its time for men to remove the possibility of this disgusting practice

  • nah im good

    Genesis 1:28
    And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    • Isn't that a conditional commandment, then? Once you've replenished and subdued, then stop being fruitful and multiplying? Is there an Ancient Hebrew Scholar in the house?

    • @Bananaman177 Genesis 3 and the Lord said unto the serpent And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your SEED and her SEED; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel GOD just told satan hey look her kid is gonna crush his head so lets think of all the ways he can stop that from happening WARS DISEASE LGBT ABORTION BIRTH CONTROL I WANT 20 KIDS :) LOL

    • @Bananaman177 What the person said above is correct.

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  • With an utterly superfluous 240,000 people being added to the worlds population every day I think we need all the contraception we can get.

    But then I'm a nutter who thinks you should have a means test before having a child.

  • I need to move from this shithole of a country.

    • Your own personal brexit?

  • It is called use a condom.

    • Agreed.

  • I don`t trust the pharma industry there are way too many FDA approvals getting through under the table look at the Tylenol fiasco. (https://www. huffingtonpost. com/carole-bartolotto/fda-problems_b_3904329. html)

    For those thinking of taking this I would suggest waiting for long term results in real life not manipulated lab ones.

    Female pill POP would have to do for couples for now.

  • Feminists want the power to decide? Tell them that it takes a female AND a male to reproduce. I feel sorry for the scientist.

    • You guys aren't the ones stuck with a baby for 18 years. You technically could walk away. And even if you say "child support", MANY dudes avoid paying a cent.

    • @rushthesand No. Child support isn't an "option". What is wrong with a male contraceptive pill?

    • I have nothing against it. I'm just saying don't blame women for being so cautious about this as we have more to lose.

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  • No thanks, i don't want to lower my testosterone and have suicidal thoughts.

    • The chicks upvoting you are like, "Good! Good! We need somebody to scam child support from!"

    • @Bananaman177 Just get a vasectomy and use condoms. Problem solved!

    • @Bananaman177 You know what, I'm sick of this. For two years of my daughter's life, her father wanted nothing to do with her ( ... and I was on birth control when I got pregnant with her) and I never tried to make him. His choice was his choice, and when he changed his mind and came barging in, I had, and have no interest in taking money that he himself offered in mediation as a way to make himself look good. He was awarded his visitation by the court, so stop with the women take everything and guys are such victims BS. It's all going his way at the moment. If it was up to me, he'd be gone. Not because I'm some selfish bitch, but because I don't want my child to end up really screwed up by that narcissistic moron. Guys aren't so innocent in all this.

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