10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

FLIPSIDE of 10 Reasons You Don't Need A Woman


10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

Do what you want, where you want, and with who you want. No nagging, shaming, passive agressive bullshit.

No Drama

10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

Women are drama, it is part of their character.Which men don’t need in their life. No more unnessesary arguments, insecurities, winless trap questions, crying over nothing, manipulative bullshit.

More Money

10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

No more being expected to cover the cost of date night under the guise of chilvery, or to buy nonsense presents because "it's what you should do".

No more shame

10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

No more having to hide your porn , or be ashamed because you have natural human sexual urges and desires. Being made to feel like a scumbag because your gender fantasize differently than she does.

You can have your OWN stuff

10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

You can now own things YOU like and have them around the house. There is no one telling you that your stuff should be in a back room hidden somewhere because it "doesn't fit with the decor".

No more NAGGING.

10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

You don't have to worry about complaints that you didn't put the toilet seat down. (When it takes as much effort for them to put it down, yet it should be your job.)

That you left shaving stubble in the sink, or didn't put the new roll of toilet paper on the roller. Etc.


10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

Without someone telling you not to attempt things or putting down your ideas, you can actually take risks, and make decisions which can lead you to positive advancement in your life.


10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

The main cause of male stress, anger, and saddness is due to a female. Without the constant pressures, expectations, and other bullshit, you will find happiness happens much easier.


10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

The drive to take care of yourself and the ability, money, and time to get in better shape and stay healthy will be abundant when there isn't a female in your life to stifle it all.

Different Women

10 Reasons You Don't Need a Woman

You are not locked down to one girl. You can experience different women and explore new sexual ideas without being locked down to only the stuff she likes!

*Note: This take was a parody of the above linked post about men.

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  • Without gender roles, neither gender needs each other. We are only an option to each other at this point, and the moment things get tough it is easy to toss away someone you don't need. In the past people stayed married not because they were happy or more moral than today. They simply needed their husband or wife for survival. Technology has gotten us to a point that gender roles are no longer needed, so it makes no sense to believe that you need a member of the opposite sex for more than a sex object.

    A partner can add value to your life, but they are not NEEDED by anyone in today's society except for those that are seen as weak. This often takes the form of needing validation, by having a partner to prove to yourself that you have value and someone actually wants you.

  • Lol I love you!! Great Parody!

  • I shut down this whole post. KIDS!! you can not have a woman and still have all those problems. Your parody is invalid and so is the original

  • Then it would be a pain in the ass ;-)

  • To be honest i think you put this post up just because someone dumped you or something. In any case, i need women in my life. More specifically a woman. Where are you going to get the love that you need? The warmth of her fingers on your cheeks if you feel down? Or the kiss of her lips that has a certain feeling of sentiment when it joins yours? How are you going to create the next generation? Who's going to make you food? Who's going to take care of you? Who's going to comfort you? Who's going to care for you and your feeling? What about going on dinners just you and her as you eat you see her smile warmly. WHAT ABOUT ALL THAT? This take is bullshit.

    • No one hurt him... did you not see the girl's version of this? This is just to make fun.

    • no i did not see the girl's version but i take everthing seriously.

  • This is an okay parody. It's kind of false though; the most successful humans are generally partnered.

  • Bravo! So fucking true...

  • Lol this is actually really funny! I like it!

    • For real

    • @PhiOmega yeah, it's a parody of the 10 reasons why you don't need a man, it even says that in the article.

    • @PhiOmega

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