Are you happy with your body/looks right now? Why/why not? What do you want to work on more if any?

5 3

Most Helpful Girls

  • Honestly? I recently had my 5th child. Ha. Right? 4 were 2 sets almost back to back. Kids are 16, 6,5,18 mo and 2 mo. Now, I am 36, I know I am not my young 20 something self nor aspire to be. However, I am not dead or giving up on the best version of me. I will say I still have same/similar form, great body shape, and good muscle tone. Measurements are still at my 20's or better (I do work hard for it!). However, as you age, skin elasticity gives a bit, breasts tend to point more downward, and it all just doesn't feel as tight as it once did. I am not fully happy with my looks, but as a woman, I think we are hard on ourselves and it is more mental. I am proud of my family and this body that helped created it. I'd say I want to work on being more confident and proud of my body.

  • I am so slim. I want more curves.

    • u should be happy philipinian girl.. skinny is much better than fat 😜

Most Helpful Guys

  • Mostly happy with my external self. I need to work on my upper body strength and build out my chest and shoulders more. I’ve got low body fat and solid definition but just need a little more size. Being an ectomorph body type doesn’t help either.

  • I need a better haircut and to gain more muscle. Other than that, I'm fairly content.

    • Thanks for MHO!

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19 29
  • I may have lost my toned figure after 3 babies. And if I didn't have a busy routine, I probably would have focused on getting a six-pack.. I mean, abs look hella attractive in women.

    • Yes but being a good mom is hella more attractive 💕

  • For the most part yes, but I’d like to lose some tummy and thigh fat. Which I am actively working towards. Ontop of my usual gym routines that I’ve been doing since March, I’ve started going for runs around a field close to my house, and I’ll spend about an hour walking, running and resting. Aswell as using a skipping rope at home.

    • Good for you!

  • I'm happy enough with my body as it is, I do dislike my hip dips - but they're there to stay. Working on gaining a little weight but that's because I desire to be healthy.

  • No I have always hated how I looked even skinny.. at this point in life I have just given up I don't really care anymore.. it is what it is.. But I am happy in myself I just don't like my outer cover..

  • I'd sure like to hear back from the doctor about my gallbladder situation. If I can get it out, I can get my life back.