Bisexuality Is a Myth

I don't believe there are any true bisexuals. Yes, each gender can have sexual relationships with both genders, but that alone doesn't cut it. Women seem to be the most receptive to bisexuality, and it seems a greater percentage of women experiment sexually with each other than men do amongst each far.

Bisexuality Is a Myth

But at some point, that experimental phase ends and women usually choose a side (or a team) once and for all.

Men, on other hand, don't experiment with each other to the extent women do. If they are indeed having sex with both genders concurrently, it's most likely a hidden and furtive thing. I usually see this in situations where the man feels ashamed about his attraction for males (usually due to family upbringing or living in a conservative place) so he dates women and has sex with women just as a cover to appear 'normal' to everybody else in his community. But while doing this, he sneaks around and has a totally double life seeing men on the down and low. The man is actually gay, but for a period of time continues to have sex with women to "keep up appearances."

So, at the end of the day, people are fundamentally either gay, or they are straight, but not a mixture of both. You can't play for both teams forever, gotta choose a side.

Bisexuality Is a Myth
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22 38
  • This is so ignorant it's hard to know where to begin. How about you take a few minutes to inform yourself of the basic facts before posting something attacking an entire group of people.

  • There is literally no evidence to your claims. You have one narrative that follows this weird logic which carries no solidity at all. Neurological diversity is a thing, and people differ on a spectrum in regards to many facets of life. It's not that black and white. My girlfriend is sexually attracted to other women.

    That's not a myth. She has actually engaged in sexual behavior with other women before me and will often agree with me on how I look at women. That's not a myth and my girlfriend isn't the only one in the world who is like this.

    You can't validate your point on this premise of "you're wrong and I'm right.". That's absolutely ridiculous. The fact is that she is sexually attracted to men and women. That's literally all it comes down to lmao. I usually don't condescend or mock people when engaging in debate on takes but this is just fucking hysterical lol. You're welcome to rebuttal.

    • Your girlfriend is straight. Of course people can have sexual relations with anybody they want. Likely, sooner rather than later, your girlfriend will settle down and prefer sex with men only. People grow up and pick a team. My hunch is her team will be the Straight Shooters.

    • Okay, let's consider that then. Let's consider the fact that she very well might be going through a phase of life in which she is attracted to both men and women. What does that make her as of right now today? Bisexual right? As of right now, she is attracted to men and women. That matches and fits the criteria of bisexuality.

    • What does that make of her right now? I would call that dabbling, or experimenting, or having fun in the moment via instant gratification. Or just being young and seizing the day. She could also be searching or figuring things out for herself. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion and label it bisexuality for now and through eternity.

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  • I would talk about how wrong you are but many people have done it for me already

    • Yeah, and you have all the answers in the world at age 18. Figured it all out.

    • And do you know about all the new things at age 41? and do you accept those new things? you don't seem very openminded to me.

    • I really try to keep an open mind. I'm always searching for the truth. I don't want to be wrong for one second longer than I need to be. Discussions like this help me sort out my thinking and to articulate better arguments. Always a work in process. I wish you the best.

  • We don't "chose sides", when we find someone we like, we stay with this person, i don mean if we break up we will look for someone with the same sex that the EX... we have to be loyal to your partner, if you're not in a open relationship...

  • The Kinsey scale puts 80% of all PEOPLE as having at least SOME bisexuality 10% of people gay and 10% of people straight. People do choose their mates of choice, and usually stick with it but that doesn't mean that their isn't at least some part of sexual attraction for the opposite choice for MOST people.

    The other part of the problem is that homosexuality is at least somewhat culturally acceptable for women, yet not for men. Therefore you find more gay experimentation in women then men. Not due to lack of interest but fear of social repercussions on men's part. This was all established by research in the 70's.

    • This is well written. I'm not sure if I concur with you, but at least you stated your case concisely and without adding personal animus or name calling. Appreciate it!

    • People don't want to face reality? Yeah, I think I agree with you.

  • I disagree. I've talked to over 8 guys on here who r bisexual. It's acceptable if it's normal for u.

    • Pick 8 random guys from your local supermarket and ask if they're bisexual. Or 8 guys from work. You will get far different results.

    • Because your sample size is too small. The majority of men are straight and the majority of women are straight. If you picked 8 random guys who work in flower shops, you're results will look like half if not more of the guys will be gay.

  • Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar were bisexual. So was Michelanelo and so are and ere many well known people. But if you think they didn't exist , you're free to think that. :D

    • They lived in a completely different cultural environment that cannot be compared to the modern world. Relationships and ideas of love were completely foreign to how we view them today.

    • Thus , in you idea, human nature changed since? Google "bisexual celebrities" then.

    • Yes... relationships have changed dramatically since the times of Alexander and Julius Caesar. Plus these were men with enormous power, and their proclivities cannot be compared to the common person. Likewise with modern celebrities... don't you think they would only gain some extra 'buzz' by proclaiming themselves bisexual? It adds to their celebrity mystique.

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  • I wish there were dislike buttons for myTakes.

    • Homosexuals and bisexuals are "trick of nature", they are here for control the over population, I'm not sure if that trick even works, since they're trying to make babies with help of new technology (specially lesbians),... and bisexuals... they don't even have a specific "orientation" like straights or gays do, they play the both straight and gay side time to time being based on their preference!, since most women are like to play the gay side... you're no different either and hate this take is acceptable. lol

    • There is... just hit the thumbs down button up above, right under the text from MyTake.

  • I married a woman, and I don't wear my bisexuality on my sleeve, so many assume my being heterosexual, but I frequently find myself attracted to men as much as I am to women. I remember when I questioned whether I was gay or straight when I was in a relationship with my first boyfriend. I definitely was physically attracted to him, but I was also attracted to women, to be sure.

    When I see a good looking man, I feel the same way as when I look at my wife or another attractive woman, sexually speaking. I know it's hard to understand, but it's just who I am.

    • Thank you for sharing this... and particularly with a sense of goodwill and mutual respect. As you can see, others were not so kind... but I understand if they felt I was negating their sexuality. Anyways, cheers.

  • You've obviously never met an actual bisexual and you're not a bisexual yourself. What gives you the right to say so? You don't have a psychology degree of any kind. You're just some punk kid making up your own version of science.

    • A punk kid... I wish ! I'm 41 years old! Lol.

    • No, you're a kid. You write like a kid and your take is like a kid.

    • But a good writer also knows his audience, and writes for his audience. I try to Keep It Simple Stupid because hey, this is the internet.

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  • You can call me a heterosexual or a homosexual all you want but will not change the fact that I am a bisexual. I am attracted to both guys and women. I have also had sex with both. I bet since I have a girlfriend you would say I have chosen to be heterosexual. Why. Do you think bisexuality is a myth, fake, fiction? I came to the conclusion that I am bisexual when I was 13 and i am 34 now. Why do you think that bisexuals will have to pick a side?

    • It's almost like an entitlement issue. "Why aren't I allowed everything on the menu? This is a free country, why should I have to choose this or that? You can't make me do it ! I want to keep all my options on the table forever and ever. " Never before in the existence of humanity could people afford to be so wishy-washy.

    • @MovesLikeJagger What is your point?

    • In the last five years, have you mainly had sex with women, with men, or roughly the same amount per gender?

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  • There are people who sleep with both men and women. We have chosen to refer to them as bisexuals. Hence it's no myth. Stop you internal dialogue.

    • I have lived for 41 years and have never met a bisexual. And it's not because I live in rural Wyoming, or have zero friends, or believe in a backwards religion or fascist ideology. I was born and raised and continue to live in perhaps the most liberal area of the United States, and home to a huge population of LGBTQ, etc. I have friends from all different backgrounds. Not a bisexual in the bunch. Not even a friend of a friend. Sure, a few who went through 'phases' in their lives and dabbled around. But they ultimately found themselves again.

  • I think it can be true for women, but very, very rare for men. in fact plenty of staright and gay men, agree that its not possible to be bi.
    but what do I know,,

    anyway , I feel bad for girls stuck with a guy who secretly likes men.
    I mean your gonna have to take a dick inside you, that was in another dudes ass

  • Bisexuality is homosexuality, any way you slice it. So, therefore, it must not exist. A myth for weasels

  • No, some people feel attracted to both genders. Men too.

  • lol click bait

    • Hey, blame it on GAG. They promoted it. Lol.

  • Homosexuals and bisexuals are "trick of nature", they are here for control the over population, I'm not sure if that trick even works, since they're trying to make babies with help of new technology (specially lesbians),... and bisexuals... they don't even have a specific "orientation" like straights or gays do, they play the both straight and gay side time to time being based on their preference!

  • You don't understand the difference between preference and orientation

    • Interesting reply. Please expand if you have the time or inclination. Thanks.

    • It doesn't matter if they chose a side and/or far prefer one gender to the other, they would still have a degree of sexual attraction to both which is the very definition of sexual orientation (being straight, bisexual et.).

  • meh kinda dumb

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