Attractive Hunk Is going to marry his sex doll, thoughts?

Attractive Hunk Is going to marry his sex doll, thoughts?
A lot of people automatically assume that fat, ugly, unattractive, no game type men are the ones having relationships with sex dolls. It’s not...
I think 2020 is the beginning of Men’s EVOLUTION. The human race will find a way to survive and procreate in the future... I think real women will just be replaced, and I don’t mean it in a hurtful way to women..
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Most Helpful Girls

  • As a libertarian I support people's rights to have sex dolls. It can even be seen as a good thing by giving undesirable men who don't have the social skills to obtain a romantic relationship a chance to let off steam and if they are able to, have a "fulfilling relationship" through an inanimate object.


    Don't diss women and act like its better to have a sex doll trying to make it something to be proud of and not sad. Like, if it makes you happy to fuck a silicon toaster cool but don't say women are shit, or too dumb to see your non-existent "brilliance" when in reality, you're probably an anti-social douche who resents women and can't score with them because there's nothing appealing about you as a person. And don't try to convince me that you don't feel lame when you're brushing a dolls hair for hours, or that you feel cool and not pathetic after cleaning the cum out of your silicon fuck toaster.

    • Really? I find it extremely creepy.

    • @MillieBrunette Did you even finish reading the second part lol?

    • Yes, and dont take that rude tone with me neither.

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  • Whatever makes you sleep at night. Most people will still procreate and have happy relationships with other people, no matter how much you try to push this narrative.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Dude, I hate that shit. Like... Who's that fucking stupid that they marry plastic? What a dipshit. Just as bad as the women who married a tree, or the one that married herself. Just screams "I'm a lonely bitter loser and I need to announce it to everybody else."

  • The angry bitches say its ugly fat men but in honesty its men in general who are tired of the female entitlement bullshit.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 2
  • lol what's the point of marrying a sex doll? But yeah women have almost before insufferable, to the point dolls are starting to look like a decent alternative.

  • I hope they're very happy together.

  • that's just pathetic

  • Can I marry my IPad? That's the future of men... Sorry...

  • Who's attractive in the pictures?