Asked my boyfriend to jack off with my panties?

We were having sex and I asked him if he'd do that, cum in them, then give them back to me and he said yeah. Why the fuck did I ask this? It's so embarrassing and I'm mortified rn. I feel so fucking weird.
+1 y
To be clear, him and I are already in a bdsm relationship together so me suggesting something weird isn't new. But I'm embarrassed because I looked it up online shortly after I suggested it and I couldn't find any girls that said the same thing as me. That's why I'm embarrassed! I feel so alone on this topic
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Most Helpful Guys

  • To be honest I think that is so fucking sexy and you for sure should not be embarrassed at all! True, I don't think I've ever heard of a girl asking for that but that's what makes it so unique and incredibly sexy. Im honestly interested in why exactly that turned you on and you wanted him to do that... Like If you had asked me I would have done it and been so curiously turned on to see what you did with it! Thank you for making my day and being unique. you are for sure a good catch!

  • Why are you so embarrassed about it? It's a consensual thing between you and your boyfriend. It's not like you asked some random guy to do it. I think you are being a bit too self conscious about something that happened in the heat of the moment.

    • Cause it's a weird ass question

    • It's not that weird to be honest. Stick around on GaG for a while and see how weird some of these people are. They'll make you feel very normal indeed.

    • Well I'm glad it isn't weird. I've heard of guys using their gfs panties to jerk off with but not with the girls wanting it. I felt so odd and alone

Most Helpful Girls

  • Don't worry it's happened to me. You're just glad he likes your scent and so on

  • You loved the idea during the moment. I am sure he found it pretty hot.

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  • Everyone has their own kink. But the way he reacted, i think he is either immature or your relationship is not that mature yet.

    Next time, he says something , ypu also give the same reaction. Sweet revenge, and he will have a taste of what its like to be embarrass during sex. But laugh it off after some time.

    • What do you mean? All he said was "yeah I will"

    • Okay.

  • Hi Anonymous: I don't think you should worry about your behaviour on that occasion, when some people are turned on they tend to lose their mind a little. I am pretty sure that it was a one-off. Sex does make some people go a bit crazy sometimes. Just to finalize this comment, if you take the matter into your own hands, I am sure you will cum to a conclusion.

  • Because you thought it would be kinky? I mean what else could it be. As for being mortified I don't think you have a reason for it, guys tend to be forgiving and even enjoy a womans kinks (as long as its stays between them and doesn't involve others obviously) so I would say fuck it. He is almost certainly cool with it (especially if you have a kinky reason why, then that would just be a turn on for him.

  • Don't be embarrassed. It's perfectly normal to experiment like this as long as you're not forcing the other person to do something they don't want to. You're mortified because you're being conscious about it and not used to doing something like that possibly

  • maybe it happened in the heat of the moment