10 Amazing Pro-Life Quotes

10 Amazing Pro-Life Quotes

Saying that there are too many children is like saying there are too many flowers.

—Mother Teresa

I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.
—Ronald Reagan

I certainly supported a woman’s right to choose, but to my mind the time to choose was before, not after the fact.
—Ann B. Ross

People often say that abortion is a woman’s choice, and they’re right, they choose life the moment they have sex.
—Preston Wagner

I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say yes, it kills a fetus.
—Faye Wattleton

When we consider that women are treated as property it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.
—Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love but to use violence to get what they want.
—Mother Teresa

Abortion on demand has, in my judgment, contributed significantly to an environment in our country in which life has become very cheap.
—Robert Casey

Abortion is inherently different from other medical procedures because no other procedure involves the purposeful termination of a potential life.
—Potter Stewart

Too many people use abortion as a form of birth control. And that’s very wrong. I could never, ever have an abortion.
—Brooke Shields

10 Amazing Pro-Life Quotes

Have a Great Day :)

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13 25
  • I agree. Its like people these days can't accept responsibility for their bad life choices.

    • So you're saying that all abortions are not accepting "bad life choices". How about if a 16 year old girl gets raped by a 32 year old guy, is her aborting that potential person; not accepting a so called bad life choice? Even otherwise, if a women aborts a potential person BEFORE consciousness develops in that potential person, is that; not accepting a 'bad life choice'? When someone fails articulate something in a reasonable way while having a 'strong opinion' about it, that un-instantiates essentially all reasoning for one to respect them.

    • @Nostalgiasteve Contempt is the weapon of the weak and a defense against one's own despised and unwanted feelings.

    • @Iraqveteran666 Ok... and how does that address anything I said?

  • I like you. A baby lives from the moment of conception just coz the wee one is in a woman's belly doesn't mean it's not alive. If anybody, man or woman hurts a kid near me ill disembowel the bastard and I'll laugh after it

    • No one's arguing it's not alive, just that it's not a person with legal rights. Bacteria are alive too, but no one's being shunned for washing their hands.

    • @Dale1982 A great deal of abortions are before consciousness develops, are trying to argue against ones other than those, all abortions, or something else? Be explicit and you're comments will make more sense and have less of a chance of wasting someones time due to lack of understanding of what you mean specifically. Also, what if it's self defense, just let the kill them or what? (as you stated about men/women hurting kids and listed no exceptions).

    • @Nostalgiasteve shut your rambling ass up. You're balls haven't even dropped yet. Wtf do you know about kids. Away and lecture some kid about high scores in a computer game. Condescending cunt

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  • I didn't know Brooke Shields was pro-life. She's lost my respect.

  • It's interesting to consider... if it's good and fine for women to have abortion on demand... then how can their lives have any value? If your progeny is so worthless it can be killed on a whim, how is the woman anything but equally worthless?

    • the fetus becomes "worth something" when it becomes an actual baby near the end of the pregnancy.

    • @mistixs Do tell. At how many weeks along does your offspring then have value?

    • when it becomes conscious and sentient

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  • Quote: " You should look on the other side of the coin. Illegal abortion is more dangerous for women. I rather have only a fetus die than a women and a fetus." -Deathraider.

    • Punish abortion with hanging, then we'll see how many illegal abortions there are.

    • @TheSpartan You are killing more than needed. So the fetus and a women rather than just a fetus.

    • It will reduce the number overall.

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  • Now this is how you get people riled up :D

    • How?

  • No. just no.

  • Interesting.

  • Much better than the "amazing" pro-choice nonsense I read previously.

    • yes that was utter bullshit, especially the one about women valuing a babies life. if you value life you don't abort.

    • Right 😂

  • All very true and accurate

  • Americans - cry over the idea of abortions (yet won't raise those kids themselves)
    yet have no problem bombing children with incendiary bombs incinerating them at 1000°+.

    • Because the average person makes the decision to drop the bombs, right? And not the government, right?

    • @ThisDudeHere In a democracy everyone is guilty. If not by support, then by not protesting. If it were a matter of gun rights being taken away, the citizenry would shut the government down. When it's a matter of killing innocents: meh we support our troops mother fuckers! The reality is you aren't marching because that would get in the way of your bliss. So you are willing individually and collectively to turn a blind eye. According to US military stats the Iraq war killed over 1 million people. 90% civilians. That's 900,000 human souls, wiped from the face of the earth. Men, women and children who never threatened you, never took up arms against you.

    • I'm not American, just so you know. And most people don't elect their governments with those things in mind.

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  • If abortion was legal in 19th century Austria, it could've prevented the birth of Adolph Hitler. This is why I'm pro choice.

    • What an idiotic thing to say, it most likely would not have prevented his birth and no one could have predicted what he was going to do.

    • @timesplittersxsxd Abortion could've prevented the birth of Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong saving millions of lives and you're against that? You fool!

    • What are the chances of that actually happening, your statement is ridiculous,.

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  • life is so random... it's not even worth fighting for, why would someone want to be born in this twisted, bizarre, insane world. there is so much pain and boredom.

    • Life's what you make it hombre. If you have a shitty life I suggest you go out and make something worthwhile of it.

    • @Danimal007 life is not made, we are born this way, we are forced to work, because our bodies can't last much without food, if it was that easy, i wouldn't be worried about bullying and lost time in school. you are delusional

    • @Danimal007 and tell that to peoples who die unfairly from cancer, or tell this to death itself, i guess that "life is what you make" not a valid statement anymore. can you change into a dog, or at least try to be one without being laughed at, mocked on the internet? no. because the free will of others is against ours

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  • Pro0life and pro-choice. Two very opinionated terms coined by very opinionated people

  • Great Take.

  • Mother Teresa was a sadistic scam.

    • the usual nonsense form the over 45

    • You have been listening to the alcoholic atheist Hitchens, who drank and smoked himself to death.

    • Says the over 45 year old troll on this site... What have you done with you life?