Catfish and How to Spot Them...

By popular demand, I am going to share my #catfish spotting tips. I'm always happy to share these on an individual basis, by private message, but I thought, owing to the volume of requests I'm now getting, it might be worthwhile to put some thoughts down, so everybody can access them...

What is a catfish?

What is a catfish?

Catfishing is a type of deceptive activity where a person creates a sock puppet social networking presence, or fake identity on a social network account, for attention seeking, bullying or as a romance scam.

So, it's not just a guy pretending to be a girl, which is, I think, its most common use in G@G parlance... instead, it's anybody who creates a fake persona, for the purposes of deception, which is rather broader than many people tend to think...

Why does it matter?

Fundamentally, G@G is a Questions and Answers site. So what is the use of getting the opinion of a 39 year old man, who is pretending to be a 17 year old girl. Absolutely none whatsoever.

You can ignore them, assuming you can spot them, but what if you can't spot them, as many people clearly cannot? Then they're fed an entirely warped version of what a 17 year old girl is actually like.

If they're from a part of the world where interaction between the genders is highly regulated, then they think it's OK to ask real teenagers to send them intimate pictures or chat to them about sexual subjects.

If they're a single father, raising a daughter on his own, how the hell is that fair on either him or the daughter?

Just two examples, but I'm sure you can understand my position here.

How can you spot them?

1. Their pictures.

Reverse search any images of 'themselves' they may have up. Some of them think they've been clever by using those of celebrities who are unknowns in the English-speaking world, but this one will catch them out nearly every time.

2. Their G@G personality.

Generally, a catfish will only post in Sexual Behaviour, and this is normally the only topic they ask about, too. Once in a blue moon, you might get one who will answer in other categories, to try and 'flesh out' the fake persona, but their answers in such categories tend to lack depth, and feel somehow "one dimensional"? They'll certainly lack insight, if they try and do something which requires a greater degree of knowledge about a non-Sexual Behaviour subject, as a rule of thumb.

They also never seem to have much of a backstory, and are often very guarded about giving anything away about these sorts of subjects. Watch them fuck this kind of thing up, because once a person starts lying, they tend to forget precisely which bullshit they've told to which person. They almost inevitably get themselves into a mess, like this.

3. Their followers.

A G@G profile that is female, but which follows hundreds of other female profiles, and no male ones, is highly unlikely to be a real girl. In order to appear 'popular' a catfish profile tends to amass hordes of Level 1 and Level 2 followers, who then quickly lose interest in the site, never to be seen again. These followers tend to, once again, be people who are only interested in Sexual Behaviour questions and answers, and rarely, if ever, post elsewhere.

4. Their blunders.

If attempting to portray a female persona, a man will typically fuck up in any number of the following ways. He will not understand basic female anatomy, or be unable to accurately answer questions about 'female' subjects, such as bra sizing, or menstruation. Some of his attempts to do so will be hilariously off the mark.

He will also screw up by talking about sexual subjects in what is, to my mind at least, a transparently 'male' way. It's all about gang bangs, lesbianism, bisexuality, anal sex etc. I'm not claiming that women who are interested in such things do not exist, but they do not talk about them in the same way that a man does.


Most catfish aren't very good at what they do. Occasionally, you'll find one that's the exception to this rule, but it's pretty uncommon. Always trust your gut.

If you've got any catfish spotting tips that you think I've not covered off in this Take, please feel free to share them, too. As @ThePundertaker would say "It's a public service".

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What Girls & Guys Said

16 16
  • Perfection

    • Fascinating

    • @Wowgirl10q why thank you

  • Nice take. You've said they rarely stick around long enough to amount much Xper status. But what of the few that make it to say, Level 8? What's the deal with those?

    Also, the italics make it a little too hard to read, in my opinion.

    • It's pretty rare that they stick at it long enough to get that high, but lately, I've noticed a few that have. Thanks for mentioning this. I think it generally results from either being here for a very long time, OR having a short period of intense usage. Rare, though...

    • That tiara looks familiar, by the way...

  • I once ate a catfish

  • Solid take. Also pink users who use a full name (e. g. Abigail Fucksalot) as their username are never girls.

    • Good observation, yes.

    • Might need to post that one, again, mate?

    • I went through the trouble of opening it in Paint, saving it, and uploading it to Imgur all for you to just find a different meme 😭😭😭😭

    • Show All
  • I do not care if they are a catfish. It is whatever

    • Given all the catfish profiles you operated at the time I wrote this Take, it's not exactly surprising that you'd seek to downplay the whole thing.

  • Dude, are you a catfish? Seems like you are hiding something lol

  • I'm a catfish