Are you more attracted to alpha females or beta females?

The beta female is the girl who graduated high school but doenst have a real career. She has a place but it isn't a home. She jokes around and has fun but isn't exciting.

The alpha female may not look like a model but she knows how to dress. She knows she has to stay in shape, and eats salad. She went to an important university and has a career. She's single but knows how to attract people.
+1 y
I like alpha females.
+1 y
Females who are taken can't be alpha. A big part of a female being alpha is her availability, but not in a slutty way.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Just stop with the crap term it’s bollox in the extreme.

    even if it was a thing, your interpretation is wrong.

    Females who are taken can't be alpha. A big part of a female being alpha is her availability, but not in a slutty way. if a girl is a Domme or even just dominant in bed, she can be married and would still be in control.
    outside of the bedroom, she may be the higher wage earner, she may be an engineer married to an office worker with zero technical skills and she has to do the guys home maintenance stuff.

    I mean FFS an Alpha is someone that eats salad….😂😂😂😂

    • Yes she eats salad

  • There are alpha females much better than the one you describes. So I say neither. I'm a sucker for super extraodinary alpha females.

    • You can't be too exclusive. My definition isn't of a two bit hoe that shakes her ass for small time cash. She's self respecting and accomplished with good manners. That'a alpha.

    • I agree that she is alpha but there are greater alpha's than that.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I prefer an Alpha Female

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 5
  • Neither. Just normal, down-to-earth, monogamous, heterosexual women. The Alpha Female will probably leave your ass for Elon Musk or someone, anyway.

    Are you more attracted to alpha females or beta females?
  • Can we please stop with this BS? That shit is cringey af.

    • Whats your zodiac?

    • none of your fucking business :)

  • Here we go again with the alpha/beta BS...

    • You sound like a beta

    • well since we’re playing this game I’d say I’m more alpha than you at least...🤡

    • Im an omega 😌

    • Show All
  • I'm attracted to females with a brain.

  • Alpha female, of course.