i didn't mind my boyfriend watchin porn but at times it affecting our sex life to be honest. I can be horny all day and realy wanting sex and he's like no I don't want it then at night he watches porn and wanks. I dn't mind him wanking as I do do myself yet the fact that he thinks I'm not attractive and watches other girls pisses me off especialy when I'm a v sexual person and need lots of sex.
at times I think that if he truley loved me he'd not watch it I don't mind mags like fhm. he has said he'd stop yet he neva does . he believes that me pushing him to have sex all the time means that I don't love and respect him as a relationship is not just about sex. because of this I think a guy can watch porn yet still love their gf/wife. we should learn to respect that at times the do watch porn and its not cheating or wants to cheat as he probs gets turned on by what he sees but thinks of his girlfriend or wife in a simaler environment. only get pissed off if he says its cos your not attractive cos then I would worry that he may cheat or seak gratification else where.
plus I hate to admit it but it has improved his technique and made him come out of his sexual shell.0 0 1 0This question was supossed to be for guys but thanks for your answer anyway. He thinks that you wanting to have sex means you don't love him (i'm sorry but that's BS) what kind of guy would complain about that, then turn around and watch porn it sounds hypocritical. I NEVER SAID IT WAS CHEATING I'm just asking the guys if they would stop if it would please their lover
WTH? I wouldn't even ask my man to do that. As long as he is not cheating on me, putting me down, or watching porn when he could be spending time on me it wouldn't matter to me. Basically as long as he does it when your not there, why does it matter? Guys like porn, that's not gonna make him stop, if anything I could see him resenting you if your trying to stop him from doing it. I wouldn't ask because he'll probably do it when your not around anyway
0 0 2 0I never really asked my boyfriend to stop but he did because he knew I didn't like it. And I don't like it because its like taking away the attention and putting it on someone else. Like I'm not good enough for him that he has to go and look at something else to get off to.
2 0 0 0Exactly my thoughts.
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You might think there aren't many of those around, but there are. They are usually harder to spot, since they don't come on as strong, they are more likely to respect your feelings than just to rub themselves off on you. From my experience as a college student, chances are you won't find a guy like this in a bar/club.(There are always exceptions). Not because these places are necessarily bad, because they aren't. It is that this type of guy normally spends recreational time on activities that need intelligence, or builds a skill. All my male friends are guys of this type, not just because they respect women, but because they respect everybody. That's a big clue to recognizing one... They respect everybody, emotionally and empathetically. Some people might think these guys are "weak" or "nerdy", but I assure you, I'm talking about red hot blooded testosterone blown athletic guys, the only difference being, they think with the head on their shoulders, and their hearts.
I sincerely hope you find the answers that you are looking for and the happiness, love and respect that you deserve.2 0 0 1Wow I love the fact that there are MANLY man out there that have good respect for the people around them..it means theyr confident. my boyfrend helps people carry bags up the stairs, or bigger stuff, he always opens doors for me, asks me questions about what I like and what I don't and has much respect for me,...and nobody thinks he's nerdy or geecy, people have the upmost respect for him and he's actually even gangster lol with a good heart
Don't let this guy make you believe this. A guy has to want to not look at it. There is NO type of guy to look for. Because the only reason I ever watch it is when my girl isn't around, and even then I have to want to masturbate to watch them. I used to be very into porn, but I lose the craving to watch anymore. I needed sex fast. Not because I'm that type of guy. What he's describing may exist, but in a very low percent of guys. Sex is natural for a man to want. Sincerely, A Loving Black Man
I will quickly give you my opinion on this situation. There are guys that are hard wired and have a need to experience as most females as possible, and there are other guys who need one woman who can fulfill all of their needs. This latter type of guy doesn't need to watch porn or look at other girls, simply because all his needs are met by his current woman. She is all that he needs in a sense. Thus if you have a boyfriend and you request him to stop watching porn, there really is no point, because quitting the porn doesn't change who he is inside, inside he will still be a porn watcher. So the whole point is, choose the type of guy that suits and reflects your own opinion about the pornography.
2 2 1 1And how do you find one of these guys/know he is like that?
See above
See above... I disagree with this... Sincerely, A Loving Black Man
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4 24None of your options promote a males reasoning, and thus is hard to answer your question with complete efficiency.
I'll tell you this about watching porn...
It has nothing to do with him not enjoying you.
It has nothing to do with him wanting more females.
Some guys just like sex. & to tell him that its okay to masturbate, but he can't watch porn, is like telling Lebron James to play basketball, but taking his shoes.
He can play, but he would be unequiped. He would be able to go through with it without some type of major sacrifice.
For most guys, its very hard to masturbate without the act of sex happening in front of them.
It can happen, but it takes so much time and energy.
Some guys really are addicted to porn. I happen to know some, and it has nothing to do with them wanting to be with more women.
It seems some were made to really like sex.
But since we can't have it as often as we'd like, we resort to watching it.
If your guy is watching porn "to" masturbate instead of being with you, then you have a problem.
I would tell you to watch it with me a few times, and see what I like so much about them.
If you want to know more about the situation, do a up close and personal study.
I mean really understand why he wants to watch it so much.
There has to be a reason that he wants to watch it. & that's what you will want to find out.
I also know watching porn and masturbating is easier sometimes, then getting you gals in the mode, and having sex, especially when you gals don't want a quickie.
So just try to get his take on the situation.
I really hope this helps.
Good Luck.
A Loving Black Man1 1 2 0My question is not about asking if porn's "wrong" it's about finding out to what extent a guy would go to make his Girlfriend happy, IF that's what she wanted. Personally, I've never said anything to my Boyfriend about it. He has told me himself that he watches it but I've never said anything to him nor shown disapproval. I have high self-esteem, know he's faithful etc I was just wondering if porn is somthing the modern man just CANNOT live without since it's so popular in our society and everywhere.
Its not so much that we can't live with out it, but its one of the best tools for masturbating. I never stated that porn was alright, or that you were insecure, or that he might have been cheating, or any thing you just wrote. I just tried to give you the idea of why many guys watch it. I'm not accusing him of nothing. & yes a guy would try to stop if it meant making his other happy. Sincerely, A Loving Black Man
I lovee ur answer!!!!!!!!!
fufill his needs 24/7 then ask him to give it up a man is a man. whether he is doing it with you or not he's gotta find a way to do get his release
0 1 1 0Porn is destructive to a healthy relationship. If the guy truly loves the gal he will work really hard to kick that habit. It is essentially mental infidelity which is, by the way, also correlated with higher rates of actual infidelity.
2 0 0 1Why is it destructive to a healthy relationship? You, I think are the only guy who says this could lead to infedelity.
If you run the stats, positive attitudes towards and porn use are positively correlated higher rates of infidelity, divorce and separation. Look it up or run the stats yourself on any year of the General Social Survey.
I don't think we should try to change people and what they enjoy doing. If you don't like something that much about a person, it's a deal breaker and the person should move on. Porn is not a big deal to me.
1 0 1 0I can to thoughts of her lol
if she asked yeah I would
I would ask her though can she help me though
I always help her lol2 0 0 0
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