Why We Should Be More Open About Sex To Our Children

So this is my first myTake ever. I always wanted to write a myTake but was either too scared for negative reactions or I couldn't come up with a subject or was too insecure about my English skills.

I was reading my favorite magazine (Psychologie Magazine) and it had a very interesting research in it from which I thought a lot of gagers would think it's interesting. I will make comparisons between the United States, the Netherlands and The United Kingdom. This research is by the way totally real and I will post the sources with it. Your opinion can be different, but please don't become rude. It would discourage me from writing takes.

(Note: some parts are translated by me from Dutch to English. It might have some grammar mistakes since I'm not the best English speaker either.)

Why we should be more open about sex to our children

The situation in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has the lowest rates of teenage pregnancies and STD's among teenagers. Why? Of course it has a lot to do with the availability of condoms (you can buy them in supermarkets, farmacies etc.) and because you can get the birth control pill with one prescription from your doctor and the morning afterpill is also just available at regular stores, but it also has a lot to do with our sex education at school. We begin very early with sex education at schools. From my experience, I got it on primary school and another time at middle school.

What's also different is that in the Netherlands, we think it's normal that teenagers try out sexual activities with their highschool sweethearts. That leads to an other kind of sex education. Not only about really having sex and doing it safely, but also about pleasure and where to draw a line.

Situation in America

According to the magazine, Americans have a whole different view towards sex amongst teenagers. They see teenagers as reckless and only following their dicks and hormones and that they need strong lines. The rule is often 'no sex before marriage'.

Unfortunatly according to studies, drawing strict lines for teenagers is only for the worse. The number of girls who give birth between age 15 to 19 is six times as high as in the Netherlands (although I must be critical here. They don't mention if it's absolute or relative since America has a lot more habitants).

So what about the Britians?

Sexual education is not obligatory in Britian. If the school offers sex education and the parents doesn't sgree with it, you can choose miss those lessons. Although Britian has the highest rates of teenage pregnancies and STD's of whole west Europe. 83 percent of 13 year old teenagers already has watched porn at east once. In a documantary called Sex in class, you can clearly see what kind of effect it has on kids. Guys in sex education lessons acting all dominant and the girls more shy and submissive. Just like in porn. A guy in the documentary also said that it was normal to cum in a girl's face since it shows her respect to the man. I can call that pretty disgusting right?


According to an American research last year, beginning early with sex education really works. Children who learn about sex at early age, score lower at unexpected pregnancies and other unfurtunate things from sex then teenagers who got educated at age 16. From an another study it shows that sex education at early age also results in children initiating sex later.

Porn is a really bad educator. I think you can better teach your kids about sex before they start watching porn. When to do that? I think always be open about sex so no stupid stories like the stork gave us a baby or planting a seed of love by kissing. If your kids ask something, be real about it. Teach them about all the great things that come before sex like falling in love, where to draw the line, always feel comfortable what you're doing and with who you're doing it with. People are always afraid kids will loose their naivity and purity, but I think not. They probably don't even find it too interesting when you begin teaching them, but they already know what to do and such.

About schools, I think teaching children about sex at primary school is not so bad. I got tought when I was about eleven years old or something. They even start earlier nowadays. Even the Netherlands can improve their sex education lessons.

Note: It was by the way not my purpose to promote how great the Netherlands is blablabla. I just comparise it to my country because the magazine does too. We do these things pretty good, but in a lot of other things we can definetly learn from Britian and the USA.

Thank you for reading my first myTake ever! Leave your opinion if you agree with it. Perhaps it was too sciency, but I like to see some real researches here on GAG once in a while. You can leave ideas for some improvements or your opinion about this subject, but please KEEP IT RESPECTFUL AND CLEAN. Thank you.

sources: A. Schalet, Not under my roof: parents, teens, and the culture of sex, Chicago University press, 2011 / H. Brunskell-Evans, Sex in Class: Liekens is right to teach teenagers about sexual pleasure, University of Leicester, 2015 / H. de Graaf e.a., seks onder je 25e: Seksuele gezondheid van jongeren in Nederland anno 2012, Eburon, 2012 / S. Igras e.a., Investing in very young adolescents' sexual and reproductive health, Global Public Health, 2014

1 1

Most Helpful Guy

  • I come from a completely different situation. Also dutch and knowing your interested in psychology here is my experiance and its results.

    My parents never gave me sexual education especially not before i got into contact with porn. They believed the school already tought me this and the school in turn would only teach me the inner workings in biology class years later.

    From a very young age i was extremely interested in computers, i was always allowed to use them and browse the net mostly unsuperviced and uncensored. My parents wanted to give me all the freedom i needed to explore the digital world and monitor me much more passively. Obviously i was passionate about what i was doing so i would often tell and show tbem what i had done.

    From a young age i knew how to download software. These download sites where not the safest sites. You eighter had to decline the xxxtoolbar about 30 times or accept it just once for access. The pc would then be filled with stuff like weatherbug, memorymeter and ofcourse the popups and toolbar links to blowjobs, naked girls and anal.

    Keep in mind i was around 6 or 7 at this point. So its safe to say i encountered sex much much younger then the average kid back then. And you might argue thats bad parenting. But in reality it wasn't. Because as a 6 year old boy its nothing special. Just a naked woman at the screen i clicked away to get the free software i wanted. I imagined people found the bodies pretty to look at and didn't think much off it. I did find it weird they would stick there weiner inside but it didn't really capture my interest.

    Only when i discovered my first orgasm years later i became interested and found porn very easily. I was fasinated. But i didn't take my lessons from it. I started searching for sex ed stuff and found a site that explained it well.

    Over the years i found such a wide variety of contact and came in touch with so many opinions that it didn't make me believe a girl is to grab around the throat and fuck hard. Instead it thought me what sex really is (The passionate romantic kind mixed with all the kinky stuff to enjoy if both are into it).

    So while some may argue sexual exposure is damaging it really wasn't for me. If anything it learned me a lot about how things work.

    I'd love your thoughts on this spuitkaas.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I love this myTake! This is so true, and it's sad to see that people aren't open about sex. Honestly, I think that the Netherlands has the best approach and countries like the UK and the US could really learn a lot!
    I'd like to think I know a fair bit about sex etc. but that's because I did my own research (looking at reliable sources) and things because my SE lessons left me about as clued as I was before I had them! Britain has a lot of catching up to do!

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 10
  • Very interesting Take, I guess American and British types of education are no match to the Dutch system :)

    • We're not good at everything but we sure are good at sex and not only from our legal prostitutes.

    • I see, ok, I believe you ;)

  • Lol my parents never talked about sex, Never had a single conversation of adult education, but thanks to #gag I feel like I already finished by bachelor's degree here

    • My dad actually gave me tips for first time sex, like using enough lube, do it slowly, don't do weird positions and donit with someone you trust. My parents are extremely open about sex.

    • See now that is a complete parent, I don't suppose my parents have more knowledge then me about sex, With gaining knowledge on #gag I assume now I can coach them if they want. 😂😂😂😂, heir sexual life is dead.

  • Very informative take! Not sure why you were worried about your English though--it's better than mine! lol!

  • lol all guys answered this and no girls... hmmm
    "so billy let me tell you about the time me and your mother conceived you"

    • Maybe guys are more interested to the subject or that guys are being told less about sex from their parents than girls in their childhood. A lot of children already ask where babies come from out of curiosity. Otherwise I think age 11 or something is right.

    • I personally would not understand what they are talking about. I would say age 12 if anything.

  • sex ed in 9th grade was plenty. teaching kids about lust is something they need to discover on a personal level.

  • I know a lot now but not as much as I should have in my teens, it's so shunned and sensored here at least back then, my parents didn't tell me much, my father is still embarrassed to talk about it to this day as adults, didn't learn anything from him and very little from my mom who tried using other ways to explain it, so I ended up learning from my friends and reading

  • The situation in our country is different from above countries... No sex before marriage, no sex education, no teen pregnancies, no legal brothels here... 😁

  • Great take, I agree.

  • maybe it's our age gap but I never tought anything about sex on school and my parents didn't talked about it neither...

    • Guess it's the age gap then. How did you find out about condoms etc?

    • really have no idea maybe friends on school

  • Very well done my take!

  • I wasn't raised by a father so my mom played both roles. She talked to us about sex n reality on a regular basis. Was very opened up to her kids n still is, n that's gud:)