Would a penis the size of a pickle be too thick for sex?

Would a penis the size of a pickle be too thick?
Would it hurt?

Would a penis the size of a pickle be too thick for sex?

Would a penis the size of a pickle be too thick for sex?

I know it's not too long.. I don't think it'd be too long for a vagina I'm just worried about it being too thick for one
is it? I know everyone is different though
This isn't mean to be sexual behavior
sexual health.
Yes it's hurt, too thick
Vote A
Not too thick, wouldn't hurt
Vote B
Too long and too thick
Vote C
Average /Just right
Vote D
Too small
Vote E
Vote F
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Most Helpful Guys

  • No worries dude. I'm bout that same size. cept maybe a bit longer, but about that same girth, and my girlfriend is a pretty small girl. We don't have any problems. She was a virgin we we met, and obviously it took her awile till she could take it all. It made me nervous as hell. Talk about anxiety issues dude. But I was super careful and didn't thrust too deep at first. But it was sressful. I was so scared I might hurt her. But she wanted to go through with it. She had a great time and I got off but it was nerve wracking. But we did it again 3 nights later and again the next night. After about 2 weeks she could take just about anything I had to give. But dude... at first she was a virgin. I never had any other girl that couldn't handle my dick b4.
    My actual size in inches is 6.8 X 5.5. I'm not a pickle expert, but i think i'm bout the size of one... n never had any probs.

  • Comes down to the woman. Vaginas vary just as much as penises do. As long as she's not a virgin and you don't just jackhammer your way in, should be fine I'd think.

    • What about for a 17 year old virgin?

    • Well, depends on your approach. If you just try to go dick first then yeah, ouch. Loosen her up a little first, maybe use some lube and don't rush yourself. And make sure you ask her how she's feeling because that can help you too.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Pickles come in many sizes, so I don't know how to answer the question. But I think you'll probably be just fine.

    • Just like the one below That's really the best I can do to help you know the size of it

    • I don't think you need to worry.

  • It would be above average. For some it might hurt, others okay.

    • What about for someone who was 17 and a virgin

    • How am I supposed to know? I'm not her gynecologist.

  • It might stretch but it shouldn't hurt after its in there

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What Girls & Guys Said

8 7
  • Not too thick.

  • I don't think that'd hurt.

  • (under 18)
    ok, now I'm laughing.

    • Wym?

    • *sigh nvm

    • Wuuut

    • Show All
  • depends on the girl and her experiences

    • or guy i should say

  • Kiddo do not worry, grow up first.

    • I'm 17 I will be an adult in 11 months

    • 11 more months and then you can worry about your pickle😌