An argument against bathroom segregation, from a woman!

An argument against bathroom segregation, from a woman.

Google "Club1" in Savannah Ga. You'll see some pretty famous names from the Trans community, and it's a well-known gay bar and nightclub.

I used to visit the club every Thursday night in the early 2000's for the themed "Goth NIght". The club has 3 floors, and on Thursdays, the main dance floor was always an 80/20 mixture of mostly hetero male and female 18+ art students, and military.

There were no established "Men's" or "Women's" rooms. There were stalls, or urinals. The entire "stalls" bathroom, other than the space inside the stalls, could be seen from the doorway, which was always open. The straight men often used the "stalls" room for the safety of privatized wooden walls. I honestly feel that forcing the men to use the "urinals" room would have been unfair here, as they woudn't have felt comfortable in believeing that every man would be staring at their junk.

I'm straight myself, but I knew going into the bathrooms that someone in there might decide to stare, leer, or even physically flirt and grope me. The ONE time I ever felt that I may be in some kind of danger, it was another woman trying to kiss me, very aggressively. I was inside of a stall, sitting on the toilet with my panties around my knees, she forced the door open, and herself onto me. She was a drunk 30-something, at the time I was 19.

It was a man who stepped in to save me, as he was both strong enough to pull her off without hurting either of us, and he was allowed to enter the unisex restroom. A large man with long hair, a mountain man beard, and decked head to toe in leather Harley gear. He wasn't a bouncer, heck I don't even know if he was gay or straight! He was just a decent human being who tried to help someone in trouble. He called a cab for her, put her into it, and then he bought me a coke to try and help me feel better. I have never seen him since, as he was only a tourist passing through.

Bathroom segregation does not prevent or reduce the likelihood of rape or sexual harassment. Last time I checked, humans cannot see through bathroom stall walls. If you're inside the stall, not only can he not see you, you can't see him, not seeing you. If anyone is going into a bathroom to "get their perv on", they're inside a stall where YOU would have to be the one creepin to know what they are doing behind their closed stall door. The bathroom lobby is still a public area where it's ILLEGAL to "whip it out".

Rape, stalking, and harassment are a conscious choice; those who make that choice will still follow you into single sex bathroom to take what they want from you if they are already that skewed to make the choice to stalk and rape in the first place.

Bathroom segregation does not protect your sense of decency, modesty, respectability, or your moral compass. Your own choices do that. No one has any problems using the single bathroom at the jiffy mart, unless you don't use public facilities, so why do we need a second entirely separate room? I thought we were on a movement towards gender equality.

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What Girls & Guys Said

16 35
  • What on earth is a gender mixed restroom? If it means women may enter men's restrooms and vice versa, then that's ridiculous.

  • What ignorant drivel

  • If you're going to claim that being forced to use the restroom corresponding to the gender assigned at your birth is a form of segregation, you must admit the separating men and women's bathrooms in any way (regardless of whether the gender is biological or chosen) is segregation, and we shouldn't separate bathrooms at all for any reason ever.

    • That is what I believe.

    • I agree that all public restrooms should unisex with private stalls. That would be safer for everyone and make everything equal for all.

  • Serious people are crazy. In my country we always have 2 separate room, always. Cause it's embarrassing some people, you should respect them.

  • One you can goggle that a lot of assaults on women happen in unisex bathrooms. Second, you can see through the stalls the crack in the door lol. Thirdly gender isn't real , what you identify with other than your chromosomes is a belief system , a systems you are forcing up in people. Fourthly , gender identity doesn't have anything to do without sexuality. And lastly, the document about sexual assaults on females on campus talked about transmen being assaulted and raped in male changing areas and restrooms

  • I don't even like stalls. There's no privacy. I don't like other people to hear me pee or poop. I don't like to hear other people's either. Oh the good old days when each bathroom was a COMPLETELY closed area where you had privacy, and no one could peek to see the color of your panties. They put up stalls because it's cheaper. Now they want to force you to share with other gender people because it's cheaper. Gender equality? Just an excuse.
    We let transgenders alone because we felt everyone has the right to be whatever they want, whether we think it's justified or not. But if you try to get into our most private space, the bathroom, I will personally kick your ass! I left you alone, you leave me alone.
    Some places have a single bathroom in addition to the usual male/female ones so that a dad taking his daughter or a mom taking her son to the bathroom doesn't have to cross gender restrictions. It's called a "family" bathroom. Let every public place get one. We don't even have that many transgender people in one public place at the same time. Plus, the whole surgery and treatments are pretty expensive, I'm sure transgenders can afford a small bathroom fee tax at the time of surgery or registration. Then public places can receive a tax discount if they install a transgender bathroom.
    Personally I would pay to go to a private bathroom without stalls. Why should you be any different?
    Also, I won't go shopping in a store without separate public bathrooms. So, businesses, install a separate one or face losing business anyway.

  • And why are people arguing over where you'd take a dump?

    • I can't even do that in a public bathroom. I don't know how anyone can...

    • I can do it in a public restroom because it feels more anonymous. But I CAN'T do it at other people's houses. Lol.

  • One of the problems is that they want to get rid of urinals as women tend to see them as a waste of space, or in the case of feminists as sexist. They have even banned boys in some places from peeing standing up. No one should be telling us how we are allowed to pee.

    Women's restrooms are also way dirtier than men's restrooms. A lot of women do this hovering thing in public restrooms when they pee or crap and miss the toilet way worse than any guy ever would. Often it goes all over the toilet, floor and wall. Then as a guy you will be expected to sit down in her shit, just so you can pee instead of using the urinal. Meanwhile you have to smell those tampon trashcans in the stall.

    Likewise you will have more men and women being hurt. It will be much easier for men to take sexual advantage of women. It will also be easier for men to be falsely accused of a sex crime.

    Even in dormitories and such both men and women were safe while they were separated. As soon as they are grouped together that is when all sorts of allegations about sexual abuse starts popping up. Regardless of which gender you want to believe the fact is undeniable that people are hurt by it. That could be prevented by simply keeping them apart like any sane person would.

    Remember in the cultures where people are talking about women and men sharing bathrooms, the feminists in those countries are so insane they are actually trying to ban men from sitting in a way that doesn't crush our testicles. The feminists here are so sexist they will take this too far, and use it as an excuse to hurt and control men.

  • My university dorm had originally had a men's building and a women's building. At the time i went there, they'd designated one floor in each building mixed. The bathrooms were large, shared bathrooms. It was not feasible to separate them. So our bathroom was a huge big mixed bathroom (and showers!). They got rid of the urinals - they're useful in a high traffic area like a nightclub because they speed things up, but in this case, they simply had more stalls, and the showers were also stalls.

    Given that stalls lock, what's the problem? We can wash our hands together, surely?