A hint of truth to the “Men are heroes, and women are easy” adage

A great thought came to me due to a Mr Anonymous from my previous take of women getting sex much easier. (https://www.girlsaskguys.com/sexual-behavior/a21819-real-life-examples-of-how-women-utterly-annihilate-men-in-the-sex )

A hint of truth to the “Men are heroes, and women are easy” adage:

People generally complain that male sluts are regarded as “legends”, “hero’s”, “the man” and female sluts as “easy”, “loose”, “bear with wide canyon ha ha” etc. Basically, hooray for male sluts and boo-hoo for female sluts. This seems unfair. But…there is a hint of truth to it:

Again, I am all for both female and male sluts, BUT the reality is a girl can get sex so bloody easy versus a guy, that a guy deserves to be called a “legend” when he gets it. Any moderate-to-hot looking girl just has to be cool and spread her legs. Done.

A hint of truth to the “Men are heroes, and women are easy” adage

Men…well I don’t have to harp on about the challenges men face. Notwithstanding all the hoops men have to jump to win her heart (the usual checklist of having confidence, being well dressed, playing that fine line between nice and cocky, having some sort of humor, being cool, assertive, fun, saying the right things, timing, etc) men also have to outdo their male brothers who are going for the girls. Men have to “compete” and women are simply the choosers of who wins the competition. So yes, those few guys who do this well are damn legends and hero’s because they have somehow mastered something that the greatest of scientists could never get (need I remind everyone that Nicola Tesla died a virgin ha ha).

Whereas for a girl…it is easy. It’s like…just do your thing, be cool, and men will hit on you (or crush on you at least). Yes, some girls may have to gym and eat healthy, but that’s piss easy and guys have to do this too in the looks department. So I wouldn’t say a girl has to be “easy” in the sense that she will just sleep with whoever, but she has a far smoother and better road of choosing the type of guy she wants. And she at least has options. Even if she is introverted or shy, she just puts up an online profile and gets requests. Guys don’t have this privilege at all. To me a “Female Player” cannot exist, as any girl can do this successfully if she wants, and there is no “game”, it just is. Men have to play the game.

So in that sense, yes, generally men who manage to get lots of girls deserve their credit, because they can do wondrous things, whereas women who get sex…it’s like meh, whatever, nothing special to see here folks.

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  • I've personally known many guys who get lots of girls and don't try especially hard. Including some who were average and below average in looks, wealth, intelligence, etc... (though generally they were sleeping with partners of the same looks range). The "fat chicks" guys gripe on are usually sleeping with fat or less attractive guys, by the way, A few who have really pretty faces or are very bubbly may sleep with other guys, but it's not the norm.

    I think guys online overestimate some things:

    a) how often really hot guys want to sleep with average or below girls

    b) Top 20% What does that even men? Of all the men in the world? The statistic is totally made up or only movie stars, pro athletes, musicians, etc would get laid.

    c) Nikola Tesla likely could have married easily in his prime, but he had a quality of finding criticism and only seeking the ideal (an imaginary/impossible one, at that) that probably helped him scientifically, but also led him to idealize eugenics, for example.)

    I'm not saying the mansosphere thinking is completely without a kernel of biological truth, just that it's very exaggerated. Men desire casual sex more than women do, that's a fact for various reasons. But "most guys'" inability to get sex or attention whatsoever is largely a myth.

    What I do notice, is that dating/mating requires a social element that more guys than gals have trouble grasping (though some gals lack it too, I have an anime-obsessed, cosplay type cousin who fits the bill). I think it's due to the differences in the male and female brains. And even then, the guys could possibly get more sex than they realize (my cousin, for example had a huge crush on this similar guy to her but somehow they didn't manage to make it come to fruition).

    The issues is that these guys tend to only socialize with each other, both in person and online, so they don't necessarily learn any new habits and often blame others for their lack of success and make it out like an insurmountable hurdle. So nothing gets changed.

    I have sympathy for these guys, because I've known many who were fairly cool dudes with this socialization issue (my last boyfriend was an EE). I think it'd be better if there were resources outside of PUA style crap that is just manufactored to cash in on guys' hopes and fears, though.

    • PUA is the only hope for men. Saved me from the depths of virginity. Im not blaming anyone, Im not an online person. I am a relationship manager, do boxing, gym, music, and am always out. Bottom line, women get it easier.

    • 1% of men can knock up 100% of women, so female sexual worth is far higher than males see bateman's principle that's all that needs to be known a 1000:1 reproduction fitness ratio, 99%of men are superfluous to reproduction, sex is and will always be the female genders biggest asset and advantage

    • More PUA style advice could be actually helpful, is what I'm saying. The same goes for all "How to catch a man." crap. Or the "how to overcome fear of public speaking" or "how to lose weight fast" junk for that matter. The amount of truly helpful information out there compared to the crap is disappointing. Women may have an advantage towards getting causal sex (that we're not wired to want as much, for that matter), but that doesn't mean that no men (including average ones) ever get laid. It's not an all or nothing proposition.

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  • Yes, men get the short end of the stick when it comes to sex but that doesn't mean women should be vilified for it. That's the issue I have a problem with.

    • I don't vilify anyone. There is just some truth that women who sleep around are "easier" and men who do this are "legends"

    • A man can knock up 5 women in a day, but a women can only get knocked up once in 9 months, so you only need a small percentage of men to knock up all the women. A man will need a lot going for him to have the same potential sexual success as the average women. So male promiscuity is celebrated (because it's hard to do) while a women will just be considered a slut (because all she needs to do is open her legs). A man also doesn't know if a child is his while a women will always know, thus a promiscuous women is subconsciously seen as a risk that a man will waste his time and resources raising someone else's genes, it is a risk to male reproductive fitness. Also look up male michrochimernism (sperm from previous partners can influence your eventual offspring). I am not saying that we should shame women who sleep around, but be warned, it is an innate biological trait that sluts are devalued for long term commitment, so sleep around but don't cry when no guy will commit to you.

    • Men have the right to not want sluts, and almost all with a choice will chose the girl who has slept around less (for long term commitment), this is all biology, you can't have you cake and eat it too, female promiscuity will almost always have negative ramifications.

  • Lies. Males can get sex as easily too as long as he's attractive so gtfo

    • Utter crap! Please see my take that actually proves you wrong. And here is another thing to consider: what makes a guy attractive isn't always looks. It's power. Only a few select men (minority... some people give an estimate of 10% of guys and I have seen even 1% thrown out) of guys can get that which the majority of girls can get generally.

    • .. generally get;)

    • You are close minded and cannot see the forest from the trees. The truth is a bitch. For guys in this case.

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  • Well I get told I'm attractive but the men who approach me are usually unattractive and smell and look like druggies ew

    • At least you get approached. That's why it's easy for girls. You... vs druggies and smelly men:) you even used plural which means several guys got rejected.

    • But I don't get a lot of sex. I choose not to have sex with random men

    • That's the key my dear... you have CHOICE:) that's why it's easy for a girl. A guy can't choose, he has to make shit happen and when he does it well, he is a legend. Anybody who does anything well is a legend.

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