Women if a guy walked up to you and asked for a handjob, would you?

Not sex just a hand job until he nuts. If yes how would you go about it? If no what would be your response? Would it make a difference if he offered you something you wanted? Also if it was a friend of yours that had a girlfriend would you tell his gf?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Not a chance, especially if I didn't know him. It just wouldn't happen, lol, I'd be disgusted at his manner of approach.

    I don't do sexual favors for anyone in exchange for anything they think they could 'give' me for doing it. If I fool around with someone, it's because I'm attracted to them, like them as a person and enjoy their company in nonsexual situations [which requires me knowing them personally, like they'd have to be someone I would or already do hang out with], and having some kind of feelings for them is preferred but not ALWAYS necessary [as in, sometimes I'm not opposed to casual encounters without romantic intent, I may see someone in a sexual light, but not a romantic light].

    If it were a friend of mine that had a girlfriend, I'd definitely never go there in the first place. Though if the girlfriend were someone I also considered a friend [especially if I were closer to her than I am to him, meaning she has my loyalty first], I may say something to her about him requesting something like that from me if I think it's in her best interest to know.

    If it were a friend of mine who was single, it almost certainly still wouldn't happen, even if I were attracted to him, mainly because of how he approached it. Just out of the blue, asking me to jerk him off, is not an enticing prospect. Especially if he didn't work up to it at all. Or hadn't been flirting or throwing any kind of hints that he was in any way interested in me that way. If he hardly ever initiates conversation or socialization with me UNLESS he's turned on [and makes it known each time], and decides to contact me in hopes that it will lead up to us fooling around, or inevitably ends up with him making some attempt to talk me into fooling around. Or if I could tell it was a completely selfish request made carelessly with little regard to how such an approach might make ME feel. By selfish, I mean he doesn't really care if he's made me uncomfortable, he just wants to use me to get off if I'll allow it and doesn't actually value my friendship or me as a person, and obviously has little to no respect for me even if he pretends to. Any guy who is actually a real friend to me [obviously there's sexual desire as well from his end, or the desire might even be mutual], he'd go about the whole thing much differently and be mindful of how the subject even comes up before he gets to the point of asking something like that from me at all. Because he'd care about my comfort and whether or not what he's saying and how he's saying it is going to affect ME and how I feel, not just in the selfish regard of whether saying it a certain way is more likely to get me to agree to his request. He wouldn't WANT to upset me or make me feel uneasy, he'd feel bad and apologize if he DID make me feel that way, and wouldn't make another attempt like that or bring up the subject again out of respect for my feelings and for my choice to decline what he had asked of me.

    • If my super serious response seems extreme, lol, it's because I was mainly thinking about the manner of approach here. =P Something like that [approached in the way you describe in the question] from a guy I consider a friend would leave me uncomfortable and feeling kind of disappointed in him, in that he thought that would be an acceptable way to approach that with someone he's supposed to consider a friend as well. As for random stranger dudes, any guy who SERIOUSLY asks random girls to give

    • him a handjob and thinks he'll get any kind of positive reaction, let alone the results he wants, is most definitely a sleazeball, and not someone I'd take very seriously or waste any energy on beyond my initial disgust, avoidance, and swift departure from the situation, haha.

    • Ok so say theoretically that this friend does not masturbate himself. He goes to the doctor because his testicals are hurting. The doctor says he has to masturbate because of build up of cum. Then he would be asking more of a favor. Than just a selfless act.

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  • f a guy walked up to you and asked for a handjob would you?


    If no what would be your response?

    Kick him in the balls, mace him in the eyes, taze him, and then when he's down stomp on his nuts while I dial the police to get him for sexual harassment via street harassment as this would have been recorded ala mini video camera.

    Would it make a difference if he offered you something you wanted?

    No as It's quite unlikely that a guy would have what I want as well as I have no interest in trading sexual favors for what I want I'd rather get it myself ala work or money.

    Also if it was a friend of yours that had a girlfriend would you tell his gf?

    Meh my friends wouldn't do this as I consider them decent guys as they're homosexual. Though to answer I wouldn't tell his girlfriend as in my opinion that's on her for having a boyfriend since to me it's pretty much an expectation that a guy will cheat or attempt to.

    • First part had me laughing crazy good answer lol

    • U just need to ignore, he hasn't touched u till😆foolish woman, u r behaving like u just have been in trouble or sexual harassment and they have touched u anywhere they want or have beaten u for that😁the response u r giving is not a way to ignore their Qns, fool, keep ur small brain with u only, don't show others, the Qn hasn't made men touch u anywhere or assault u😂

  • My response? "Eww No, I don't handle random penises" *walks away quickly*

    Would it make a difference if he offered something you wanted? No.

    If this was a friend of yours that had a girlfriend would you tell his girlfriend? If I knew her, yes, I probably would let her know.

    • Lol

Most Helpful Guys

  • The game of life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules. Some guys need to be tazed, maced, and kicked a few times before they learn what NOT to do. God help them learn to be 'friendly'.

    • Hey that was as friendly as you can get.lol

  • Oh yes, most women would do this.

    Rub and Tugs exist because guys can get handjobs from random women effortlessly, but they want the quality massage first.

    • So you walked up to a women and asked and she said yes?

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What Girls & Guys Said

10 2
  • Hell no. I'm not touching a stranger.

    • Someone you knew?

    • If we're not in a relationship then no.

    • So no way in the world do women have one night stands. Learn something new everyday

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  • No. And I would look at him weird

  • You pervert lol. YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE LEVEL 3!

    • Lol just had to see what the response would be this funny though

  • no I wouldn't. if there is police nearby I will go up to them

    • So far all of you is there anything that would change the situation to make you more receptive of doing this? I mean we all have sexual temptation so what's the difference if you meet someone at the club for a few hrs and end up sleeping with this guy? Does talking with this guy for a few hrs change the situation?

    • No never and I am not into casual sex too

  • Ummm no way!