3 Real Problems Women Suffer Through That No One Talks About

3 Real Problems Women Suffer Through That No One Talks About

Nowdays radical feminists try to make every problem a sexist problem (you didn't like the way I made your coffee? oppression! you just think I can't make good coffee because I'm a woman!)

And while I agree western countries don't exactly need feminism anymore as it reached it's goal, woman are equal to men in terms of laws, there are still problems that no one talks about. Problems that actually matter, not just some feminazi playing the victim constantly, but things people choose to ignore.

- You can't walk alone at night or be alone at clubs

Any woman knows this fear. Even if you're walking in a street with few people, it's scary as hell. You try to make your way back to a safe place as quick as possible, with crippling anxiety and the feeling of vulnerability. Taking a walk shouldn't be so fucking stressful.

Also, there's a golden rule all women know well: if you're going to a bar or a club, always have friends with you. Because you never know who might slip something into your drink, you never know what could happen if you are alone in a place full of drunk men, you have to deal with drunk guys hitting on you and in severe cases groping and touching you inappropriately without your consent. You have to worry about all these details, you can't even enjoy a night out.

3 Real Problems Women Suffer Through That No One Talks About

- Constant fear of men

Again, not something a feminazi would scream out like "MEN SUCK!". As a woman, it's hard to trust any man, even if you think he's your friend, you don't know how he'll turn once he's angry, drunk, etc. As a kid (and even to this day) my mom won't let me go alone with a man she doesn't know well, even if he seems genuinely nice and unharmful.

Physically speaking, not stereotypically, men are stronger than women. It's a biological fact, not a sexist opinion. At the end of the way, if we end in a position where a guy is taking advantage on us, there's nothing much we can do to stop him.

To the guys reading this: if you feel like a woman you don't really know is scared of you or doesn't feel comfortable by your presence, know it's not personal. We are taught to be wary of men ever since we are kids. And it's not done in order for us to hate men, but to be careful. Because there are many girls there who put their trust into men who want nothing but harm, and our parents simply look after us.

3 Real Problems Women Suffer Through That No One Talks About

- Slut shaming

Unfortunately, it's still in our society. And honestly, it's more women who do it rather than men, which I find utterly strange. I would also like to remind you that not all girls are feminists, feminism isn't about educating specifically men, it's also about educating girls (and believe me, I know more than a few girls who proudly said they support chauvinism).

There are still people out there (like I said, mainly girls) who go after women who wear "small" clothing and harass them, calling them sluts, threatening them, saying it was her fault she got raped because she was wearing something revealing, etc.

When a guy posts a swimsuit photo to social media, he gets praised and called hot, but when a girl posts a picture of herself in a bikini, she gets called a slut, both done by women. These women aren't helping and are a major part of the problem. But there are also men who contribute to this;

Women getting fired from their jobs because they wore "inappropriate clothing" (inappropriate clothing meaning a shirt that's a little to tight for a man to contain his dick in his pants), girls kicked from schools for showing a freaking bra strap or having their collarbones exposed. How does no one find this wrong?

For example, check this out. Apparently her dress was crossing the line, being too distracting, viewers couldn't keep their dicks calm and focus on the weather report, so they decided to make it the broadcaster's problem. How does that make any sense? How is that a logical reason to stop a news broadcasting?

3 Real Problems Women Suffer Through That No One Talks About
3 Real Problems Women Suffer Through That No One Talks About

Before I end this, I want to clarify something (especially to men) - there's a very large difference between a feminist, and a feminazi. When you guys say you hate feminists in the comments, I'm pretty sure you mean feminazis, and that can really be misleading. I would really like it if you all stopped saying you hate feminists, and use the word feminazi instead, because like I said, there's a very big difference.

Feminist - a person (not necessarily a girl) who fights for equal rights.

Feminazi - nearly always a girl who shames men, thinks women are superior, makes herself the victim in every situation, thinks everything negative someone tells her is about the fact she's a woman (aka turning every regular problem to a 'sexist' problem), thinks all men are bad, creates drama out of everything.

3 Real Problems Women Suffer Through That No One Talks About

3 Real Problems Women Suffer Through That No One Talks About
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  • When it comes to slut shamming, if they are fellow females are usually just jealous or so uncomfortable with their own body or sexuality so they call others sluts to feel better. I dont fear all men I do get bad vibes from some and I never go anywhere alone day or night time. You just never know.

  • hi! @shinyunicorn you have no idea what radical feminism is! if you want to know, you can message me or something? if you don't, then please just stop throwing the words "radical feminism" around, because it is spreading misinformation.

    thank you!

  • Those emails the news station got were probably from a bunch of jealous wives... Let's be honest here.

  • I walk home alone at night and I'm not scared of men at all. I know men can be scary but I'm not scared of them. I'm a black belt in jujitsu and I walk with my key between my knuckles. Not scared, just prepared.

    • The key trick! Yeah, I do that too!

    • @mikemx55 it's a good trick. Hit someone hard enough, it really takes them by surprise.

    • Oh, and just remember that the black belt is better than nothing, but the streets have no rules, or judges.

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  • This applies to everyone, though.
    Men are more prone to get jumped and murdered than women, so technically we should be more scared to walk alone at night than women.

    Being scared of men just because we're men is kinda stupid, it's like guys being scared of women for the wrong doings of a few. Plus, any gender can simply pull out a knife/gun and kill you.

    Slut shaming happens to both genders. If not, just look at all the posts of women talking negatively about fuckboys. I can't even tell you how many girls have stayed away from me because they thought I was a player/fuckboy. If you think slut shaming only happens to women... you're kinda contributing to the slut shaming against men.

    I think you need to spend more time with men, get to know us better.

    • men more than often are the ones that go and kill someone, just look at the stats of mass shootings and murders. but men aren't scared to walk alone, that's the thing. women are taught since birth that we should be scared, and seeing all the reports of women getting kidnapped or raped while taking a walk outside is making it even scarier.

    • So because men are the ones that kill more, I shouldn't have to feel scared? I'm not responsible for what other men do. Men aren't scared to walk alone, but we're more likely to be a victim of a violent crime. Maybe you should stop being so scared, especially since you're less likely to be a victim.

  • All of this is based on one simple problem. And you even said so in your take. Little girls get brainwashed into thinking men are evil and will hurt them. Are men stronger (physically) than women? Yes. Will some grope you if drunk? Maybe. Does that mean you are left alone? hell no. You WILL instantly be backed up by many people, men and women alike, and the bad ones will be far outnumbered by good ones. But the good ones are never talked about.

  • 1) You can't walk alone at night or be alone at clubs -

    This isn't much different for men in most areas. Being attacked at night isn't a women thing in a bad area. If it's everywhere it links into my second point.

    2) Constant fear of men

    That's called paranoia. Well I understand what you mean you ruin it by saying "even if you think he's your friend,". I'm sorry but you should have some men in your life you trust. We're all people, like women, who are different from each other. We aren't ticking time bombs who blow up when we get angry and hurt women. In general do women react badly to you as well? I don't see the difference. any friend, any decent person, isn't going to attack you because "they got angry".

    3) Slut shaming

    I'll give you this. Man have the same problem when people tell us to "man up". No f**k off. I'll act however I want as long as I'm not effecting others.

    • Most men who abuse women are men whom they're close to, and trust.

    • the thing is it's hard to trust men, especially if you live at an environment where everyday there's a report of a girl being abused or raped by her husband or boyfriend, or even guy friend. it's nothing personal against you. it's like walking into a den of lions, there are lions who are just like little kitties who just want you to pet them and nap with them, but even as kids we know that many lions attack and kill, so we're scared to approach any lion, even if we're told it's a friendly one.

    • Maybe because women seem to seek out men who have those properties? A while back I was talking with a friend who has trouble getting a girl; he is average-looking, is a very nice, laid-back guy, is employed, and is not socially awkward or shy. His younger brother treats women like dirt, picks up another one before he has dumped the last... and has girls all over him.

  • Hahaha @ those first 2...
    Sorry but no, being scared of being by yourself in a club or place is ridiculous. I've been out to places by myself or ended up alone, never caused problems. Why not? If someone is being a dickhead, cause hey who knows yre in a club full of drunk people, you could always tell em to leave you alone or to fuck off. This kind of fear is being planted in little girls by their parents/social environment cause women are oh so fragile and not able to stand up for themselves.
    second one being scared of men? Really? Again socially constructed fear. Yes men on average commit more crimes but to put it in perception obviously most guys you meet or know will not wanna rape you. Not every man is a rapist, being cautious around people is never stupid though but being straight out afraid? Such bullshit.

    And the 3d well yes that's true, but what males do so do women. We sexually objectify men too, no one cares though.

    Why? Cause feminism is bullshit especially in western countries.
    equalism is far more constructive yet never 100% attainable.

    • I agree with her, but I agree with this mostly. I <3 being alone even at night. I feel safer because if something happens other people won't panic.

  • i don't go out at night because the streets is dangerous and yea men beating up women out of anger can hurt

    • Men beating up women can only happen in their own houses, which is a consequence of choosing a bad boyfriend/husband and is the women's fault..

    • @whitarkness not only in houses.. and its not only the woman's fault... some guys hide their real personality until the girl find out

  • As a woman/girl living in one of America's most dangerous cities, I've never experienced the 1st issue. Drunks shouldn't be your problem and looking feminine shouldn't be the cause. Walking alone at night is probably the number one way to ask to get mugged or anything else regardless of gender. If you do walk alone and take a dumb route or don't know how to defend yourself, then you're at least partially at fault if something happens.

    For the second one, I find it to be on the fence. Understand that you choose to (for the work scenario) work there and have to dress appropriately. Like anything people will stare and be mind blown by a booty or whatever and sure it isn't fair but it's a part of life and life isn't fair. I wish people wouldn't be turned on as much by a butt or some cleavage but what are you gonna do?

    You sound rather paranoid regarding men. You shouldn't be scared of them at all. And who cares if they're stronger, doesn't mean a lot if they can't apply that strength. If you're seriously that worried, learn how to defend yourself

    • so let me get this straight, all women should go to karate classes and be top wrestlers just in case some rapist confronts them at the middle of the night? to me it sounds easier to just teach young boys to not be jackasses.

    • I think everyone should know how to defend themselves not only women. A rapist is far different than a jackass and rape isn't just some guy or chick being an asshole, it's way worse. Anyways if you put yourself in a potential situation where you need to defend yourself, you should probably know how

    • @kittiecat I agree with you, MyTake Owner, it's a very nice idea to think one day we will live in a world where there are no creeps and of course we should teach guys not to be creeps but that doesn't mean women shouldn't be prepared. You can only look out for yourself, if you're scared, go to self defence classes - your life is so much better when you're not in perpetual fear.

  • Wasn't that news image bullshit though the guy was playing a prank and made her wear it.

  • 1) Men are much more likely to be the victim of a violent crime while out at night, be it robbery, assault or even murder. I used to hear the gunshots all the time in my old neighborhood. And it's not even close to the first time I've heard any of these things, so 'no one talks about it' is so blatantly false that a part of my brain died trying to process it.

    2) Seriously? You're afraid all men everywhere might snap at any given moment because you got the stranger danger talk as a kid? Believe it or not, men have better things to do than run up on unsuspecting women and smack the shit out of them. 'Look, a woman! I gotta exert my dominance! DO YOU EVEN LIFT, BRAH?'

    We've got jobs to worry about. We've got healthy ways of relieving anger and pent up stress that don't involve physical assault on the nearest woman in sight. If I get the feeling a woman is terrified of me, I leave her alone and never look back. Why? Because she'll never trust me and I don't have the patience to win her over.

    3) Most of the slut shaming comes from other women, you know. This country hasn't had a puritan problem for several decades now. In fact, most guys love sluts, they fork over the sex without much trouble. Women on the other hand DON'T LIKE COMPETING WITH SLUTS.

    In conclusion: you're full of shit, OP.

  • Well said!

  • So true. But; based on my experiences individually, the 1st one, I have yet to encounter, the 2nd one, I feel that way everyday, and the 3rd one, I've only been through maybe once or twice.

  • " if you feel like a woman you don't really know is scared of you or doesn't feel comfortable by your presence, know it's not personal."

    It definitely took me some time to learn to not take this personal. I'm a very kind-hearted and sociable guy, but me 1) being a "builtfat" build, 2) being a dark-skinned black male, definitely caused some females around me some angst throughout my adult years. I can tell in their vibes when I'm around!

    I remember once in a college town at 3am, a college girl crossed the street JUST to avoid crossing paths with me!

  • Think it's abit weird that I'm a guy thanking you for this but thanks for differentiating between feminism and feminazism

  • It's interesting as men are much more likely to be mugged, beat or killed then a woman, and just as likely to be raped, yet we teach WOMEN to be afraid. This makes little sense to me.

    As for feminism I hate it, I hate it to the depths of my soul, I also hate feminazis, but feminism itself is also an issue to me. I reject your definition as pure propaganda, as it does not recognize either the fact that feminism is a POLITICAL organization, and it does not include the belief in Patriarchy theory without those two things you are just mudding the water. Feminism is a political group who believe that men have been the dominant leaders in history, and as leaders have given themselves certain rights and privileges that they have denied to women and to a lesser extent men who do not gender conform. Feminism works to balance those privileges through lobbying, education and activism.

    And yes, I have a personal bias against the movement. If I was you, I wouldn't ask me what that was.

  • The first point is called paranoia. You should get serious help.

    • Actually you should wake up. Even as a male being that way is a smart idea.

    • Serious help? I remember while walking back home at 9 pm from work, there was this dude who followed me just to 'check out' where I live.

    • @desidoll

      Anecdotal evidence: https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/anecdotal

      You might also want to educate yourself on the topics of confirmation bias and selective perception.

      The key part is though that men are more likely to be the victims of any violent crime except sexual assault. Aka more likely to be beat to a bulp or murderer. Meaning if you feel incredibly fearful about being out at night or so, you are paranoid, because it doesn't affect you as much as it does towards men. You are welcome.

  • I have a constant fear of women !.. I don't enter a room filled with women or even a single women unless I know her pretty well!.. I don't sit near or stand around women's in public transport!
    . 😂😂 hard to explain why, or maybe it's just I don't want any mess with an hormonal imbalanced ball of insecurity!..

  • I can understand your first point. Fear of getting raped or soemthing else happening.

    However two seems odd, I don't think women in general would think this is a problem. Of course to some extent you need to be on guard, but you shouldn't be constantly fearful of men. Its not healthy at all. You wouln't get far in life like that, no doubt their are some sickos, but minority should not let you dictate your life and you constantly being in fear of men in general. What about your guy friends?

    Three, I can agree with slut shaming. Its no ones business, you shouldn't harass anyone regardless, everyone should be free to make their chocies. But it doesn't mean you might not be treated a certain way because of how you behave. Also rules are rules, that weather girls dress was inappropriate. People should follow school rules in regards to uniform. When its your personal life you do or wear whatever you want.

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