Hopefully the legislation will soon pass to ensure that those transmitting diseases will be charged with a felony crime, when they fail to fully inform their partner ! In my opinion this is a form of attempted man slaughter and with 57 Sexually Transmitted Diseases out there and most of them incurable and 1 in 4 now carrying at least one of them this has become a serious CRIME ! The Law use to be Capitol Punishment for anyone committing the CRIME of FORNICATION or ADULTERY, it's too bad all the good Laws go away because the Liberals dont't have the backbone to enforce them!
2 1 1 2So you think that people should be killed for having sex? way to preserve the human race im guessing you don't get laid much
I think it should be a felony too its risking other lives
So maybe MROREGON should not be a US citizen concidering you are not really an advocte of life or human rights. Adultery should be punished with death? are you serious? Maybe you and the bill of rights disagree. Next thing you know you won't want a seperation of church and state. Then were would we be? Back in the middle ages; that is were we would be!
@Update about HPV:
That's just sick. HPV can cause cervical cancer, and she's helping to spread it around. While 80% of the population is infected with *some* HPV strain, there are over 70 human strains, 6 of which are STDs, 6 of which (with 3 overlap) can cause cervical cancer.
80% of the population is NOT infected with the deadliest strains, and 80% of the population is NOT infected with the strains that only cause genital warts. She's just deluding herself into not taking responsibility to help other people be safe.1 1 0 0She has the strain that goes away on its own
Then when it's gone away, she can not tell people. But if she has it, and sleeps with people without telling, then she's a rotten waste of human flesh.
I know this woman, and she's absolutely horrible, but she's married now so she doesn't spread it to anyone but her husband, who knows about it
Most Helpful Girls
I probably would cause I do have chylamedia and never told any of my partners. condoms? no. I know I'm wrong for that but now I'm takin meds to clear it up. I feel so bad. its just embarrassing to tell someone cause then you want get sex cause they know. guess I didn't care to much about the guys if I allowed no condom. it just feels so better and they always want no condom. a few guys I would wear it but most, no.
0 0 2 1You know chlamydia is really easy to treat right? It would be so easy to avoid that sort of pain if you just get the antibiotics and then wait maybe a few weeks or something, before having sex again. no biggie to do that.
Wait a few weeks after? dam, ok. I know during you wait too. I've had it for a year too and didt do whats I was suppose to to let the medicine work. Had sex while bein treated and that's y I still have it because I didn't follow instructions but this too, I'm serious. I want it out cause it is sometimes painful having sex.
Yeah....just get it treated asap!
o god after reading this I am so making whoever I have sex with show me the results of the tests! lol even though I am a virgin but still.it would suck to get something. my friend caught something once and didn't tell any of the guys.thats just wronggg.dont sleep with people if you know you have something its that simple untill it goes away, people are so gross
0 0 0 0The ONLY person you ever want to have sex with is your husband, and make sure you are the only person he has ever had sex with !!! By doing so you can be sure of the long healthy life that GOD intended for you and your children. To do anything less is to play Russian Roulette with your life as well as your spouse's and your children's. There is great comfort and joy in knowing you can have all the sex you want without a stupid con-dumb, and it is blessed by GOD and is healthy and worry free !!!
When you take the test you have a paper copy of the results so show that to your partner or if you are the inquiring as to see the results. This is much too big a deal to be just assuming things. You can assume yourself right into a box underground!
1 0 0 1Katie, Your always very knowledgeable & informative. What is the best way to ask or suggest that you both get tested?? Preferably at the same time! With as much diplomacy as could be used. Not just no test no nookie for cookie.
Don't be bashful it't your life your talking about. Pretty much what you said is the way I do it. It keeps the both of you safe you know!!!!!
No, I wouldn't lie to them. They have the right to know if I have an STD or not. I have been with two guys. One of which was a virgin. I had the other one get tested with me just ti be safe. I keep my papers proving I'm clean.
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6 14Back in Europe, in a local city newspaper there was an article about a guy, who had persistently and knowingly had unprotected sex with ladies knowing he had stds. He was discovered when he slept with a virgin, she got ill, went to the doctor and found she had ever std you can have, herpes, HIV, gonorrhea and hepatitis B etc. When they found out what he had been doing the guy was interviewed by police. It was clear that he had been doing it for sometime, but he was unwilling to tell the police who his previous sex partner where. So they put a front page story in the local newspaper.
And my friend was reading that article wondering why there was a picture of her ex boyfriend on the front of the newspaper. She was fine, but during their relationship he had constantly tried to have unprotected sex with her.
So, no I would not. But some people are arse-holes and that's why you should always use condoms.2 0 0 0Wow, did this actually happen?
Duh! This should be a no-brainer. Then again, lots of idiots out there
2 0 0 0No, but I'm not a jerk that way. Let's just say that the type to lie about it most likely to be the type to get it. Some STDs are forever. Don't trust words when you can see it in print from the testing company.
1 0 0 0That's just wrong. And woe be you if she finds out you burned her AND lied to her about it.
1 1 0 0I find it unconscionable that you would have unprotected sex with someone who's STI status you didn't know. Safer sex is just a sign of respect for your partner.
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