Are British girls used to smaller penises?

I'm American, and I travel to the UK on a regular basis for my work in finance. I've been with three British girls sexually since I started traveling there. All three have commented that I have a large penis, that I'm at significantly bigger than the guys they've been with in the past. I've never considered myself that big, though. Girls have mostly been happy with my size in the US, but only a few have said I was big. Are girls in the UK used to smaller penises?
+1 y
Okay, some of you need to cool it. I asked an innocuous question, and I didn't ask for vitriol against Americans, so you will be banned if that's all you bring.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Just a question for the asker, I don't know why you feel so offended and involved in this argument. I said American men were cool overall. Yes I find certain accents annoying from the people I've met. But I am also a genuine fan of the American accent.

    Honestly though some Americans on my uni sound like they're purposely exaggerating their accent. Thats quite irritating.

    Everything else I did was state facts about the healthcare in America to someone who made an ignorant statement and made out that going to the gym is completely unheard of in the UK.

    • By the way I really didn't make any fake account for God's sake. So get over that as well. Again I don't know why you feel so apart of all this. You're clearly offended since you wanted me to leave earlier.

    • I don't know you and don't have an issue with you personally, but the anti-American stuff is unnecessary and trite. That's what got my attention. You have your right to your opinion, but I also have a right to call it out for being bigoted. I love British girls and British people in general, just to say for my own sake. They have mostly been decent to me and haven't given me grief for my accent or for other parts of being an American. I will continue to like them even though apparently it's annoying for me to speak or because some think otherwise ill of we Americans.

    • What did I say that was anti American though? That's my question. I legit have nothing against Americans

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  • Nope. I’ve been with a mixture of guys who have been on the bigger side and some on the smaller side.

    Some Americans are irritatingly loud. Well the American students were at my university.

    • Loud? lol that's a new one. I think Americans are some of the quietest people on Earth, based on my travel experiences.

    • Maybe it was just the American students at my university then.

    • What I don't get is, how were they loud? Were they just randomly shouting at all times as they were walking across campus?

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What Girls Said

  • I prefer uncircumcised penis though.. don't know about size

    • Lots of American men are uncircumcised, but that wasn't my question.

    • I don't know how to answer your question. Lol. I haven't seen that many penises.

  • Yeah

  • Not that I've noticed. My ex boyfriend was American, and he was big but it wasn't a huge difference to what I've seen already.

    • You're a troll account, so you're banned.

    • Just how exactly are you going to ban me? And you think I'm a troll because this is the second question I've answered on GaG. Well this is an experience to remember

    • Guess I won't be getting MHO

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  • I've noticed that American guys are bigger on average. I find American guys kind of annoying, but I also think they're generally sexier than British guys.

    • No ew... British guys are better

    • Naaah. In my opinion guys from here (UK) are better. American guys are cool but I've met some Americans in uni and *some* have the most irritating accent ever.

    • @anniisa a lot of British guys have horrible accents, to be fair. I like most of them, but American guys are sexier on average. Most British guys don't even lift weights or work on their bodies at all.

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  • No.
    We used big also.