Advice for vaginal masturbation

Hello dear lady friends! I thought I'd share my technique for vaginal masturbation because I noticed a good amount of women saying they don't normally get pleasure from it. When I first started masturbating vaginally, I didn't get pleasure either and I resorted to only clitoral. Even still, with my vaginal technique, I can ONLY orgasm from clitoral stimulation which I read isn't very unusual at all. That being said, vaginal still feels SO good and I don't get depressed after masturbating vaginally like I do clitorally. And I think it takes more time to masturbate clitorally than vaginally.

So here is what I do instead of just sticking something (soft) inside of me and pushing in and out, and I may be stupid for thinking you don't already know this but whatever.

Advice for vaginal masturbation

I use my ring finger and middle finger and do this motion inside of me. And it feels GREAT, way better than just shoving in and out. So, if you already knew this, sorry! I didn't figure this out until just a couple years ago and never see anyone talking about this technique. With love, lanadelrey25 <3

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