Anal vs Vaginal SEX, is there a preference?

Anal vs Vaginal SEX, is there a preference?

There are lots of posts about anal sex, and sex in general. Is there a preference for anal vs vaginal... PIA vs PIV sex?

Let's find out in this poll. Please vote below.

ANAL is preferred
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VAGINAL is preferred
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NO PREFERENCE, each is good
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Both are great but anal has some advantages, the most obvious being birth control.

    Anal is tighter around the opening, and that feeling of my dick being squeezed at the base when I'm balls deep in her ass is something the vagina doesn't offer.

    Anal is deeper because there's no cervix to bump into.

    The inside of her ass is velvety smooth, which is different from her vagina, which has more texture. It's not better or worse, just different.

    Watching a woman orgasm while your fucking her in her ass is super hot.

    But I don't necessarily prefer anal over vaginal. Both have a starring role in our bedroom.

  • Vaginal sex is always number 1 with me. I like anal sex but if she doesn't like it I'm perfectly fine with skipping it

    • Thanks for the mho

Most Helpful Girls

  • If you HAVE a vagina, this is generally what vaginas are designed for. If you DO NOT have a vagina, some men use anuses.

    However, an anus is an exit, not an entrance. It can be used in that manner, but damage to it from using it as an entrance, can result in later problems that NO ONE wants to have: anal incontinence, tears in the thin anal tissue. Also, the anus is an easier venue for STDs because it is easiiy damaged.

    For this reason, I don't think it's worth the trouble. The vagina feels great used as designed. The anus does not compare.

    • Can you feel pleasure from vaginal intercourse alone?

    • @arohi20 Of course. This is why there are so many people on earth!

    • @Screenwriter But, Many google articles and gynaecologist says that, inside of vagina doesn't has any nerve endings to feel pleasure.. It is really true?

    • Show All
  • Vaginal is best of course.

    But Anal can enhance vaginal pleasure for me. I love doing DP.

    • Do you orgasm from vaginal intercourse alone?

    • @arohi20 yes, I can orgasm from receiving oral sex too, but it is best with fingers in both holes.

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What Girls & Guys Said

12 16
  • I voted vaginal. Not only is vaginal preferred, but it is my only preference. The anus is not nor was it ever created for sexual connection.

  • anal you can feel everything better and guys love to cum inside you where vaginal it's in a condom.

    • Being able to cum inside is one W but yeah otherwise vaginal in my opinion

  • Vaginal. Anal is a dealbreaker

    • I wouldn't even want to date a dude whose fcked someone there before. I’d never wanna suck it or nothing. i’d always cringe at the thought

  • Both are good but vaginal is supreme.

    Sex is like wine, if you only insist on drinking champagne you deny yourself the pleasure of a fine claret.

  • Will always be vaginal sex and not a chance that it will ever be anal!