18+ ADULTS ONLY: When you are/were single and you met someone new & available, how soon do/did you USUALLY “know” if you WOULD have sex with them?

Picture from article below
Picture from article below


Note: this question was inspired by the 18-24 Pink Anon’s opinion to this question…

Men, have you ever gotten laid from being straight up with a woman off the bat? Ladies did you ever sleep with a guy who was direct about it?

…in which she said: “Sure with me all a guy has to do is ask. I already know whether I would or not. Usually it's no, but sometimes yes.”

A - Just show me the polling results
Vote A
B - Under 1 minute
Vote B
C - Between 1 to 5 minutes
Vote C
D - > 5 to 30 minutes
Vote D
E - Between > 30 minutes & the end of the 1st time being with the person
Vote E
F - Between after the 1st time being with the person & the end of the 2nd time being with the person
Vote F
G - Other
Vote G
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
+1 y
UPDATE 1: Update 1A: By “know you WOULD” I mean that you know whether you WANTED to have sex with the other person, if the other person also wanted to Update 1B: For those who provide/have provided an opinion, please also cast a vote in the poll
+1 y
UPDATE 2: This question is NOT about “expecting that sex would happen” / “knowing sex would happen,” it’s about “knowing that you WANTED to have sex with someone”
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Most Helpful Guys

  • With girlfriend #1, I didn't know for sure until she grabbed my dick and shoved it into her pussy but, from the very first moment, we worked up a HUGE head of steam and kept it going for the next 6 hours until I got her into my bed!!
    girlfriend #2, Probably as soon as she invited me to get into her bed with her. I'd been sleeping on her couch for the previous 2 weeks, or so.
    girlfriend #3, I don't even remember. About the third time we got together at her place, somehow, we started kissing each other and that quickly became a rather heavy make-out session but, I don't think we actually fucked for another few days or weeks.
    girlfriend #2, revisited (35 years after the first time): I believe she came over to my house and started asking me where we should do it. Her first choice was her sitting on the kitchen counter between to the stove and sink! I think the kitchen table was next but we eventually decided to use the spare bedroom on the second floor.
    Usually, if they let you fondle their fudgies, sex won't be far behind. So far, I've only had one girl that DIDN'T follow that rule. Well, 2, if you count the hooker that let me feel her up for a good while.

    • Nice interesting details, but (per the “Updates”) I was wanting to know how soon after you met someone did you USUALLY know that you WANTED to have sex with them?

    • Oh, well, in all three cases, pretty much the minute I set eyes on them. Actually, in the case of #3, I was more interested in her friend but, found out that she's a lezzie that was trying to get into #3's pants and I screwed her out of that! Although, I serious doubt she had a chance. #3 wasn't the slightest bit interested in munching carpet and thanked me profusely for rescuing her from that potentiality.

    • Ha about#3. Which answer-option letter did you select in the poll?

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  • Within 30 seconds since sex for me is based on physical attributes, but I enjoy it more with a woman whom I like.

    • Great “Guy answer”!

Most Helpful Girls

  • There might be a "spark" during the date. That first lips-to-lips kiss usually confirms that the sparks exists. Soon after that, I'd feel the urge to tear his clothes off. However, that doesn't mean I'd actually do it early on. I'd abstain to preserve some self respect.

    Meanwhile, a bad kiss does exist, unfortunately, and can also kill the mood.

    • So how soon did it USUALLY take for you to know whether you WANTED to have sex with someone?…which answer-option letter did you select in the poll?

    • How soon? It varies. With my husband, I wanted to screw him already before we actually met. With another guy, I felt the urge during dinner of our first date. With the others, it took a bit of a while longer. Meanwhile, I voted for the 7th option (G) since it could be any from B to G.

    • Ok on voting G. What do you mean by saying “I wanted to screw him already before we actually met”?…. do you mean you found each other online and were so captivated by him before you net in person?

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  • Yep. 1 to 5 min.

    And yes, he's something.

    • “He”? Do you USUALLY know that you WANT/not want to have sex with someone within 1 to 5 minutes after meeting someone new & available to you?

    • Only very few people have been that way to me.

    • And yes.

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 10
  • Even if I know I want to, doesn't mean I know it will happen because he may not want to.

    • Of course, but see my “Update 1A”

  • I usually knew within 5 minutes that I would like to have sex them. But as I continued to talk with them I might change my mind.

    • Very solid answer… Although I usually know if I’m sexually attracted to a woman almost right away, there is the “on second thought I don’t think so” thing that happens sometimes. …I would have picked you as my 2nd Blue MHO if we could pick 4 MHOs on questions.

  • I usually did not have sex on a third date, but I usually knew by the third date whether the horizontal mambo was in the future for me and my date.

    • See my “Update 1A”

  • I usually know after seeing them front and back but I'm not totally sure until I've talked to her and even at that point it usually takes maybe two sentences

    • Which answer-option letter did you select in the poll?

    • Other

    • But after reading the update, I guess 30 seconds is a good answer

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  • During the first time meeting them.

    • Ok, what’s the quickest amount of time?

    • We're going back a long time in my memory, but probably an hour to 90 minutes.

    • Ok thanks for replying to that.