Women/Girls, do you view uncircumcised guys are more manly?

I'm honestly kinda insecure about being cut (was done to me as baby...I am 100% against it and am very angry it was done to me) so I just wanted to know what the female perspective is. I heard of a woman who says she can't really have good sex with her husband and just vies it to him twice a month Because she doesn't wanna hold out but she blames his circ and he's trying foreskin restoration. I know of other girls who say that the lack of a gliding action from the foreskin makes sex uncomfortable. not to mention...i know that I'm missing nerve endings and over the years the exposure of the glans has made me more insensitive down there and that terrifies me. I hate my body honestly.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I am an uncut male and never had any problems or complaints from females. Most of the men on my mom's side of the family are uncut. My father is cut. I was told that it was a big debate between my parents when I was born but looks like my mom won, lol. My wife said that I was the first uncut male she was with and now she wouldn't have it any other way.

    She says that it feels better for her because of the gliding action and I know that my orgasms are amazing because I'm uncut. However, I am pretty sure that there are cut guys out there who have amazing sexual experiences too. Circumcision is mainly done in the US because of social views. However that has been changing for the past 5 years or so. There is a foreskin restoration process that involves wearing a tugging device. A buddy of mine did it for a year straight and now apparently has full coverage. However, it isn't the original foreskin. It's just the skin pulled over more but he said his sensitivity has increased a lot and he can tell the difference.

    My son is uncut. I did a lot of research on circumcision when we found out we were having a boy. I wanted to know everything about it, how it's done, how it affects or doesn't affect the penis and what are the pluses and minuses. After talking with a few doctors and pediatricians they informed me that it's an unnecessary cosmetic procedure. So my wife left the decision up to me and I opted not to get it done to my son.

    The interesting thing is that while in the hospital after our son was born, we had about 4 nurses ask us multiple times if we wanted our son cut. That just shows you how much the hospitals push it because it is a money making procedure. A close friend of mine (who is a doctor) told me that sometimes the removed foreskin from babies is used for other medical procedures like skin restoration. So you can see why it's a money making business.

    More info go to foregen.org, mothersagainstcirc.org, norm.org.

    I will still say love the penis you have and enjoy it. It doesn't make you more or less of a man if you are cut or not. If a woman is too shallow to love you for you than she isn't worth your time and immature.

    • restoration doesn't get everything back though..it doesn teven seem like it does by a long shot...but anwaya si do think it affect your manhood...part of your indetity tis to perform sexuall and g etpleasure from..both those things go out the window.

    • Yes I know that the tugging method doesn't get everything back though. Foregen.org is actively recruiting men around the world who want to enter into trial procedures for genetic restoration. If it's that big of a deal to you visit the page. You are too hung up on the being manly thing. Just because you are cut doesn't make you less of a man. You can still have good sex when you are cut. I think your issue is more psychological.

  • Any chick that has a legitimate, experienced preference to circumcised vs uncircumcised has just been with WAY too many guys.

    It doesn't make a difference.

    That woman doesn't have good sex with her husband because he is bad at sex. And even THAT is not a life-term death sentence!

    Foreskin restoration? Are you serious? How awful would it be if something went wrong?

    If sex is uncomfortable to a girl, then it either means the dude is too big for her (guys are difference sizes, but women are too. A small woman might not be able to handle an average c*ck) or that she isn't in the mood enough or maybe just too dehydrated! Or there could be a medical condition involved.

    Most of those problems can be solved with lube. Lube, its a hell of a thing.

    You arn't missing out on anything, and neither is any girl you sleep with, for not having foreskin.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Ok, first of all, don't hate your body. That's a silly thing to do.

    And it's also silly to view uncut guys as more manly. I don't think that at all. But, I'm not going to lie to you, I do prefer uncut penises, mainly for the reasons you've listed. Handjobs, blowjobs, and sex are all easier with a bit of foreskin, but that doesn't mean I hate cut penises or wouldn't be with someone with a cut penis. When it comes down to it, it really doesn't matter. The only guy I've ever loved has a cut penis, so there you go. Also, if you're from the US, most girls (as far as I know) prefer cut penises because that's what they're used to. So don't worry to much

    • really holy sh*t. I thought they preferred uncut! That's what I've heard anyways. How many people told you that they liked cut?

    • i don't know I don't really ask many people. So I guess I don't really know, but I've heard girls say uncut penises are dirty or gross, even though its not true

    • also just look at the other answers. but I'd bet that the girls directly above and below me have never actually encountered an uncut penis

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  • No. I disagree with the practice as well, or at least when it's done without consent, like it usually is when guys are infants. If a guy chooses to have it done later in life for his own reasons, that's his choice and I can't fault him for it. But the majority of cut men didn't have that choice, and I don't think they're less manly in any way for something they had no control over, nor would I think a guy less manly if he chose it for himself. My guy is uncut and so was my ex, I have absolutely no problem with it. I've also been with men who were cut and didn't have a problem with that either.

    • thats good...im extremely self conscious about it.

  • I don't agree with the practice either but being circumcised does not make you less of a man.

    • just curious though..what WOULD make a guy less of man iyo

    • Immaturity, little to no ambition in life, lack of tact or poise in group or public settings, lack of respect for other people or things, etc. IMO, physical flaws do not make somebody less of a man. To me it has more to do with how he carries himself and behaves.

    • Ugh, a down vote. Oh well. Haters gon' hate.

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  • Foreskin, or lack thereof, has nothing to do with "manliness".

    Further, I've had sex with both circumcised and uncircumcised men and I honestly don't notice a difference. Both feel great.

    And every circumcised guy I've been with finds sex extremely pleasurable.

  • Foreskin has absolutely nothing to do with manliness. Sweetie, you are worried about a whole lot of stuff for nothing.

    • i think it obviously would to some degree though...i mean its the male sex organ..a large aprt of it is missing and no one can say how much...but it is defected as far as feeling pelasure and arguably performance.

    • I have been with both in my life. Actually, two of the "biggest" guys were circumcised. I have never heard any one of them complain about feeling less pleasure, and let me tell you, they did VERY WELL in the performance department.

    • thats good to hear..but in fairness...they didn't know what they could be misisng right?

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  • No, it has nothing to do with "manliness," and my pleasure during sex has never suffered because of a foreskin or lack of one :P It's a shame that yours does, but at least don't worry about it bothering US.

    • yes it has actually...all those lost nerve receptors and the fact that the ehad is expsoed to the air and chaffing on clothing over the years...it become desnsitized too...a oa ot of feeling is lost

    • You don't represent the female value sphere or gender. (friendly)

    • That's why I said it's a shame that yours DOES :P we're on the same page here

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  • I don't do "foreskin"

    • u don't think maybe sex might be worse and you don't know it? or you have issues that are caused by sleeping with cut guys and you just blame those issues on other things.

    • to me, foreskin is gross.. to many guys don't clean right.. and I really prefer how hot a cut penis looks.. uncut penis are fugly looking...

    • it doesn't bother you that it the look you like comes at a cost..namely...it might no eprform as well for you or him..and that he's lost tons of sensitivty and feeling?

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  • no, I pity circumcised men because I have heard it reduces your sensation and pleasure, but I don't look down on them. in fact I think penises look better circumcised

    • thats my problem thought...i cna stand having agirl pity me...it drives me crazy to feel unequal in the bedroom...i wouldn't be able to have sex in that situation.

    • its not like I would be pity f***ing a guy because he is circumcised, it isn't that big a deal, I just think it is a shame his parents did that to him because it affects how pleasureful sex is for him

    • so then you feel bad for him...isnt that ptying? I'm not saying your being mean sprited or anything I'm jsut saying...that is pity isn't it?