Would girls be OK if part of their clitoral hood was missing?

I get called a wimp or crybaby because I am insecure about being circumcizes..but the foreksin is basically the clitoral hood for males (dont deny this...they develop from the exact same organ in the womb..they are identical) So I'm wodnering if girls would be okay if part of their clitoral hood was missing. I still think (I hope so anway) that I can have a normal, decent sex life even though I'm missing my foreskin (I am goign to begin restoring..so it might get better but not to 100% its not the same thing)..I don't think I'm 100% ruined but I do feel handicapped and less of a man...i wodner how girls woudl feel if a simailr prcedure was done to them?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • If you are against circumcision, I completely respect that. But before you let your own lack of a foreskin ruin your life, remember that 140,000,000 girls and women worldwide are living with the consequences of female genital mutilation, a practice far more extreme and dangerous than regular male circumcision. Cutting off the entire clitoris and/ or labia, sewing the vagina and/ or labia shut, and slicing or cauterizing the genitals are common practices in many counties. This mutilation has severe health risks and NO health benefits (not the case with male circumcision), yet is frequently performed by quote- unquote "health care" providers. I hope that information will put your situation in perspective at least a little bit.

    You have every right to be against circumcision, to wish that you were not circumcised, and to fight for the rights of others. I'm sorry that you're living with something you wouldn't have chosen for yourself and that you weren't given that choice. But it's time to reel in the drama and make the best of your situation. You are in no way handicapped or less of a man. Whether or not circumcision decreases sensation, it will not stop you from having an enjoyable sex life. I have never heard a circumcised man complain about bad sex, only about the emotional concerns caused by being circumcised. There is no reason why sex should be unsatisfactory for you or your partner. So learn to love your penis and be confident in who you are. What's done is done. Not having a foreskin won't ruin your life, but obsessing over it could.

    • male circ benefits are debatable...kind anonsense too...i mean if you cut off the entire penis you woudnt get ifnection there...just like ud never get athletes foot if you cut your toes off...it just doesn't add up. and yes I realzie fgm is worse (well most of it atleast). and again..its not that I'm cut...its that girls ARENT and I'm below them..they know theyr more itnact and bette than me and I can't sleep with someone who pities me..thats why id actually date a an fgm girl because I wouldn feel inferior

    • The health benefits of male circumcision may be debatable, but there are definitely strong indications that they exist. That doesn't necessarily justify circumcision, but it does explain why many people choose it for their sons, and why it isn't always viewed as a negative thing. Try to understand that your parents, right or wrong, thought they were making a good decision. It's not unusual to be circumcised (in the U.S. anyway) and people will not judge you for it. There's no reason to feel

    • inferior to girls who are intact. The vast majority of girls won't pity you, and some will even enjoy sleeping with you more because you are. YOU are the one who pities you. YOU are the one who sees you as inferior. YOU are the one who gives a crap whether or not you have a foreskin. So don't feel inferior to girls, and don't worry about what they will think. You're only getting in the way of your own happiness by doing so. This inferiority concept is in your head, not ours. Remember that.

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  • I'm just going to say that female circumcision is often WAY, WAY different than male circumcision. It often goes as far as female genital mutilation, where the clitoris is completely removed and the urethra and vagina are crudely sewn shut so the girl cannot have proper periods or even PEE properly, both of which will lead to serious or fatal infections. Not to mention the fact that it happens when the girl is like 12 or 13, and they still don't get a say in what happens to their bodies.

    Of course you can have a normal sex life. There are millions of men around the world who are circumcised and they get along in life just fine. Being circumcised is not going to stop you from having great sex or being able to reproduce normally (they didn't cut your balls off did they) or any of that. The only thing that will stop you from fully enjoying sex is a NEGATIVE ATTITUDE, both about your own body and how you think sex will be like.

    So, stop bitching about this like a baby, think positive about you, your body, and your penis, and your life will be so much better. I don't agree with the practice of circumcision at all either, but what I hate even more is men who think they are "damaged" and "no longer a man" or who are all "oh woe is me" about the fact that they were circumcised as a baby. It's totally unattractive and I just want to say GET THE F*** OVER IT.

    • horrible, funny and made me laugh, but true all at the same time. I'm circumcised and it doesn't bother me lmao. I don't know why people almost have a heart attack over this xD

    • I couldn't have said it better myself.

    • Circ DOES cause sex problems...and it makes snesitivity WAY WAY worse...and again..if you read above...i am not aruging fgm is worse...but my bottomline is NO girls are cut..every single girl that is not mutilated (unless theyre immigrants...almsost NO girls in America have been cut) and gets all the pleasure she was meant to...which is more than me...and I can not be in relationship with someone that pities me or who I am sexually inferior to.

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  • Female circumcision usually happens around age 13, very different. And it is hard to remove the clitoral hood without removing the whole clitoris, so typically the whole clitoris (and usually parts of labia/vulva) are removed in the process. A very different process. It is not only extremely painful, but there is no pleasure to be had in sex or masturbation whatsoever. Unlike male circumcision. The healing process is also very painful and makes urinating difficult. The clitoral hood is connected to the lips, it's not just on the clitoris.

    Also, the clitoral hood is protection for the clitoris (the clitoris is extremely sensitive, I believe something like 10x more nerve endings than the head of a penis), which would make any sort of contact with it (given that one was able to remove just the hood) very painful.

    Even though that they develop from the same organ, they are completely different in this aspect. I am sorry you are insecure about being circumcised. Could be worse, they could remove the penis in it's entirety. Look on the bright side, you're alive, and the sun will still rise tomorrow.

    If I got my hood removed I'd probably learn to live with it. Probably wouldn't be able to have sex though due to the pain. But sex isn't everything. I'd rather have love.

    • "you're alive, and the sun will still rise tomorrow. " that's what I amafraid I wish I was dead...all I want outt life is a wife I cna have a full relaitonshipw itha nc hdilren..i know I can't have that now and every second I spend realizing kills me...im too cowardly to kill myself thought..the act of sitting down and trying to do it and coneie of it is nerve racking but I sometimes just hope sometthing will isntnatly take me randomly..like a car aaccident.

    • Listen. Women love penises. Just as many women love cut as they love uncut penises, most women would be happy if you just had a penis. You can have a full relationship. You still feel pleasure. Sure, it's not the same as it would be with foreskin, but you still get PLENTY of pleasure, and a woman would still love to pleasure you. You can have children, you can not get your child circumcised and join the movement against it.

    • the ones that love cut are selfish though..they only like it because it looks good to them...they don't care that it makes sex a lot worse for the man. and newayz...the thing is..i wouldn't date a girl that's likes cut because if we ever had kids she might wanna cut our son...and IF I dated an anti-circ girl then she's know the truth..and she will pity me and know how damaged I am and I can't have a girl ptying me on the bedroom..i can't have sex with someone who does that..it will not work out.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • That's because you ARE a crybaby.

    Try to understand this : Grown men, who have had sex as uncut, and then been circumcised, and had sex as a cut, can TELL YOU FROM BOTH SIDES THAT THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO DIFFERENCE.

    So yeah, anyone still weeping over it like a little baby, is a crybaby.

    If you feel handicapped, it's your own mental f***up to bear.

    • 1)many men complain that circ did cause sex to feel worse... 2) those men that say it doesn't make a difference JUST recently got cut...when you get cut at birth...ur glans are expsied and get calloused and damaged over the years..

    • You're repeating the same bullsh*t as always... The men who say it made no difference are not just recently cut. We have at least one on this board for example. Stop talking through your arse and repeating the myths of the rabid anti-circ cry babies, and talk to some real people for a change.

    • how does he know then? if he was cut as a baby then he can't compare it anyway?

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  • You're f***ing stupid. I have had a great sex life and I'm circumcised girls don't find an uncircumcised penis attractive or a circumcised penis attractive you're insecurity is morer than foreskin deep

    • u don't realize what your miisisng...just know 80% of men in the world feel over 3 times what you do...

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  • Well I think it is different because removing the foresking DECREASES the stimulation the male gets, whereas if my clitoral hood were removed it would be to excruciating to even touch because of all the concentrated nerves there and no barrier between them. Without your foreskin you can still touch your d*** and the tip of your penis, without the hood I couldn't touch my clitoris at all ( I'm not saying that it is worse for either males or female or that male circumcision isn't damaging to sensitivity because I think it is)

    • hmmm I didn't know that...i don't think it would callous up and be oaky evnetually? africna girls ahve it done and I'm not saying its okay but they seem to still have sex and stuff...but anways I just wanted to know how bad it really is I guess...baby girls are proetected from parent shwo wanna cut their gneitals but guys arent...i wondered if I really should feel bad about my body or if its just something ufnrotuante but not a huge ordeal.

    • Actually, the women have to have it surgically removed or they cut it open manually. My best friend works with an African-American woman who had it done when she hit puberty. She didn't remember it and when she came to America and met her fiance and they tried to have sex, it was impossible. She had to have it surgically corrected You can't compare female genital mutilation to circumcision. Guys can have sex and still enjoy it. Cutting off the clit and sewing up the vagina is different

    • no no, in cultures where they practice female genital mutilation the WHOLE THING is removed and so the girl can't orgasm at all.ever. that is the difference I don't think it would callous eventually I probably just wouldn't touch it or let anyone else touch it, or somehow find a way to decrease the sensitivity. Those girls have sex because they have to, they don;t have a choice, sex for them is about having babies and nothing else, they don't do it for enjoyment because they cant

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  • To answer your actual question, no, I would not feel okay about my clitoral hood being removed. However, that doesn't mean I would feel like less of a woman or let it ruin my life.

    • ok...maybe you wouldn't feel that way but I bet many women would...and it would make them feel worse if every man was 100% intact and she was sexuall below them.

    • I honestly doubt that very many women would feel like less of a woman because of that. They may have many negative emotions about it, and justifiably so, but there's no reason to feel like less of a woman or man because you lack one flap of skin.

    • its not just one flap of skin...its thousands of nerve endings and it also is protection for the head...basically half of my pleasure is missing (ive heard guys cut as adults say they lost 40% of their sensation)...in all honestly its the fact that girls are itnact and I'm not which bother me..if boths exes got cut I wouldn't worry about feeling inferior.

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  • Well I don't look at other girls so id think my was normal if I hadd it done at childbirth and my parents expected me to know..but as long as I can have children naturally I don't care.

    • u woudlnt care about sex at all? what if viturlaly all boys had itnact sex organs and you didn't and you knew that you received much less pleasure than them? because that's the boat I am in.

    • No I wouldn't care

    • well I dot think you cna aimgine it...u look down and know your gneitals are damged goods and every man isn intact and you are not..ur an inferior specimen in the bedrooma dn something to be pitied whehter you admit it or not...thats th reality I live in.

  • Oh my god how can you even spell so bad in your answers?

    • right?! hahaha his grammar skills are non-existent

    • lol

    • u don't need to talk to me.

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