3 Double Standards Of Women

3 Double Standards Of Women

Double standards affect everyone. Both men and women have their double standards, but I believe that when it comes to women, their double standards are more ridiculous. In this take, I will expose the double standards of women.

Guys can dance on a girl, but a girl can't dance on a guy

Here is a big one. You see all the time in movies like Magic Mike or on talk shows where girls get grinned on by these big muscular men, but god forbid a girl does it to a guy because that's just sexist! (sarcasm). This video is a good representation of what I mean:

In the US, this is seen as just three girls having fun, but what if these were three guys with three girls dancing on them, the nation would be in an uproar and The Ellen Show's ratings would drop. This is due to progressive feminism in the United States (which is not needed in this country because feminism in the US has shifted to standing for women superiority). You could argue that if girls were to dance on guys in public then there would be "slut shaming", but where is the slut-shaming on these muscular, physically attractive men? Wouldn't "man whores" be just as bad as "women whores"? It only comes to show that if you're ugly and skinny or fat, then women won't want you. This video is showing men as objects. I know there are going to be women in the comments that are going to say "well that's what men get because they always objectify us", so your solution is to objectify men? I thought you wanted equality, shouldn't you be trying to end the objectification of women AND men?

Girls can check out a guy, but guys can't check out girls

I see this one all the time. A girl can say "damn he's fine, I'd want him all over me. mmm just look at him, and that ass is so fine.", but switch the roles and you'll have WWIII. Here is the real kicker, women allow for attractive men (ones who are physically attractive in the face and their physique) to check them out, but when an ugly guy does it, it's sexual harassment. I can never check out the beauty in women(not as objects, but as actual females that I would consider having a relationship with) anymore because i'd possibly face a sexual harassment charge.

Everyone cares about when girls are sexually harassed, but no one cares when guys are

This has become more prevalent with the Harvey Weinstein situation. I'm not trying to make fun of actual sexual harassment, i'm just trying to point out the fake accusations and the guys who were sexually harassed that no one in the country seem to talk about. With this new scandal came women who are openly exposing the scumbags who sexually harassed them, and that's a good thing, but also comes snakes who are falsely accusing men of sexual harassment for attention. I could only look at a girl for five seconds and she could say that I have sexually harassed her. I don't think women understand the power they have on a guys life. One false accusation on a guy can ruin his whole life. Also, what about the guys who are sexually harassed by girls? Why does no one care about their stories? Feminism has pushed this agenda that men who are sexually harassed or even sexually assaulted are not important. Even though women get sexually harassed more, that doesn't mean we should ignore the men who do.


So there you have it. Three double standards of women. I know there are plenty of double standards for guys as well, but I feel as though the women double standards are more ridiculous and even career-ending. This is mainly stimulated by feminism and the progressive left. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave comments below!

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Women dance on men all the time, in regular clubs, strip clubs, parties, movies, everything. You see it everywhere. The only reason Why it's such a big deal for a man to do a sexy dance on a woman is because it's not common, it's not normalized. It's not even sexy, it's almost always comical. Personally, I think both are disgusting. But the reason why it isn't seen as "dirty" is because it's not common and is usually done in a joking way.

    I agree, women can certainly get away with saying certain comments about men than men can toward women. Personally, I feel like no one should be making comments like that about anyone, at least not toward them. All forms of sexual harassment should be treated equally.

    I feel like your last point intertwines with the second. I do think false accusations should be taken much more seriously than they currently are. Where I live you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty but it seems like the general public assumes your guilt before you can be taken to trial. Sexual harassment and assault against men should have as much attention, resources, and care as sexual harassment against women does.

    • The first point shows how women aren't actually sexually attracted to the male body.

    • @bbb10 Not really no. Women are attracted to the male body, but men and women are different creatures. I find men visually appealing, but men's bodies are more straight, linear. They have harsh lines and eges, not curves. It looks weird for a man to dance the way a woman dances because men's bodies are angular, it's awkward and it looks funny. The look and feel of a man's body is what women are attracted to, not the way he awkwardly dances like a female.

    • Can a man's body sexually arouse you without an emotional attachment?

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  • These double standards, are mostly that men created.

    1. Who says men can't dance on women? Have you ever been to a nightclub? there are plenty of men who dance with and on women there.

    2. Why is it so "evil" that women have the right to choose who they want attention from? I will say this once, and I will say it over and over again until men understand. WOMEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHO THEY WANT ATTENTION FROM. JUST AS MEN DO. Do you complain that you can't kiss a woman despite her kissing her bf? No, that's ridiculous. Just because she chooses to want the attention from Chad Thundercock, doesn't mean she HAS to accept your advances. The world doesn't work that way. You dont get to tell someone if they are harassed or not, they decide it. That is not a double standard. If men dont feel threat from being cat called, good for you, but just because you dont doesn't mean that women have to put up with it. lets face facts, the average man is much larger and stronger than the average woman. So if a woman tells you "i want to shove my pussy on your mouth" it isn't as big a threat as a man much larger saying "i want to shove my cock down your throat."

    3. No one cares when guys are harassed? Says who? Many people do, men, women, feminists, MRAs. etc. Also, many men mock fellow men for being harassed or abused. Take it up with them. How many men say dumb shit like "oh, why did that kid say something, I wish hot teachers would "rape" me!" or "man, whoever didn't enjoy sex from her must be gay." "where were these sexy teachers when I was a kid?"
    If no one takes male victims seriously, it's mostly fellow men who belittle instances of sexual abuse. This double standard is one created by men, for men, affecting men. Yes, there are many men who still believe that men cannot be raped! It is astounding and depressing.
    And guess what, they aren't feminists or left leaning. They are right wingers usually and antifeminists.

    • By the tone of this answer I can tell that you’re an SJW which means no other outside facts will ever penetrate your thinking, but Ima try. 1.) I don’t think you see the hypocricy here. Feminists complain about how girls shouldn’t dance on guys because they are ruining the image of women, but yet praise men who dance on women. If you wanted equality, you’d either be ok with both men and women dancing on each other, or oppose of both. Not picking one or the other. 2.) Hypocrisy strikes again. Women can choose who they want attention from, but yet women complain about how men don’t want attention from girls who are unattractive? Also, women choosing what they define as harrasment is ridiculous because harrasmant to a girl could mean just looking their way. That’s why I say to be careful when you talk to girls because they could claim anything against you for doing nothing. 3.) Yeah there are guys who say that, but it’s mainly covered up by the media and feminism. They want to act-

    • Like those things done exist because it goes against the liberal rhetoric. How do you know that these men who don’t believe that’s a man can be raped are right wingers? Where are your facts?

    • 1. I dont know much about feminists so I can't say if thats what they want or not. You are mistaking equality though. Equality doesn't always mean fairness or justice. Like if there are 3 people, one has $1000, the other has $100, and the last has $0, you can treat them all "eqaul" and give them all $20. But the first doesn't really make a difference, the second, it helps, and the 3rd would benefit most. Equality doesn't always mean fairness. I guess their point would be that women have always been "expected" to dance and be sexy for men. And I can see why they want men to do do the same. Not that I agree with it, if anyone wants do dance, go for it. 2. That is not hypocrisy. Are you a hypocrite for enjoying lets say a woman like Scarlett Johansen talk to you but not accepting the advances of someone like Rosie O Donald? Of course not. You have the right to be attracted AND accept advances of who you want, just as women do. I am not complaining, and I think women who complain

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  • I like to know which women have these double standards. Only a small part of society may see it this way but not every single female out there.

  • Meh. Sure you have some good points here. But it also depends on the attitude of the women involved. A lot of women don't really care about what society thinks and act accordingly to how they feel. Then you get the ones on the side provoking the issues that aren't even there. That's the real problems. The "boy blue" syndrome and "rescuers". Let people decide for themselves what bothers them and if they are offended and then act accordingly to this.

  • Yeah there a double standard and I in particular agree with sexual harassment and assault against males not being taken as seriously. However it is more often other MEN that don't take it seriously than it is women. Because they don't see it as 'manly' to be overpowered by someone else. Yes there are plenty of women that are ignorant or just not really care but, on average, if you are a male victim of sexual assault I'd say you are more likely to find support from a woman. Especially one that was a victim of sexual assault herself.

    And this whole idea if you even look at a women you will be thrown in jail for assault just needs to stop. This is paranoid thinking. Women who get checked out a lot are generally used to it and they don't get worked up over it. They may APPRECIATE it more from a good looking guy but that doesn't mean they will call the cops on you just because you glanced their way. If they did that then they would probably get charged for wasting police time.

    False rape accusation are not overly common and most of them don't even come to a charge.

    And in fact the prosecution and conviction rates for all reported rape and sexual assault and harassment accusations is low. It is very hard to prosecute. Without a clear cut case a lot of the time the law doesn't feel it's worth the time and resources needed for a trial. My uncle is an ex crown prosecutor and now a criminal court judge. He's talk about this. So believe me they are not going to waste their time going after all sorts of guys that were checking out women, saying hi or even cat calling.

    • I meant sexual assault against males to mean all types of sexual assault including rape FYI.

    • Yeah there are men who won’t see it as manly if you are sexually assaulted by a woman, but it mainly the mainstream media and modern American feminism that act like these cases don’t exist. Obviously if you look at a women you won’t get prosecuted, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that a lot of women are attention seeking and some of these women take it way too far. I’m saying not to trust just any woman on the street because stuff like that happens, especially with this “me too” thing going on. I’m not saying the #metoo is a bad thing, but it gives women a platform and some like to obuse it. It doesn’t matter if rape cases aren’t common, it matters that they happen and guys should watch for it. One accusation can ruin a guy’s life, he doesn’t even have to be found guilty. Many people go with the theory “guilty until proven innocent.” And even being accused of such a thing doesn’t look too well on your record.

    • If false rape cases*

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  • You're probably right. Needless to say there are quite some exceptions. I always cringed at the idea of people of any gender ''dancing on'' people - I find it ridiculous. Checking out other people is always ok for me as long as the person checking them out is not committed to a loved one. Whereas sexual harassment... nowadays it's a clown business. I don't even know whom to believe anymore. For me it has become a problem of ''are they even telling the truth, and if so, why didn't they say anything 100 years ago when it happened''

  • You can type "Who is the truly oppressed gender - Who rules society" and read our very similar topic article!

  • "Girls can check out a guy, but guys can't check out girls"
    I wish a guy would check me out but I'm too fucking ugly and guys only like to check out hot chicks.

    "Guys can dance on a girl, but a girl can't dance on a guy"
    Guys don't dance on me cause I'm ugly.

    • That's not true, guys are sexually attracted to a lot of different types of girls. There are plenty of guys who check you out, I'm sure.

    • @DevikaButts95 I mean I kinda agree with her. Guys can be picky and not be sexually attracted to some women.

    • @thisisntlove Right, but then there are guys who aren't picky or are picky and she is the type of woman they want. There are too many guys out there with such a varied taste for her to be ugly to every guy.

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