This is probably why a bunch of people are against legal prostitution. Then there would be even more of this situation happening.
Are you 100% sure you are clean of STDs?
Maybe you should go get that checked before you broach this topic. Like, get a doctor's record that proves it.
(And yes, you probably used condoms, but let's face it, there's a lot of foreplay and whatnot.)
Maybe you should find a couples counsellor and have them mediate this situation. This is going to be a tough one. Very tough.0 0 0 0We have had experiences together with escorts to explore our fantasies a few times. And I think the sex workers should be legal and protected. I’ve had regular std checks because I’ve also been trying to do some porn work.
Well so far so good. Who knows, maybe she won't be completely enraged about it, since you both went to escorts together. Maybe she's more evolved or open-minded than even you imagine. I doubt anyone here can give any very relevant advice to you about this. You seem to know more than the rest of us. She knows about the porn work too, right?
Haven’t told her about the porn work yet. I was recommended into it by one of the girls I go to see.
Why cheat when you can just leave? I'll never understand.
0 0 0 0I don’t want to leave her. I love her
I think seeing a marriage counselor is your best bet and there is no right away to tell your wife so you might as well just come out and tell her.
I’ve developed some sexual interests that she isn’t into exploring with me. I have a high sex drive. I love giving oral sex and she comes quickly when I go down on her then finds it hard to relax as I have quite a big penis. So oral has become scarce.
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Just tell her. There's no indirect way you can go in this. She has to know about it.0 0 0 0It’s just I’m into different sexual preferences to her so I go get my fix so I don’t get frustrated I love her and we have a good sex life together. I just have a lot higher sex drive
You can do all the things you want with those prostitutes. The thing is, your wife should know about this and be okay with it. If not, then you two need to reconsider your terms of relationship or act accordingly otherwise.
We’ve seen escorts a few times together but I have seen lots alone too.
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1 0“Hey honey I’ve been cheating on you with paid sex”.
0 0 0 0Better than an affair though.
It’s the same thing: cheating.
I do it so I don’t cheat on her. My sex drive is very high so I’m just exploring my fantasies and sexual needs alone because she isn’t into all the same things
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