Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

First Off

This article is meant to be informative. I want to say before I even begin that, I Do Not agree with the treatment or view points towards the LGBTQ in the Midwest or anywhere that is discriminative or hurtful to them. I support the LGB and it's members.

I am writing this because I want people to understand how differently they are treated in the Bible Belt and throughout the Midwest in general, as compared to other places in America.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

By observations I've seen on GAG, I think people naïvely think, on the coasts or in larger cities, that views and acceptance on homosexuality are the same throughout the United States of America. I'm sorry to have to tell you guys but they are not. In fact in some places the treatment is horrible and even deadly.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

It's Dangerous and Can be Illegal

Travel advisories for LGBTQ members have been issued in five different states in the Midwest and South for years and years now. In three different states all in the Bible Belt not only is crossdressing frowned upon, it's actually illegal in some counties.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Individuals will be charged if caught crossdressing in public with attempting to impersonate a woman which is charged as a sex crime. Drag shows are illegal and gay bars just don't exist period.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Violence Toward Transexuals

Most homosexuals in rural areas of the Midwest can not even be openly gay becaues of the danger it imposes to their safety. Over 40 transexuals have been beat to death or killed already in the Midwest in the year 2020 alone. These crimes just do not make the headlines or national news, so most people are unaware of this huge problem still occuring.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Race or Age Is Not a Factor

Ages of these individuals who were killed ranged from 16-52 years old and were mostly men impersonating women. Race or age did not seem to make a difference in these horrible murderous crimes against transexuals in the Bible Belt.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere


2020 was the 22nd consecutive year that Democrats in the Missouri legislature have fought for the passage of the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act, or MONA, which would ban discrimination against members of the LGBTQ community. It was the 22nd consecutive year that the Conservative majority rejected the bill without even allowing a vote.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Did You Know?

In Missouri and Arkansas entering 2021 you can still be denied services, an apartment, or not hired for a job for who you are or who you choose to love without any legal recourse? It's true and it happens everyday.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

It's not okay that some people in the Midwest do not except and embrace the LGBTQ and the many wonderful members of its community.

Hopefully, in the future people will stop this crazy, violent, behavior and realize that their views towards homosexuality is horrible, unfair and just wrong.

I hope the Bible Belt will change it's views and understanding towards the LGBTQ community in the future.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere


Until that time comes please be aware not everyone is on the same page as you reguarding the rights and acceptance of The LGBTQ. It can be dangerous and unsafe for them in some places in America, sadly even today.

Thanks for reading everyone 💖....

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  • Do you accept that it is not everywhere? That makes you intolerant. Peace doesn't mean everyone must agree, but people civilly disagree. God gave human beings Free Will. You cannot be made to choose God, but can do so freely at your own accord. Not liking the consequences for not choosing God, does not change the consequences. Whether you are Gay, promiscuous, a criminal, or everyday unrepentant sinner you are going to Hell unless you repent and commit your life to Jesus. No one can make you do this, it's a choice. Not liking the changes it entails or benefits doesn't change them either. The root cause of All Human suffering is Sin. But like the song goes: "If We could Find A Reason, a Reason to Change". Jesus, lived, died, and rose again so we could change. He is the best reason to change.

    • Oh honey lol

    • You are not an accepting person, as seen through your use of diminutives. And yet you post this. A man does what is right in his own eyes. You are the source of intolerance as you seek as you refuse to suss out differing opinions and accept them. I have only to openly state the Truth, you can freely choose to accept it or ignore it. Though in the name of tolerance you refuse to. You are intolerant and unaccepting of the Truth. Do you honestly believe it's possible to remove freedoms to make things more free? You will hear ideas and the Truth in public you refuse to believe or hear, but that's life. Public schools do it, work does it, and communal gatherings do it. Public places come with this reward, but private property offer's solace. You've been on this earth 31 years and your still unprepared for differing opinions?

    • I'm bored with your judgement of a total stranger who wouldn't give you a second look I'm sure if I met you in public but thanks

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  • Personally I think religion is a load of bullshit. I think the Bible is highly worth studying but I don't believe God cares about sexuality. I believe God is simply an intelligent unformed substance that permeates the entire universe. And I believe we may call this substance Energy. I believe we are Gods manifestation and even if being gay was not perfect it is perfect as I am typing because that is the stage in evolution we are at. We are perfect for where we are right now as humans. Our final form may not have gay people or it may. But either way who tf cares. Gay people aren't any less than straight people. Worry about yourself. We have so many issues in our own heads and lives.

  • I personally don't care if someone is gay or not i can still be their friend and hang out with them, but i can't help it but look at them as mentally challenged people.
    As long as they are doing whatever they are doing away from our children, not influencing them, and teaching them it's normal, i'm totally fine with it.

  • well nobody is entiteled to be "accepted", so i don't even get what the problem is anway.

    • the problem is people are being murdered and openly shamed/mocked for their sexuality? OP isn't even calling for widespread acceptance, she's just saying it's bad that LGBT people don't have the same rights as straight people in some states and are killed/beaten for their sexuality

    • @nevernevernever even straight men don't have the same Rights as straight women. Men can't go one. a woman's restroom for example. Certain rights descriminate for good reason. And I see good reason to question if we should give trans and gay people certain rights when it comes to things like adoption of children for example.

    • @genericname85 🙂

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  • It's sickening how they are treated. As much as I disagree with the trans community, because it's become trendy, that is absolutely no reason to deny services, and hurt or kill them, same with the remaining part of the LGBT community.

    • Yeah dislike whatever murder is a different story

  • The bible clearly says that a man's nipples are meant for torture.

  • People exist.

  • No, differences of opinions are everywhere. But tolerance is in short supply, on all sides.

  • Who knew that decisions and lifestyles might have consequences. My personal solution is to make sure you have sharp enough claws that people know better than to fuck with you.

    Walk softly and carry a big stick.

    • For example, be gay, and an avid firearms enthusiast. Nobody will try to get violent with you lol

    • You my friend, are refreshingly right. Well done!

  • "Acceptance" aka persecuting anyone who doesn't celebrate the messed up gay lifestyle.

  • Owlee birdee you know it well that i'll never support such groups but for sure i won't hurt them or hate them cause they are humand but to come and preach to the people that they are the same like any other ordinary NORMAL people than i refuse it because we all knkw the facts that 1 man +1 woman = real love, real marriage, real sex, real family and real emotions!

    I don't have to support this community so that people can clap for me and likes me, no m'am! You better like me on my reality so you don't find my reality later after i finish acting!

  • It doesn't matter what part of the country you talk about. LGBTQ people bring the problems on themselves. I'm so sick and tired of this "oh poor me I'm a victim of mean white straight men" mentality.

    If you engage in minority sexual activity that's your business. I couldn't care less what consenting adults do for sex in the privacy of their own homes. It's none of my business. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO AND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT OR KNOW WHAT YOU DO. Shut up about it already! Stop with the public sex parades and flaunting your sexual life. WHO CARES? I'll leave you alone if you leave ME alone.

    Also, their problem is that they are not happy with TOLERANCE. They demand APPROVAL. You are entitled to tolerance BUT YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO APPROVAL.

    I am sick and tired of these Nazi thought police who try to force me to approve of their sexual life and then harass me if I don't. You don't have to approve of me and I don't have to approve of YOU. You don't have to agree with me and I don't have to agree with YOU. If you don't respect my view and stop harassing me for it and trying to impose your view on everyone, then don't expect any respect from me.

    This passive aggressive attitude from that community is repulsive. I don't hate the individuals who engage in these sexual behaviors, I hate the fact that THEY are the aggressors who attack ME and then complain that they are the victims. SHUT UP ALREADY... I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOOUT YOUR SEXUAL ISSUES!

    You want to know why so many people can't stand the LGBTQ stuff? This is why. This community brings it on itself. Shut up about your sexuality and have some respect for people who don't approve of it. Otherwise expect your mind control attacks to get push back and stop whining about it.

  • As some one who is lgbt, this comment section makes me hope for a nuke to land on us.

    • Yes I can’t stand GAG this is why I’m on other boards

    • Same, I expected way more lgbtq+ friendly comments, this just makes me want to punch someone

  • I respect people’s beliefs.
    If someone’s lgbt, I will not think less of them for it. I simply disagree with those beliefs. But no matter how respectful I state my opinion, I will get attacked for being a “hater”.
    That thoughtless swiftness to hatred through assumptions is what I have no acceptance for.

  • I worked on a military base with a girl who had transitioned from male, and as far as I could tell they weren't noticeably harassed.

  • As a Christian, here is my viewpoint.
    The Bible condemns the LGBTQ lifestyles (1 Corinthians 6:9,10) It says that such acts are shameful or obscene (Romans 1:27). The Bible also says that these people can change their lifestyles if they want to (Verse 11). They could not do this if they were hunted down and killed (Psalm 115:17). Besides, taking it upon oneself to hunt down and kill LGBTQ's for their lifestyles violates what the Bible says about observing the laws of the land (Romans 13:1-3).

    • I agree. What it does say is to be discerning. Ie. I do actively discriminate against gays. I would not be friends with them or hire them or allow them near my children when i have them. Its not really the gay sex thats the problem its the faggotry. The effeminate men and being proud that is the main issue. Im not proud to be straight. Im just straight. If you're proud to be gay you're promoting sin and being prideful. Disgusting sin doesn't make you special. Yet they prance down the street in sparkly thongs waving gay pride flags. Not acceptable. These kind of Gays also usually are promoters of all kinds of sin such as communism they are bad people. Now gays like Dave Rubin. You would never know he's gay. He is a normal man. Had his life generally in order. he's not out pressuring people and promoting sin. If he wants to have gay sex in the privacy of his home no big deal. Thats his personal sin to worry about. Not my business.

  • Generally speaking western societies are very open minded.

  • It's sad situation. But it's hypocrisy I find so ridiculous.
    They profess to be christian but they are not , it's just an excuse to get on to someone different..
    God doesn't hate gays he hates the way of life.. Cors 6:9-11...

  • Personally, as a religious person, I understand where those pics come from, they want to protect their kids from all this LGBTQ stuff so they don't go to hell, but it's honestly pointless, they're only delaying the inevitable, religion is bound to die at one point and you can't keep society on a rail for long no matter how hard you try even if you're a huge religious community.

    It's up to individual parents to raise their children in a protected, healthy, and safe religious environment if they don't want their child affected by this stuff, and that's their right, but most of them suck at it so they take it to the streets and protest while looking hateful and disgusting, giving off a terrible image of the entire religious community.

    I think such people should not necessarily support the LGBTQ, but just accept that it's there and that it's here to say, because that's logic, accepting reality, and if they're so hateful towards them why don't they feel comfort with their books that say all gay people will burn in hell?

  • this post gae

    • Awwsy

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