50 Shades of Overthinking

Ok... So, that book. Yeah, THAT one.

50 Shades of Overthinking

First, let's reprise 4 things we DO know about ... that book.


It's really bad. (In fact, it's so bad that I genuinely thought it was intended as a burlesque, or a lampoon, when I first read it.)


The title character is a fucked-up creepy psycho stalker with mommy issues. There's nothing authentically dominant about him whatsoever. He has a troubling attraction to helplessness and naïveté, and the story sure as hell doesn't help equally naïve readers distinguish between dominance and abuse.


The story certainly doesn't do BDSM or its cognoscenti any favors, either. (The title character is said to have first become submissive, as the result of, essentially, statutory rape -- and then somehow evolved into this faux-dominant poser. There are so many things wrong with this portrayal that I don't even know where to start counting -- or where to stop facepalming.)

50 Shades of Overthinking


But... it's a cultural sensation nonetheless.

Its effects have spilled over into the public consciousness, the incidence rate of STI's among the post-menopausal crowd, and even the inventory turnover of hardware stores.



OK, that's the background.

Now, let's talk about a MORE insidious effect of That Book -- about which I haven't heard as much chatter, either in real life or on the internet.

Thanks to that book... For a lot of people, fuckin' can't just be fuckin' anymore.


The most pernicious effect of this whole 50 Shades phenomenon, as I see it, is that many of the book's devotees have started to view EVERY sex act through the lens of "domination" and/or "submission".


For these unfortunates... fuckin' has lost its ability to just be fuckin'. Sex can't just be sex anymore -- it HAS to be power games, all the time.

50 Shades of Overthinking

Don't get me wrong here -- I LOVE sexual power games. Deep in mah darkest deepest heart of hearts (yes, I actually have a heart), I'm one of the most sexually submissive creatures that ever rolled off the machines of God's North American manufacturing works. I had lurid fantasies at age 11 that would make post-apocalyptic warlords blush. I can have blinding orgasms just from being slapped across the face -- by the man I love -- with the perfect verbal lashing to accompany it... let alone more intense things. #fuckyeahmarriedlife



Even for a degenerate like me... MOST fuckin' is just fuckin'. MOST sex is NEITHER "dominant" NOR "submissive" -- but MOST sex includes a healthy complement of making sweet hot intense emotionally invested luuuuvvv.

...And THAT's the biggest problem this 50 Shades phenomenon has caused -- ALL THAT has been lost, for many of the book's biggest aficionados.

For far too many 50 Shades fans... BDSM limits, rather than enriches, their sexuality.

I've seen and heard discussions -- not only on the internet (where every imaginable manner of weird discussion prevails), but even in real life -- about things like whether it's "inherently submissive" to go down on a woman.

Sweet hell, I even heard a serious conversation once between a couple of thirtyish guys -- in the real, live, living breathing world -- about whether it was "submissive" to KISS a woman.


Yeah, they were a little tipsy... but... SRSLY?

50 Shades of Overthinking

Worst case scenario, there's going to be a whole army of disaffected women whose faux-"dominant" boyfriends are afraid to go down on them. Or even KISS them.

And however many thousands of men AND women with, essentially, stunted sexual growth. Unable to just make sweet love.

NO sex act is inherently "dominant" or "submissive".

Not a single one.

As an analogy, consider the word "bitch". "Bitch" is a word.

Think of all the different ways a man could say "Bitch" to a woman.

• He could be sniveling and butthurt, and it'll just make him seem even more pathetic.

• If she's afraid that she's rubbed someone the wrong way, he could say it sarcastically, and -- ironically -- comfort her.

• He could glower at her with fire and anger -- and passion -- in his eyes, and scream it at her because he loves her so much and hates her so much... all at once.

• He could say it while he fucks her into sweet orgasmic bliss -- to let her know in no uncertain terms that she's his bitch.


You get me.

With ANY sex act, it's the same.

The THINGS you do in bed are like words. They can communicate absolutely anything you want them to communicate. If you read something as "inherently submissive", then that's your fault, for having such a limited point of view.

With the right lover, ANY sex act can be "submissive"... or "dominant"... or loving... or degrading... or maybe all of the above, all at once.

50 Shades of Overthinking

Or none of the above. Because sometimes, fuckin' is just fuckin'.


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18 32
  • Tbh, despite my lifestyle, I have never read the book or seen the film.

    I DID watch the doco though :)

    • Documentary? Like, about what?

    • The FSOG documentary called "Sex story: Fifty Shades Of Grey" It explores the whole FSOG backstory. It also interviews the author.

    • Anything interesting from it? (either the good or the bad kind of "interesting")

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  • This comment won't have much to do with the take buuuttt...

    The way you talk about some guys being attracted to innocence and awkwardness in a girl makes me wonder if you think guys who like those traits in a girl are less of men or are destined to be rapists or something. Cause this isn't the first time I've seen you allude to your opinions about that.

    • Well, there's innocence and there's innocence. And there's "attracted" and there's "attracted". You know what I mean? It's one thing to have a certain kind of adoration, for a woman who's managed to float through life without getting caught up in so many of its troubles. *That* is neither rapey nor creepy; it's perfectly wholesome (as are the guys who usually exhibit it). On the other hand, it's quite another thing to be drawn to someone who just doesn't understand what the fuck you're doing, and thus can't really offer any sort of genuine challenge to it. That's like playing a game on level 1 for yr whole life, or just using cheat codes or something. It's a major character flaw -- not to mention how badly it can fuck up the innocent counterpart who just isn't ready for it.

  • Perfectly well written.
    I read the first book and half way through, I stopped reading it. Terrible represention of a sub. It wasn't even bdsm. More like a guy forcing a naive girl into sex slave acts, which she didn't want to be part of and had no idea wth was going on! But since she didn't want to lose a hottie with mommy issues, she dealt him. Ughh

    • Ikr? And... what, exactly, was the CG character supposed to be *attracted* to? Her literally falling on her face TWICE in the first couple chapters? Ahahah Also did you catch the Ana/Mia references? (as explained in tenseven's thread here) Fucking fuck.

  • Never read the book. Was unfortunate enough to waste part of my life on the film. The script/acting was like watching a two year old trying to make a join the dots drawing. It was always going to be crap, but somehow they managed to make it even worse.

    I just feel so sorry for Don Johnson.

  • My biggest problem with the books (yes I read them) was he was more of a stalker then anything else. The BDSM was fanciful, but within the realms of possibilities. As for his history of being a sub first then a Dom is based on real life, many people learn how to be a Dom by studying under another Dom. I certainly have a few ex lovers who I worked with who became quite dominant in their lives, and from many discussions I've had with both armature and pro Doms it's the usual path.

    Now I've done both porn and live BDSM shows so... and I was in those circles for quite a while (I still have a semi active fetlife account). I've also considered doing a shibari exhibition, but I've been out of it for the most part since before those books broke.

    • Interesting, thanks for yr comment. I can see "studying under another Dom", but that's worlds away from being submissive and then just magically flipping a switch. That's... insulting, to those of us whose orientation (in terms of dom/sub) is deeply hardwired -- it's totally trivializing something that isn't trivial, and that is in fact part of our fundamental sexuality. In my case, I had submissive fantasies long before I even had sexual fantasies at all. For me, being fundamentally submissive is every bit as hardwired as being 100% straight... so, the way the CG character is written, to me, reads analogously to "This character was straight as a teenager, but then became gay." Uhhhm not how life works.

    • I can see that. From my experiences if someone wants to Dom, at least well, they must submit. No it's not ideal but you can't effectively control the situation unless you understand sub space, you know that place in your mind where you just become the sub. But subbs do not need to be a Dom, as the whole thing is about letting go of control. Did you see my mytake about sub males? www.girlsaskguys.com/.../a21609-a-brief-overview-submissive-men Honestly though there are too many mistakes an inexperienced Dom can make, some even life threatening.

  • I read it lol, I didn't like it either. Something about the main girl rubbed me the wrong way, she was wide eyed and helpless. Then when she let him go too far then got angry about it, like why didn't she just tell him to stop? He can't read her mind. I like your style of writing, it has the clarity that walls of text lack 👌🏾

    • ahah thanks for the kind words <3 Yeah, I'm not sure what the author was trying to paint as *attractive* to the CG character. I mean... in the real world, slipping and falling on yr face multiple times is not how you land the hot guy ahah

    • It was a twilight fanfiction and that book is weirdly abusive too. They both feature "plain jane" main characters so the readers can project themselves through her. The awkwardness and indecisiveness is horrible to read in my opinion. I prefer characters who may not start out perfect but go through character development into baddies 😄 I hear you're going to write a book? That's an amazingg idea. 😁 If you have any works that you've finished I'd love to read them.

    • I've had some short stories published (under various names ahah) but nothing on such a terribly ambitious scale. I mean, if you count random scenes on my hard drive that I've just typed up in moments of boredom, plus all my handwritten notebooks of sexually-frustrated-girl-fantasies from all those years, I've got literally hundreds of pages of erotic scenes to work with. If I can actually make up a coherent plot, and characters with mass appeal, I should just be able to pull the scenes from that giant "library", and then write them into whatever plot. I've just never created the plot of a story longer than about 10 pages before, so... yeah. Am gna try to throw something together this fall, if all works out well.

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  • I've never read the book or watched the movie but your take reminds me of a Family Guy episode where Brain writes a book for the masses lol. Wish it Want it Do it. Its dumb and idiotic but sells.

    • lol yeah -- as I wrote down there in tenseven's thread, I'm tossing around the idea of pushing something onto the mass market. Something *better* -- but that will still sell. I just gotta make a formula for what sells, first.

    • Well we know what sells. Sex does lol. But the angle you wanna approach. And maybe it's not even erotica maybe it's even "how to" like let's wipe away the bullshit of what was 50 shades of grey and create how to have great sex in matriage. Write on your experiences. Just thoughts in my head.

    • yah, I'd definitely sneak something of that kind into the story -- but I wouldn't want to write anything that was explicitly a self-help book. People got walls up, against that sort of thing... they'd be much more open to taking "advice" from a fantasy character, regardless of whether they consciously recognized that taking advice is what they were doing. It isn't just women, either. I'm sure WAY more men have been influenced by Tyler Durden, Danny Ocean, or Bud White than by anything explicitly thrown at them as a self-help title.

  • ahhh my lips are sealed lol.

    i think this is the first time I've ever disagreed with you. but to each their own.

    • Yeah, I remember you appreciated the book. Hey, you're far from the only one... the author is, after all, worth something like $85 million now. lmao.

    • haha true... i mean i know its not very realistic, but most books aren't. All movies and books give us a unrealistic outlook on life in general, but that doesn't mean we should stop enjoying them. I think that since you're very experienced with BDSM, it makes you look at the things that happen in the book very analytically. I, on the other hand, have little to NO experience hahah so its a fun read. Do i think it sounds hot? yes. But I've always liked the idea of a dominant man, even before the book. I don't know why.

    • True, but, girlfriendddd the character development! Why couldn't they have made the main character awesome in at least *some* way? Her signature move is to fall on her face! Also, tbh, the things that trouble me the *most* aren't the BDSM-related things. I'm more troubled by the fact that CG is literally a stalker -- he shows up unannounced at the protagonist's workplace, literally hundreds of miles from where he lives -- and that readers basically give him a pass on the psycho-stalkerness because he's rich. I know, I KNOW, this could all be written off as more fantasy... like, in the same way rape fantasies aren't actually about rape, you could say this isn't *really* a stalker so much as an ideal "smitten man". And that's probably what's happening in the minds of many readers -- they just aren't *processing* the fact that this guy came HUNDREDS OF MILES to stop UNINVITED into yr JOB! lol... Now that I think about it, I'm probably projecting a lot of my own personal bias onto that

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  • I checked the beginning of 50 Shades of rape and I wasn't impressed by it. It seemed like a waste of time to me, so I did not even begin with it.
    Yes, that book is REALLY bad. So bad It's overrated.
    Just ugh!

    And people actually overthink it? Damn!

    • Could you be interested if you read it as unintentional camp/comedy? ... or even as a pure marketing lesson?

    • Merely for scientific purposes (which it most probably lacks of but thanks to you, I know it now) but that book will never be read by me.

    • Actually on second thought, the equivalent of 50shadesofraep for men is kind of like porn. Porn CAN (it must not, it CAN) influence it's audience how sex should be and then hold expectations of like the performing pornstars on porn videos. Total BS. The same applies for the media and the scripted movies, how girls believe love should be and start comparing with their boyfriends to the perfectly directed movies. Just keep it all real.

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  • So what do you think that caused it to be so succesful?

    • First-mover advantage, mostly. Almost entirely. There really wasn't anything else like it on the mass market before. I mean, there were like 10,000,000,000 fanfics, but this was the first one that really got launched onto the mass market by a major publisher. Honestly, this could have been one of thousands of other fanfics -- this author just happened to be in the right proverbial place at the right time.

    • So in other words... Luck lol

    • Well, the author did have a substantial following in the fanfic community. So it wasn't *totally* out of nowhere. But, as for why hers blew up and the zillion other Twilight fanfics didn't? Yeah mostly luck.

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  • Look at media in general: with the exception of the sports world, there exists a strand of pop culture that is inherently fake: dispassionate, uninspired music with decent beats (everything ever made by Drake or Kanye, etc.), scripted "reality" tv shows with meandering, senseless stories featuring adolescent control over emotions, and terribly written novels that sell on childish interpretations of sex. Even sports has the ever fake WWE, but at least they wear that fakeness like a badge on their sleeve.

    • My next take is *almost* about that exact thing lol

      My point here goes beyond just "It's fake" or "It's uninspired", though -- the real point is that there could be pernicious effects on how people view their own sexuality (or, worse, the lens through which they see things like stalking).

  • " I'm one of the most sexually submissive creatures that ever rolled off the machines of God's North American manufacturing works. "
    Thats a very interesting statement,
    It brings to mind an image of Jesus having angels assemble your body on a conveyer belt in detroit

    • lol well, the running joke is that I was supposed to be a boy, but I accidentally got stamped into a girl body on the assembly line. So pretty much yeah

    • I'm sure there is a reason that you are a girl

    • like, besides "I got the sperm with the X chromosome on it"?

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  • The sad thing is all of these (butthurt) people fail to realize it's fiction and its sole purpose is entertainment. Taking cues from fiction (not to mention, poorly written one) and applying it in real life is... sad :<

    2 cents

  • I appreciated that take.

    I read that book a few years ago and I had close to none sexual experience. Were you right about it influencing people's views on sex? That's totally true. I think ever since I've read that I've had that sexual fantasy about forced, dominating role play.

    This book is poison for the naives.

    • But you seem smart enough to educate yrself about these things further. Most aren't.

  • I'm glad I didn't read the book or see the movie. It's kinda funny that Tyler Perry (I think that's who it was) made a parody of it called "50 shades of Black." I actually wanted to see that movie more (maybe I'll rent it now of these days).

    I did remember hearing the "outlash" from the 50 shades of Grey movie though. Not good.

    • I haven't seen the movie. Ironically, I think (iirc, from what I read) the protagonist was portrayed as at least *somewhat* more capable -- or, if you will, at least somewhat less of a dipshit, with at least a modicum of agency over her own fate -- in the movie.

  • Hmmmmm most interesting... I will study this again and then give you my remarks...

  • Lmfaooo at you if you think these nerds even get laid OP I see this question like everyday baha I've never heard about chick mentioning that she wanna be dominated or wanna be dominant or shit. And I've never said shit like that eigther, u just pick amd pound lmao those words are creepy

    • yah, at yr age it isn't much of a thing yet

  • Bdsm is just a game, I can enjoy it only with one woman , where the perversions are emotional before physical
    It's only about compatibility , we both understand it and want it
    Bdsm became popular cause it's cool to say you are into it, but in real most of these fans are not into it

  • Never read it, never plan on doing it.
    Masturbating is the most awkward time of the day.
    Just you and your computer screen. If you look at it from the outside it's almost ridiculous, no?

    • Nah... if it's a man I'm into, I *love* watching him pleasure himself. (And it's a quick study in EXACTLY what feels best to him, too -- all I have to do is copy whatever he's doing with my own hands, and then add some extra flourishes of my own, and... bam, instant perfect lover. I swear, girls are stupid if they don't take advantage of this. It's like an answer key to the boy's pleasure.) I wouldn't want to see it with some random dude... but, when you've got a girl who's into you someday, she'll like it.

    • Pardon my ignorance, but how hard can jerking a man off be?
      Just move up, move down, simple stuff.

      Yeah, well...
      That's both of us by the time a girl is into me :P

    • Manual stimulation is one thing about which boys are surprisingly particular. I mean, I don't know you, but I'm betting you have yr own preferred pressure, and tempo, and hand placement, etc... and you probably don't deviate from any of those things pretty much ever. In fact, if you are like most boys I know, you probably can't even use the other hand, because it will just feel *wrong*. And if you changed the pressure/tempo/placement much, that would ruin it too. Right?

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  • Nice take..
    I never read that though...

    • Thanks!

    • Welcome

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