Would you rather have boobs or butt?

Guys: If you had to pick only one on a girl, tiny breast and a bubble butt ? or large breasts and a small butt ? Girls: If you could only have one would you choose larger breasts or larger butt ? Personally I have both, C cup breasts and a bubble butt but sometimes I get hit on by guys that are just interested in my hips/butt more than my boobs so I was just curious. But I think girls with hips and a bubble butt are way cuter than girls with no butt and big boobs
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Most Helpful Girls

  • well I think girls with hourglass figures are so f-ing sexy. like break me off a piece o that! lol seriously hotness. my last girlfriend had an hourglass figure, big butt, hips, and boobs. I was in heaven. *sigh*

    personally I have narrower hips, definitely a small butt, and gigantic t*ts. lol no, not gigantic, but I'm a D. I've made peace with my body. I actually love my shape now, but it took some getting used to. I look good so I guess that's what counts, and I have a very pretty face. I kinda felt ripped off at first, not gonna lie. I'm part black and I was like, "where my f***ing booty?" but it never came, so... lol after a while, I kind of accepted that image that I rejected for a long time - small butt, small hips, big boobs. its what I have though, so I learned to embrace it and I'm happy with it now. :)

    there are pros and cons to each. like my really curvy friends have a hell of a time finding jeans that fit and sometimes have to get them altered. I'm too lazy to do all that, so its for the best. lol

    to this day though, a little tear falls down my face every time I try to make it clap but I look back in the mirror and realize it just ain't happenin.

    • "I'm part black and I was like, 'where my f***ing booty?'" I feel EXACTLY the same way! I'm biracial, so I'm half black. Since I was 13 I wondered where the heck my big butt was! I think my boobs are OKAY, they're C, but I wanted my big butt so bad! Now I'm pretty okay with how it is, but I think guys would think I was maybe a little cuter if I had a bigger butt. (:

    • yeah it happens to the best of us. lol just focus on the positives though, its just ass after all. :)

  • huh, well I'd say big boobs and small butt. If you have small boobs the only options for you are push up bra and surgery. With a small butt you can just wear more flattering things. And that's not to say that you're butt will ever look big, because it most likely wont. I have what Evangelina has, big boobs (D) and more hips than butt. My butt's not tiny or anything, just not what I would classify as big, but I have the hourglass shape so I think it makes up for it a little bit.

  • I'm an hourglass so I'm completely proportional, but I rather big boobs small butt. Pear shape, unless slim, really turns me off. Something about it, just not proportional and thighs rubbing, it just...not my cup of tea.

    Right now I'm a D and while I don't have a big butt, it's more of hips that evens it out I guess you could say

Most Helpful Guys

  • This is the worlds hardest question :(. I love both almost equally, if I deffinitly had to choose I think the butt just edges it out slightly at the same time I would be happy with either

  • I prefer a girl with middle sized boobs and a middle sized butt my s. o has 34c and a nice sized ass that fits my hands perfectly

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 10
  • butt. you'll just look weirdly disproportionate with huge juggs and a tiny flat ass. having a big butt and small boobs looks better and more proportional.

  • I say boobs, I love my butt that way it is. Not too big, not too small ^^.

  • I have boobs and I would rather have boobs than a butt.

  • i like big butts and I cannot lie.

    i have both but if I had to choose I would want my nice juicy bum :)

  • for me, bubble but all the way.