Are you for or against sex work?
I do sex work I also have a regular career and an education past college. So no one really knows or would think I do which is fine I’ve been doing it since I was 18. Most older guys think I look like a teen and get off on that but whatever and most are married. Some tell me about their kids being like the same age as me which I find weird. Then there’s some horrible request.
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What Girls & Guys Said
27 59do what u want but remember this, respect is earned, and not by suckin cock
Duh, if it pays your bills and makes you happy, but you need a plan b because this can never lasts for ever.
It pays bills. Yea I know
Does it pay better than, say, working fast food?
Never worked in fast food but I’m assuming so...
All depends on what your willing to do... fast food is minimum wage.
Yeah. I'm wondering how it pays compared to the same amount of time working minimum wage. Both are just placeholders before finding a job to live off reliably.
I have a career and I work like a normal person Monday through Friday. Not sure I don’t do it every single day or even week
Then you are well covered 👍🏻
Against. Here is another girl who ruined herself. What man who is attractive and had his pick would choose you now? Sorry but not only you fucked all these men but you fucked yourself too.
I don’t actively say I’m a sex worker to anyone no one knows and I plan on keeping it that way. I haven’t dated because I don’t cheat. But ok
What sort do you do?
I'm fine with sex work - provided its all consensual and no one gets exploited.
Supply and demand. It's been going on for thousands of years. As long as you are safe and enjoy what you are doing! There could be some long term psychological issues to consider that could impact your future serious relationships but that is really just a guess on my part.
For. It doesn't hurt me.
I don't mind, as long as you really choose it and no one forced you. I wouldn't date a sex worker, but I haven't nothing against them or their job.
As long as there's nothing illegal, and the person is doing it willingly, and safely, I have no problem with it.
I’m for it. I admire your entrepreneurial spirit
gotta get cash somehow
Against it because people can use it whenever they felt.
I think if done professional and checked , in a Facility, blood work so people can be safe.
Well that’s more regulated in porn shoots I’m not into porn. I use protection for anything
Most guys will get annoyed or attempt to pay more to not use one but I’m not interested
I think like a brothol.
Yeaaaa I’m not in a brothel either. I do my own having someone under you like that is how you get taken advantage of and used in my opinion especially fees
Hey government don’t like compaction.
against it. i wouldn't look twice. i can't be with someone who screws for cash.
I'm all for it!
What are the horrible requests?
Anything that involves violence, rape fantasy, bringing a friend, fisting, calling me derogatory names... to name a few
That’s horrible!
Not against sex work at all, if its your profession be it that way but do it responsibly by performing safe sex (condoms) , maintaining proper hygiene
I feel like it varies if we together it might become an issue eventually but if we're just having some fun on the side or if I just work with you of course sex industry is great there's been many a time when I wish I had a set of titties and ass that I could go shake on the stage or in a bedroom for some extra cash...
i'm not agaisnt it
If it's all you're capable of then I guess it's better that you can. As for morals, I think it's fine, as a consumer I don't bother investigating all of the stuff going on bts.
I think it's fine. I do it just to make extra money for Christmas and stuff.
I understand
I mean, I don't think it should be illegal. It's just very gross and I don't want anything to do with sex workers on a personal level. In other words, I'm comfortable with the knowledge that it exists in my society, but I would like to never have to actually come in contact with it in the real world.