5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You

First off, Not all Women cheat. If they fall for a guy like that then they are loyal to the bone. Faithfulness is hardwired into their female circuitry like a prime directive.

5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You
Women are emotional terminators with lots of love to give. Instead of high-powered assault rifles, Hugs and kisses are their weapons of choice.

But some of these women are scandalous and will jump all over that outside dick. It's unfortunate, But some women WILL cheat on your ass.

As a great Man on GaG is prone to say, Sloots gonna sloot...........

5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You

1. She turns 25,30,35, And so on.....
5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You

It's called the birthday crisis. Every half decade or decade will cause a Woman to ask herself "What have I been doing with my life?"

She will really question all her life choices during these crazy fits, Especially about her relationship.

Better be on your best behaviour and extra sensitive till it passes :/

2. She thinks you are getting bored of her
5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You

Women are basically a living ball of insecurities.

So once you are moved in together and no longer feel the need to talk constantly about everything you might take it as a sign of being comfortable around each other and growing as a couple, But she can interpret it as a major sign that you are losing interest.

Women love being the center of attention and need their emotional needs meet almost constantly, And if she feels like you are not doing that then she might be tricked into creeping by a smooth talking player who she thinks 'Actually sees her'.

3. She is not getting enough ding dong
5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You

Oxytocin, The hormone that plays a major role in our urge to bond, Spikes three to five times its normal level during orgasm. And since the hormone is way more intense in female than males. Women are f*cking on a whole other level and develop stronger emotional bonds through sex.

So if you don't have as much sex with her as you used to, She could interpret that as you not finding her attractive or loving her anymore.

There are several signs that she needs more Mr. Happy in her life, Just got to look out for them.............

5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You

4. She is tired of your sh*t
5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You

And wants out!

Infidelity is a very easy way out of a relationship, So she cheats on you because she doesn't have the nerve to outright dump you.

Also, If she suspects you of cheating first, She might cheat out of revenge. Retaliatory affairs are probably more common than you think.

It's human nature to want to get even steven.

5. She's a player, Herself
5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You

A lot of guys ask why some ladies love douchebags, And the simple answer is those chicks just might be douchebags too!

Some women love scoring and scoring big. They might keep a nice, stable guy on the leash for companionship and all that other stuff. But inside they are still filthy animals who need to prowl for cheap thrills and lots of strange to feed the beast.

So, Hooray for the nice girls that are really made out of sugar, spice, And everything nice <3 <3 <3

You should really appreciate them if you are lucky enough to get one.

5 Reasons Your Woman Might Cheat On You

4 2

Most Helpful Girl

  • Hooray? Not really... There's a bunch of us in abundance!! And it's not awesome! On the contrary, most of us should start being more coquettish and flirty with other men when we already have a partner and such... Because most guys will still cheat on the most perfect faithful girl anyway.. So why do they want this... Hypocrites!! ... So really the hooray really goes out for the rare guy who really is faithful by choice and not to those who are faithful by unfortunate circumstances where he's never had the chance to... That type if guy is the type that deserves our faithful awesome love!! 😜!! And no one else!!


    • If you say so lol

Most Helpful Guy

  • Amazing how PC our culture has become. Just a few years ago number five would be "She's just a dirty slut" but now "she's a player".

    Not saying it's fair to call promiscuous women sluts vs. promiscuous men as "studs". However deep down at a DNA level men really do gain more respect if they have much more sexual experience vs. women who sleep around.

    • She's a slut.

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What Girls & Guys Said

12 15
  • She's stupid.

    All of those are excuses.

    - Nice take thogh

    • Thank you :)

  • If you know how the game is played and play it well, None of these reasons or the unmentioned ones exist.

  • Number 2 is so true

    • Communication is so important.

    • Yes it is! I never cheated but when a guy stops giving me attention i get paranoid I think maybe he's bored of me or cheating lol

    • Yeah, It happens :(

  • I came here expecting some one-sided, narrow-minded, butt hurt article but I'm glad you disappointed me. #like

    • Thank you :D

  • Great take... number 3 is more common than you think

    • Thank you :D

  • that mlp meme tho :p
    anyways... i think that there's no reason to cheat

    • Yeah :D

  • This is way too true and I have no idea why some people try to deny it lol. Anyways I'm made of spicy chilies is that good enough? lol

    • Of course! :)

    • Awesome 👍😊

  • You're spot on about the female players. They are definitely out there, make sure not to get in a relationship with her!

    • Yeah :(

  • Very nice mytake.. I think everyone should be brave enough to face it if it's not working oh between two people.. because shit happens and we just have to deal with it.. cheating is wrong on so many levels and there's no excuse for it.. but unfortunately there are some people who don't care about others and cheat on them just because they're simply a waste of skin..

    • Thank you :D

  • Living ball of insecurity - perfect words

  • Seems like you know women better than they do.

  • I just clicked this cuz I saw ponies. 😛

    • That's cool :P

    • Who's ur fav pony?

    • Rainbow Dash.

    • Show All
  • Why cheaters cheat:
    1. Because they are shitty people
    End of take

  • Sloots always sloot,
    Best mindset to have his, to know this as something inevitable and cheat on them

  • i can agree with these, but you should just leave your partner lol. All this basically is about with women is if our emotional needs aren't met we think and do things out of the ordinary. Sometimes women don't cheat, sometimes they just think about it or emotionally cheat without sex, but I feel only if the needs aren't getting met for a long long long time. All humans are insecure, we just better hope we don't end up with someone who feeds our insecurities...

    • That's very true.

  • Except for #1, there is no reason to cheat from the reasons given. There are other ways to deal with that.

  • Yeah, a girl I know was married to a guy who was very attractive, so she was very insecure and always accusing him of cheating when he would talk to old female friends on FB and such, or travel for work. He never cheated as far as I know, even though she seemed to be acting crazy about it. Anyway, SHE wound up screwing around on him. They tried to stay together because of their two little kids but now are split.

    On a completely unrelated note, Johnny Rivers had a lot of hits back in the sixties but it seems you never hear of him now - I just heard of him a couple years ago.

    • A lot of people have heard secret agent man from movies, Even if they don't know who sings it.

    • Yeah I heard a lot of his songs but hadn't put together that the same guy did them, yet he didn't seem that famous anymore.

    • Nope, Not anymore.

  • Lol it's the same reasons why men cheat. Good take 👍🏻

    • i agree.

  • still, cheating cannot be justified.

  • LOL... I enjoyed this

    • Thank you :)

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