5 Question Challenge!

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I like questions!

From @Brainsbeforebeauty

5 Question Challenge!

1. Why bitches be tripping?

Because I pushed 'em 🤣

Not gonna lie...
Not gonna lie...
5 Question Challenge!
5 Question Challenge!
5 Question Challenge!
5 Question Challenge!
Thats why the floor is wet
That's why the floor is wet

2. What do some guys do that's embarrassing to you?

Make a complete embarrassing idiot of themselves in a cringy way 🤣
I made a collage from cringy texts and posts 😂

Embarrassment To Men.png
Embarrassment To Men.png

Omg I can barely look 😂😂🤣🤣🤣

3. What's the title of your autobiography?

Lamentations of the Lack of Fairness in the World

The Abridged Version
The Abridged Version

4. What's considered successful sex to you?

I don't really think of sex that way... but ok:

On new years, I made a woman come so hard that she fell off the bed then we lay on the floor for about 15 minutes as she was in a babbling dreamlike afterglow.

That? but we didn't have sex (used my fingers). Good enough

I guess well just lay here
I guess we'll just lay here

5. If you could make one of your exes a prostitute in Las Vegas for a night, what would their hourly rate be?

The total amount of money in the world

I wouldnt want her to be a whore.. So Id make it impossibly expensive to buy her
I wouldn't want her to be a whore.. So I'd make it impossibly expensive to buy her

I challenge:


6 2

Most Helpful Girls

  • 1) well... if dey trippin its coz they got tripped I guess..
    2) my twin falls at the feet of almost every chick he meets even if he just he will recite poems confessing his love... saying thatd he'd die for them and all sorts of cringe things... once he saw a group of girls and fell in front of them... they asked "are you OK" he said "I think I just fell for you" *CRINGE INTENSIFIES*
    3)'this isn't a porno.. I promise'
    4) when she faints
    5) I wouldn't even make em a prostitute in the first place.. that'd be a little harsh

    • Nice! Now do a MyTake of it and challenge some people :D Like the one I did (which I modeled after the one @Brainsbeforebeauty did)

    • @TheLittleInnocent so, fam, I was thinking about your bro and that thing that he did when he fell in front of a group of girls, they asked if he's ok, and he said he fell for her... I could see that working if it was delivered in a funny way, and focused on one of them (if you fall for a group of girls, then you didn't fall for one lol) As for the other cringy stuff like reciting poems confessing his love, and saying that he'd die for them, nah, it's too much.. more natural and chill (not cold though) would probably work better. It just sounds like inexperience though, and same with falling in love at the drop of a hat, though I note that being open to love at first sight is a way to not miss out on love at first sight Is he on GaG? I would recommend it. Tons of learning to be had here, and a place to ask questions! ٩(^‿^)۶

    • He meant he'd fallen for all the girls (≧▽≦) and no hez not on GaG hez too sensitive for this place

    • Show All
  • 1. Why bitches be tripping?
    Eww I'm not a bitch 🥺 I'm a cutiepie 😽

    2. What do some guys do that's embarrassing to you?

    When guys make strange faces at me in the street like this:

    What does this even mean, please explain?
    What does this even mean, please explain?

    3. What's the title of your autobiography?
    The girl

    4. What's considered successful sex to you?
    😂🤣 When I feel completely dominated ❓

    5. If you could make one of your exes a prostitute in Las Vegas for a night, what would their hourly rate be

    Depends an I getting the money back?

    • @Warmapplecrumble You could be his pimp! hahaha Now do a MyTake of it and challenge some people! :D

    • Lol 😂 i don't think anyone would respond

    • @Warmapplecrumble it's worth a try! and if they don't then try to not take it too hard

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Most Helpful Guys

  • I pass on the challenge I rather see people unite to make our world a place with unity an mo more random shootings for good mental health care an no people living in streets cuz they can't afford the rents

    • Thanks for mho👍

  • Cool. 😎 here is mine.

    Five Question Challenge

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What Girls & Guys Said

11 2
  • 1. Why do bitches be trippin'?

    2. What do guys do that you find embarrassing?
    When they refer to women as "bitches" or "hoes," but can't find a single woman who would ever be interested in them.

    3. What's the title of your autobiography?
    I'd have to be closer to the end of my story before I could decide.

    4. What do you consider successful sex?
    I've never had an orgasm (I just can't seem to do it), so this answer might be different for me than others. Successful sex is whenever I am satisfied and tired, and once my partner has finished.

    5. If you could make one of your exes a prostitute in Vegas, what would their hourly rate be?
    The one I'm thinking of was very boyish and innocent, so he'd probably be worth a lot. I don't know exact numbers, lol.

  • Well done 👏👏 but stop pushing 😂😂 love that one by the way 😁
    And awe to number 5, that's so sweet ♥️

    • @Brainsbeforebeauty thanks! :D and yea I've stopped pushing a long time ago 🤣🤣 hehe yea thanks <3

  • 1. I got no fucking clue. None of them get on with me. But I am the type to put my foot out to trip them up I do like a good laugh.

    2. When guys assume and run with it. Whole fucking rant. Cringe love the collage 🤣 your brave sharing that.

    3. Lights Out

    4. Good obviously

    5. Depends on my commission cut the lower it is the higher the rate. Weather or not people will pay...

  • Oh gosh I love this😂 thanks for sharing!

    • Thanks! :D 😂

  • 1. Insecurity
    2. Over compensate
    3. Opposites Attract- for a short time
    4. When we are both tired and satisfied.
    5. The ex I'm thinking of could probably rake in 150 an hour.

  • You’re inviting me to answer “why bitches be tripping”? I’ll respectfully decline.

    • @SarahsSummer fair enough :)

  • 1, because they have issues
    2, attempt to be manly when they aren’t
    3, rebuilding over and over again
    4, both parties finish
    5, would be a negative amount

  • 1. Why bitches be tripping?
    Some of them are just plain ugly yet don't have a pleasing personality to compensate for their hideousness. So, they decided to be angry bitches.

    2. What do some guys do that's embarrassing to you?
    I have seen guys piss on walls, posts, trees, bushes, roadsides, etc. That kind of indecency isn't only embarrassing. It's also disrespectful to the environment!

    3. What's the title of your autobiography?
    'Dee Dee Devoured'

    4. What's considered successful sex to you?
    Just pleasure me enough to make me orgasm. It'll be be more successful if we both orgasm.

    5. If you could make one of your exes a prostitute in Las Vegas for a night, what would their hourly rate be?
    I have one ex who's such a jerk that I'd just give him away for free.

  • 1. Because they dont tie their shoes
    2. Any stupid things they do.
    3."why are you reading this?"
    4. Getting off?
    5. One cent. For guys, bottom only till it turns him gay. He deserves to be dead but im feeling merciful

  • 1) Because something's wrong with them, may it be just life or in their head
    2) When they lie about their skill or when not everyone got a climax
    3) What one with no inspiration can do
    4) Both having climaxed and both having explored eachother's hotspots and accepting eachother's kinks.
    5) What the others have on average, he wasn't bad ^^

    • @Ms_Facesitter why "they"? I thought you only have one sub guy?

    • @scooogy I 've slept with more than one guy in my life

  • 1. Why bitches be tripping?

    Cuz they can't tell the difference between instagram and reality 😁😎

    2a. What do some guys do that's embarrassing to you?

    The same. All this "lemme holla at u bitch n smash ur kitty" en masse. But on the bright side, if they find a slut and pick them up like that and get some sex tonight, then it's really good for them. I want sex too but I am not sure about picking up sluts.

    2b. What do some girls do that's embarrassing to you?

    I'll let you know when I see them 🤔

    3. What's the title of your autobiography?

    One man army

    4. What's considered successful sex to you?

    When both parties are satisfied ;)

    5. If you could make one of your exes a prostitute in Las Vegas for a night, what would their hourly rate be?

    Bah! She can do it for free for all I care for. I wouldn't be surprised if I see her in a rap video dancing half naked in the background. It is not my problem.

    5 Question Challenge!5 Question Challenge!
  • 1. Because they’re assholes
    2. masturbating in public
    3. Aiming to be extremely intelligent
    4. Both received foreplay and having orgasms together
    5. my ex was an asshole so he’s only worth 5 cents

  • Good take

    • Thanks! Now you!