Can I get arrested if my kids friend send me dick pics on IG / snap?

1 1

Superb Opinion

  • If he's underage and you keep the pics, that's child pornography and you can be arrested, convicted, and have to report as a sex offender for the rest of your life. Why is he sending you dick pics?

    • he wants me

Most Helpful Guy

  • I don’t think so but It could be misunderstood as child lien if you still have it and some one see it.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 19
  • Sounds like an attorney question.

    • so find a lawyer?

  • Tell them to their parents first that what the hell their kids are doin on Insta

    • okay.

  • If they are underage and u do nothing about it yeah

    • what should i do report them?

  • Possibly

  • How old is the kid?